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Let's Talk About Oddball

Masao Guardian

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Hello everybody, nice to be a part of the community! I've been playing Halo 4 since release day and loving it.


I've noticed that something is happening when I play Oddball, and I want to know if it's happening to other people, and what I can do to stop it from happening in the future. I'm talking about intentional betrayals.


If I'm playing Oddball and I have the ball, my goal is to keep that ball for as long as possible from the other team. Same as if someone else on my team has the ball, I will stick with that person as long as possible and defend him/her from the other team, at cost of my own k/d ratio. If I'm having a really good game, sometimes I'll have the ball for over a minute at a time. This is when people betray me. I don't understand it, it weakens the team-- if you look at the results at the end of a match, people are still ranked based on their k/d ratio, NOT the amount of time spent with the ball. The only thing time with the ball affects is team victory or defeat.


I haven't played much Halo since 3, so I might be out of touch with the way people think about and play Oddball.


Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon; Intentional team betrayals for the ball?

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I've had the ball thrown to me as I was running to fight an enemy who was attacking the ball holder. It was terrible timing; I was making a charge out in the open, and all of the sudden I had no weapons and no cover... I'm thinking more and more that for objective game types I should stick with a team of people I know personally.


There is nothing that makes me angrier in a game than an intentional betrayal by a team member.

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They betray you because they want you to pass the ball. We had a group of 4 and were passing the ball back and forth, 5th guy joins and just holds it. We had a huge lead and before he joined and we just wanted to throw the oddball around to drive the other team crazy,.and thos jimmy rustler just stands there ball hogging, refuses to pass. So you know, betrayel.

Oddball is a silly game, for us its not only about winning, its about getting kills with the ball and passing it back and forth.

****s and giggles.

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Most likely because you aren't throwing the ball - most players kind of expect you to be doing that if it's in a safe position to do so. There's no bonus XP awarded just for protecting the Oddball carrier, unfortunately, so you might have to just try passing it around. That said, anyone who betrays you over it is a bad sport, and I personally would be avoiding them in the future.

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If you betray your teammates then you are an idiot. If he is able to hold the ball for that long then he is doing something right. Who is the greedy one? The guy holding the balk or the guy killing his teammates for the ball?


I have been enjoying oddball though so far. :) Stealth and I have worked on passing a lot.

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If you betray your teammates then you are an idiot. If he is able to hold the ball for that long then he is doing something right. Who is the greedy one? The guy holding the balk or the guy killing his teammates for the ball?


I have been enjoying oddball though so far. :) Stealth and I have worked on passing a lot.

He is only holding the ball because his teammates are killing everything, if all four of us are standing around you with no enemies in sight yelling and screaming for you to pass the ball, then pass it! Stop being Kobe ******* Bryant and share that rock!

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