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New Halo 4 Video Series (NEED ACTORS)


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Hello my name is Valco. I make and direct videos on youtube and help write for different projects. I have recently decided to create a new halo 4 series. I have come up with a initial plot. Keep in mind that there are some plot holes that need to be fixed (It is a work in progress).


PLOT: Infinity has released a new batch of spartans to protect a forrunner base in a barren area. There are 4 memebers in this squad.


1. (Name Undecided) is the leader of the squad. He is a stroung man of careful planing and strategic movements. 2. (Name Undecided) is the cocky ass of the squad. He is a foul mouth unpredictable man. Although he doesnt always do what he is told he is debatly the best fighter of the group. 3. (Name Undecided) is the idiot of the squad. He is a kind hearted man who always does as he is told. But he takes things too litery. He is the probally the worst man on the squad but he always has something funnyor nice to say. 4. (Name Undecided) is the mute. Although h doesnt talk he does exactly as he is told and is debatly the best fighter as the group. He is a cyborg and is always the machine you want on your side.


While exploreing around their base #2 and #3 find a ancient forrunner weapon. Neither the squad or Infinity have know idea what it is or how to use it. When accidently activated it sends out a beacon that atracts a alien race. The alien race want to come and use it to destroy everything. Infinity wants to use the weapon to destroy all of their enimies. Infinity sends out a their best squad to take the weapon back to Infinity. The first squad doesnt get word of this and when the elite squad shows up to take the weapon they attack. When Infinity gets word they label the first squad Traitors and to be killed on sight. Infinity releases back the elite squad to kill the first squad. The elite squad want to take the weapon and use it for their own. The first squad has to find a way to destroy the weapon before the elite squad, Infinity, or the alien race gets to it.


ACTORS WANTED: If you believe you can take the role of anyone in the series then reply. You can either be a actually actor in the game or a voice actor for someone. You can even do both. Please reply as soon as possible because I am going to start this very soon.

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