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How about an assault rifle only playlist?


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So it would seem that the majority of players are now using the DMR and BR which is rendering my assault rifle useless. Rather than complain and want the other rifles patched why not create a halo 1 style playlist that only allows assault rifles and other automatic close range weapons? I love the assault rifle way too much to switch over to the DMR or BR, I've almost got the AR mastered and I just can't bring myself to use another weapon. I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same way.

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I don't think they should add a AR only playlist but if they did I'd certainly try it out.


Also to over come your trouble with people using the DMR/BR on you, how about you work on your nade placement, strafing, and ambushing people rather than fighting them out in the open? I'm not saying you camp but perhaps avoid open areas where people could pick you off from a distance and use other areas in the map to get around.This would be even more helpful if you frequently play with friends with mics, they could tell you where the enemies are and you could sprint around and flank them.


If they can't place all their shots on your head (which is what makes the precision weapons a really favored pick for most people) and you can get their shields off with a grenade prior to the engagement/during, etc. You should be able to rack up even more kills with the AR

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I don't think they should add a AR only playlist but if they did I'd certainly try it out.


Also to over come your trouble with people using the DMR/BR on you, how about you work on your nade placement, strafing, and ambushing people rather than fighting them out in the open? I'm not saying you camp but perhaps avoid open areas where people could pick you off from a distance and use other areas in the map to get around.This would be even more helpful if you frequently play with friends with mics, they could tell you where the enemies are and you could sprint around and flank them.


If they can't place all their shots on your head (which is what makes the precision weapons a really favored pick for most people) and you can get their shields off with a grenade prior to the engagement/during, etc. You should be able to rack up even more kills with the AR


Yeah I really need to work on my grenade placement, I've always been really really bad with grenades. I would play with friends but sadly they sold their xbox 360's and the one friend I had who still played with me just left for the Air Force. Thanks for the tips though, I will try them out. I notice I do good with my AR on regicide, when everyone is gunning at each other it makes it easy to swoop in and spray everyone lol.


Why AR is only good for up close and takes little skill, Id love to see a sniper shotty game type though


I'm not sure if I agree with you on the skill aspect. Knowing when to stop shooting and when to start shooting can often save you from draining their shileds then not having enough ammo to finish them off. I just like the AR because it feels so much stronger than any of the previous ARs except for Halo 1's AR of course.

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No weapon requires more skill to master than another, unless its an ordinance drop which are more powerful. Assault rifles are great short range, but complete garbage long range. Just make a few loadouts, one with a long ranged weapon ex. DMR, medium range ex. BR and short range ex. AR. When you get a short range map (which there really aren't any of but if you do...) use the AR.

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I cant believe what im reading in this thread..... the DMR dominates the entire game in every game mode and the assault rifle has been demonized so no one will even use it anymore, i dont understand why they dont just make a classic gametype where you spawn with assault rifles and pistols the only reason to even buy a halo game is ruined

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I cant believe what im reading in this thread..... the DMR dominates the entire game in every game mode and the assault rifle has been demonized so no one will even use it anymore, i dont understand why they dont just make a classic gametype where you spawn with assault rifles and pistols the only reason to even buy a halo game is ruined



Agree if your not using a DMR you are going to fail every time. The DMR is almost a sniper now, I cant think of one map that you cant just sit back and own people all the way across the map with a DMR. They need to decrease the effective distance or maybe increase recoil. Long, med, short the DMR will own every last single time.

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I can out gun using the AR any weapon in the game. DMR included. Sure I lose my fair share but that comes with dying in general. It's fine.



I dont think we are playing the same game, the AR is useless unless your up close. Even then good foot work and clean shots with the DMR will beat an AR.

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I dont think we are playing the same game, the AR is useless unless your up close. Even then good foot work and clean shots with the DMR will beat an AR.

The AR is an ambush weapon for the most part. I'm not sure if my stats show it but I have about 200 kills with the AR. Pair it with the Hologram or Promethean vision and always use dexterity. I'm not saying it's good for exile but it's perfectly usable. I use the DMR more then any other weapon, yet I can do just as well with the AR. I've gone 23-3 in matches like Solace using just the AR against teams only using BR/DMR. And before you say "oh well you're just going up against bad players" I bid you to look at my stats. I'm not being matched up against people who just got the game and my W/L and my K/D shows that.
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Every weapon has a certain amount of usability on each map. On the close quarters map the Storm Rifle, Silencer, and AR are a little more effective(if the player knows how to properly use them) compared to the Mid-Long range weapons. If it's a smaller map with tight corners and no open areas I can usually out gun someone using say the BR with an AR, depending on the range o]f course. I don't think the weapon has been rendered obsolete because of the load outs but, it has a certain time and place of when it should be used.

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Every weapon has a certain amount of usability on each map. On the close quarters map the Storm Rifle, Silencer, and AR are a little more effective(if the player knows how to properly use them) compared to the Mid-Long range weapons. If it's a smaller map with tight corners and no open areas I can usually out gun someone using say the BR with an AR, depending on the range o]f course. I don't think the weapon has been rendered obsolete because of the load outs but, it has a certain time and place of when it should be used.

Exactly. With the Semi-auto weapons like the BR you can toss them on anything. But if you want to use the Storm Rifle or AR you have to take the map into consideration as well as your loadout. Using the AR's with the Hologram. Promethean vision, and Camo are the most effective ways. Playing defensively or playing as an ambusher will almost always reward anyone using the AR's. Yes they are not as useful over all, but when I get 15+ kills nearly every match and less then half as many deaths nearly everytime using AR's then I must be doing something right.
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Exactly. With the Semi-auto weapons like the BR you can toss them on anything. But if you want to use the Storm Rifle or AR you have to take the map into consideration as well as your loadout. Using the AR's with the Hologram. Promethean vision, and Camo are the most effective ways. Playing defensively or playing as an ambusher will almost always reward anyone using the AR's. Yes they are not as useful over all, but when I get 15+ kills nearly every match and less then half as many deaths nearly everytime using AR's then I must be doing something right.


Yes while the AR type weapons may not be as versatile as the Mid-Long range weapons if you implement them correctly and with the right combination then they can do as much damage if not more then the BR, DMR, ect.

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