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MLG Playlist


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I don't know how any sort of confirmation of an MLG playlist would happen soon, unless MLG actually confirms Halo 4 for the Pro Circuit... and if they do confirm it for competitive play again they have to confirm settings for the game and fix the current bugs in the game to make sure they aren't manipulated for use in tournaments or online play.

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Drop the DMR. Smaller Maps. No Boltshot. Fix Spawn Timers. No Jetpacks/Invis/Sentry/Regen(Shield & Promethean to be determined based on Self Chosen or forced Loadouts). (Shield forces conservation of grenades)

Alternately make the BR an 11 bullet kill. Sick of every single person 5 shotting the DMR all the time. If you don't have this problem, fix your internet. BR Battles are more interesting to watch anyways. Oh and the boltshot is a joke. Getting 1 dropped from greater than a body length away as a starting weapon? RIDICULOUS. Jetpacks: Instant map control/high ground (blatant retardation) I'd sooner have the entire community standing still invis with snipers. If ordnance is to be used has to be static, based on game timers, 1 per team to random player. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LETTING PEOPLE CHOOSE THEIR OWN LOADOUTS AS LONG AS CERTAIN BUFFS ARE OMITTED

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They need to implement a proper Ranking system in to this game as well so It's give people a reason to try and win games and and start using there mic's again ... I never seem to come across anyone using their mic's anymore as they are not playing to win they are just playing to get that next piece of ExP ...


I am looking forward to the MLG playlist but as stated above there is so much needing to be done with this game before it can be truly fantastic..


This game has potential but so far it still has a long way to go ....

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