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List of things for a Forge Update


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I've read every response of this thread and it seems like we would be just as well just put in the halo reach disk and play forge on that. It sucks how much forge was downgraded but i could really just live with them bringing back forge world. it would allow for us to make those great big racing maps and more versatile forge experiences. They spent all this time on "lighting" and "terrain" and "looks" of forge but i dont know about everyone else but i play forge for the game-play not looks.

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1. prove thee objekts..spawnpoints..zones - u cant let them spawn during a game. also u cant spawn for exemple in hangar a death ball or some objekts on other spawnpositions like teleporter. If an objekt was destroyed from another objekt and it has no respowntimer in forge - u save an incomplete map becouthe the objekts doesent spawns on startup like in reach forge. The wapons has 10 secounts to pickup if u let f.e. fall a snipe like in mlg games. objects disapears on all maps sometimes or a teleporter has no beam. Mines and others still static if change to normal. Cand modifer vehicle plattforms. cant spawn things like zone - plattforms or even boxes later in game. More of that nonsense bugs or handicaps in comparing to reach comming son.


ps..fix please

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Halo 4 forge is good, but I scratch my head as to way they took out the fine-tune tool. This is a basic necessity for serious forgers and must be returned. In no way do the magnets replace this tool. I used it with almost every object in Reach.


Nothing compares to the lack of this important feature. Add it back, this shouldn't be too much to ask.


Also, lower object limits, and a large, empty, flat terrain map to forge on.

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there is a fine turning tool, when I was forging the object started to move slow while was facing it from above (or some other angle sorry don't remember), hard to explain i have not played forge in a while.

I will post if I remember how to do it.


ok hold down on the right thumb stick should bring the camera above the object looking down, now moving the left stick makes the object move, depending on the angle of the view, alters the fine editing speed.

Edited by uberseven
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A: Bigger maps

B:Bigger maps

C:The 90 degree angles, T tubes, and 4 way intersection tubes on impact don't match correctly, so maps can often have small gaps/bumps on the walls and floors due to those imperfections, this needs to be fixed, especially since Impact is the only map worth using ATM.

D: Bigger maps

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you all realize that 343i isn't going to read these comments in the community forums. go to the halo waypoint website to say what you want because thay actually read the comments there. ill post the website.




you can have tha same conversation there and thay will see what you are saying.

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  1. In the custom gametype settings, I would like to see a "no ammo" trait
  2. 343 Industries should release a sandbox like map (possibly as free dlc?)
  3. Able to change the weather on a map in forge mode.
  4. Under the oddball settings make it a possibility that players have to take the oddball to a certain destination to score points (almost like a free-for-all ctf or bomb gametype)
  5. Last but not least I would like to see a little bit more in the forge pallette for maps that don't have structure.

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Make it possible to create Rocket Race once again!! With VIP only one person on the team could score and not divide up to be in two places at the same time, hence rocket race is possible. Physics are upsetting me as well...Unable to make maps where it rains crap on a player because items no longer spawn then drop. For example having a fusion coil spawn in mid air, have it drop to the ground and explode, then instantly re-spawn to repeat the process is now impossible. Overall forge is crisper and easier to work with, but...is now more limited.

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Has Anyone played trails evolution


It would be awesome if some of the track maker mechanics where put into forge but still felt like halo


If anyone wants to checkout some of my more serious ideas check out my topic on future updates

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if u take in forge f.e. the regeneration item the map delate it and u save a crap map... please give us more costum options for costum games..please give us to mod shield under 100 prozent and timers over 180 secounds. And please fix bugs f.e. in vehicle-pads or costum-zones to mod then.. cant let even spawn them later in game. more options for HUD its spamed with info. startthrow should have same propertys as aimthrow and a timer to spawn later. f.e. all 3 minutes a throw.


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i feel there should be bigger maps. out of all the halo 4 maps there are only about 2 or 3 large sized maps. there may be more but if there are any others they are all just closely packed together so it seems so small. i like the features in halo 4 forge, especially the "Delete everything" button, that comes in handy very much. in halo 3 there was sandbox and foundry where it was all big and empty and there was a lot of room to work with. sandbox came in handy for more bigger maps to be created and foundry came in handy for maze-type games and maps. then in halo reach there was forge world, made so that your imagination was almost unlimited to the things you could build. if these maps could come back that would be great but i am also asking for more large, wide open maps. the only map i like "forging" with is Ragnarok (valhalla in halo 3) because it is wide open and it gives me a lot of room to work with

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Forge world IV!


343, you guys need to add a forge world map to 4 as a dlc. Add some structures and stuff if thats what your keen on adding. I think that Forge World IV would be a huge success and you would make a lot of money off of it, and you would have happy customers. I like halo 4, but its missing a huge forge map… that would be AMAZING if youd do it :D

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Hey everyone,


This is my list:


- Make LS and RS as they were in Halo Reach (LS was moving an object slightly, and RS was zooming in)

- Make the spawn time option not 180 seconds, but 10 minutes

- Make a despawn option

- Make bigger forge maps and place the boundaries better

- GIVE THE FALCON (Or any other flying UNSC vehicle) BACK!!!

- Make it so you can shoot through killballs. (I wanted to make an awesome map with a killball in the middle. When I was done: FUUUUUUUU!!)


Thanks =D

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Theres a problemo with the kill balls in halo 4 try moveing the kill ball in to a wart hog slowly it does not blow up until about half way through the wart hog. :?


I have just relized that if u put a kill ball into a wat hog slow ly it doesnt blow up until about half way whats with this there should be no differants with half way or full way or quater way?

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