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My MM thoughts

My BR iZ RusTyy

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Hey guys


My thoughts on match-making.



1) MM is generally REALLY good fun! I'm only SR25 but I'm enjoying the game alot, I like getting multi-kills, playing objective type games and winning 1v1 battles


2) Fast paced games and short waiting times to find a match


3) No armour lock


4) sniping seems easier than H3 (might just be me, but seems easier to no scope and get headshots)



1) Joining in progress, I mentioned this before the game came out, its a horrible concept for competitive gaming, very few people quit when they're winning so if you join a in-progress game then almost all of the time you'll be on the losing team.

I've also noticed that If me and my team are losing and we gain a new team mate we hardly ever come back to win the game so its not like gaining a new team mate even helps that much... I feel the cons out weigh the small pro in this case.

It may be ok for social games but not for competitive gameplay.


2) Ordinance drops, not acceptable for competitive gameplay either, sometimes you might get a scattergun and other times you might get a beam rifle... having that element of random-ness feels cheap.


3)Small gripe, after sprinting it takes too long to aim down your gun, just an annoyance really.


4)I started off with the BR but soon learnt that the DMR is far superior, what's the point in having choice if one weapon is always best.


5)Playlists, Yep I know 343i will be releasing more playlists in the near future, but seriously? no team doubles off the bat? TD was one of my favourite playlists in H3, I miss it.


6)Again something that is probably going to be fixed soon, there seems to me to be a very small amount of maps and I'm not overly impressed with most of them, there doesn't seem to be any maps that are incredible like Guardian or The pit from H3.

Also in BTB everyone votes for the Valhalla remake (forgot its name)....literally EVERY time, I appreciate its a good map but FFS I want to play on a different map once in awhile....


7) Obviously I know that a ranking system will be implemented soon enough so my last point can be overlooked, really looking forward to that though.



EDIT: Just one last point, Killcams, I like the idea but whether its due to the connection or something else the killcams seem horribly inaccurate, when I get killed by someone and watch the killcam I'm like "WTF he didn't even hit me!" but I bet on his screen he hit me :(


As you can tell my list of Cons is much larger than my list of Pros, but that's not to say I don't enjoy the game, I do, I just wish it was better.


Thanks for reading, feel free to post your opinions on MM or what I've said.



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