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Spartan Ops & Theater Problems


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Hey everyone. Just looking for some help.


I have downloaded the Spartan ops season 1.0 a couple of times now and my xbox continues to say the content is missing. I've tried it on my USB drive (16 gb) once or twice and on my regular xbox hard drive a couple of times as well. It tells me to download the content but when I try it says I already have it.


Another problem of mine is when I play well in a match and want to check out the footage it will not allow me to select anything in theater mode because aparently "An Xbox 360 Hard Drive is required to access your Temporary History."


Well I'm really confused on both topics so if anyone else has had the same problem and fixed it or know's how to fix it, I'd love it hear.



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there is a standard internal on all xboxs which is about 4gb but unless you have a brand new xbox, that internal hard drive will be full. You have to buy an actually hard drive the goes onto your xbox. It depends if you have the newer or older xbox but still, you need a hard drive which you can take on and off your xbox

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there is like a panel on the bottom of the newer xboxs that you can take off which reveals a space in which you can fit a hard drive into. I know the one I bought came with like a 240 gb hard drive which is really easy to take out if I want to.


Let me see if i can find a website that shows where it goes, hold on....



hopefully this can help you find where i am talking about



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holy **** man! Do you know how much easier you just made my life? Wasting my damn time trying to beat a single game at a time so i dont run into problems for memory. This makes life WAY easier haha. Cant believe I didnt notice that before. I will assume local EB games will have these in stock?

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