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DEPOSED Challenge is Impossible PLZ FIX


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Personally I played a game where I got 9 regicies and 2 other kills and I was at 290 fo 300. HOW THE EXCUSE MY LANGUEGE DO YOU GET IT? Did someone EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE put a and extra 1 so it is Eighteen instead of Eight. Cause eight is doable. I got 9 obviously. 18. NOT POSSIBLE. Come on really. Is there no quality control or playtesting of this stuff. Or do you just herpaderp them out.


Still loving the game but come on.

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ya some of the challenges are practically impossible like the multi kill weekly last week i only got like 43......

Ya sorry completed that with ease. But this one is actually impossible. If you had two people do nothing but trade King you would end up with 280 and 270 for both of them. In a real game the King will get Bonuses from kills and be higher. I tried really hard and I would end up running to him. Him dying then spawning again on the opposite side of the map. It is Impossible in a real game. That multi kill thing just means you have to get multi kills regularly and play more.
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