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Why would you take the banshee out of capture the flag on Ragnarok?


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I was playing halo 4 yesterday on cap the flag on ragnarok and I was having a blast. Best time I've had in halo in a while. But when I got on today I found that there is no more banshees. Now the map doesn't play as well as it did. The banshee was a game changer. If people were complaining that the banshee was over powered, it isn't at all. You could just get a sniper or a plasma pistol and take it out. OH?. You don't have a plasma pistol? well then you could just press the start button and change your loadout IN GAME. Seriously 343? come on, bring back the banshee.

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Possible that 343 may be experimenting to see if Ragnorak would play better without banshee/ how players respond. So I expect this might change or result in several different variants of ctf like in Halo 3 when we had things like Sand trap covie that were pretty much the same as Regular sandtrap but with more covenant vehicles and such.

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