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Halo Reach Title Update

Mr Muffins 7

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I found this quite interesting and thought others may want to read this, the original link is at the bottom

Original Post *


This weeks’ Halo Bulletin, care of 343 Indutries’ Community Manager BS Angel, contained some interesting little tidbits about the future of Halo Reach.


In particular, it was revealed that a Title Update for Halo Reach is in the works. Very few details have been given at this point, although it is clear that the focus of the Title Update will be hooking in some form of integration between Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary. Now, this gets a little complicated, so here’s some background to get you up to speed:




Halo CE Anniversary is an HD remake of the original Halo CE. Developed by Saber Interactive and 343 Industries, Halo CEA runs on Bungie’s original 2001 game engine, with a secondary graphics engine running over top of it. This means that the core gameplay experience will be exactly the same as Halo CE, just with improved visuals. Well, that’s how the campaign will work. Halo CE Anniversary’s Multiplayer is a slightly different story.


Rather than take the original Halo CE multiplayer and add online functionality, CE Anniversary’s multiplayer will take the form of content added to the existing Halo Reach multiplayer. CEA will ship with 7 new multiplayer maps (6 competitive and 1 Firefight), developed by Certain Affinity, that will become part of the Halo Reach multiplayer experience.




Here’s where it gets a little complicated: Players who own Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary will get access to both game’s multiplayer components in 1 seamless experience. Boot up Halo Reach, and you’ll get to play all the standard maps, plus the 7 new ones. If you only have Halo CE Anniversary, you will get access to the 7 new maps included with the game, but not the full Reach online experience.


Here’s where the Title Update comes into play. Halo Reach currently has all the coding it needs to separate multiplayer content into different groups, thanks to its “Playlist” system. For example, the Noble and Defiant map packs have their own dedicated playlists, since not everyone who plays Reach owns the premium map packs. 343 has not yet detailed the exact manner in which Halo CE Anniversary’s maps will appear in Reach matchmaking, but a dedicated “CE Anniversary Playlist” is a logical guess. Based on the information in this week’s Bulletin, it looks like 343 is taking things a step farther.


“… will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now.” – BS Angel


Ok, time for some speculation on my part.


To me, this clearly indicates that the focus of this Title Update is not to make sweeping changes to Reach’s existing gameplay mechanics, but rather add a new set of gameplay options and mechanics to suit the Classic Maps that ship with Halo CE Anniversary. BS Angel gives this example in the Bulletin:


“…an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage.” – BS Angel


This brings about some exciting possibilities. It looks to me like 343 is giving themselves the ability to re-create Halo CE’s gameplay within the Halo Reach multiplayer engine. If they can “turn off” gameplay mechanics such as fall-damage, we might also see them making adjustments to player speed, jump height, health and shield mechanics, weapon damage, etc. The best part? These changes could be included into specific playlists, without effecting the mainline Reach multiplayer. In other words, we might see playlists that contain nothing but “classic” maps with “classic” gameplay, while other playlists will continue to feature the standard Reach gameplay settings.




Why is this so cool? Because it pleases everyone. The Halo community is quite decidedly split into two camps: Those who love Halo Reach’s game mechanics, and those who prefer Halo CE’s mechanics. If 343 uses this Title Update the way I suspect, it will allow them to cater to both camps equally, without taking away from either one. I would personally be happy to play standard Reach multiplayer on the new classic maps, but there are others who don’t agree with me. From what we know so far, it looks like 343 is taking steps to make both options available. In theory, we could even see these “classic” gameplay changes added as a pre-set gametype, meaning they could be added into all of Reach’s matchmaking in an optional way.


Of course, most of this is conjecture on my part. For now, there are many questions left unanswered, such as “Will these gameplay options be added into Reach’s Custom Game menu?”, or “Will classic weapons be added into the classic maps to go with the classic gameplay?”. As usual, I’ll keep you all posted!


*UPDATE* – July 27th 2011


Some more evidence has emerged today supports my theory. This week’s Halo Bulletin includes the following passage written by 343 Industry’s Community Manager BS Angel, in refference to the coming Halo Reach Title Update:


Will there be any big changes in the multiplayer?? –hobbito


For some, yes. Others, no. Let me explain. Stuff that the Title Update enables will be presented via Matchmaking playlists. So for example, you could have a playlist with loads of changes called “ANNIVERSARY PLAYLIST” sitting alongside one called “NORMAL REACH STUFF” which plays with all the Reach rules intact. That means Reach players will be able to try some of the Title Update changes on certain maps and playlists, even if they don’t have Anniversary. Naturally Anniversary players will have more access because of the Multiplayer maps they get.


Original Post *


This weeks’ Halo Bulletin, care of 343 Indutries’ Community Manager BS Angel, contained some interesting little tidbits about the future of Halo Reach.


In particular, it was revealed that a Title Update for Halo Reach is in the works. Very few details have been given at this point, although it is clear that the focus of the Title Update will be hooking in some form of integration between Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary. Now, this gets a little complicated, so here’s some background to get you up to speed:




Halo CE Anniversary is an HD remake of the original Halo CE. Developed by Saber Interactive and 343 Industries, Halo CEA runs on Bungie’s original 2001 game engine, with a secondary graphics engine running over top of it. This means that the core gameplay experience will be exactly the same as Halo CE, just with improved visuals. Well, that’s how the campaign will work. Halo CE Anniversary’s Multiplayer is a slightly different story.


Rather than take the original Halo CE multiplayer and add online functionality, CE Anniversary’s multiplayer will take the form of content added to the existing Halo Reach multiplayer. CEA will ship with 7 new multiplayer maps (6 competitive and 1 Firefight), developed by Certain Affinity, that will become part of the Halo Reach multiplayer experience.




Here’s where it gets a little complicated: Players who own Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary will get access to both game’s multiplayer components in 1 seamless experience. Boot up Halo Reach, and you’ll get to play all the standard maps, plus the 7 new ones. If you only have Halo CE Anniversary, you will get access to the 7 new maps included with the game, but not the full Reach online experience.


Here’s where the Title Update comes into play. Halo Reach currently has all the coding it needs to separate multiplayer content into different groups, thanks to its “Playlist” system. For example, the Noble and Defiant map packs have their own dedicated playlists, since not everyone who plays Reach owns the premium map packs. 343 has not yet detailed the exact manner in which Halo CE Anniversary’s maps will appear in Reach matchmaking, but a dedicated “CE Anniversary Playlist” is a logical guess. Based on the information in this week’s Bulletin, it looks like 343 is taking things a step farther.


“… will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now.” – BS Angel


Ok, time for some speculation on my part.


To me, this clearly indicates that the focus of this Title Update is not to make sweeping changes to Reach’s existing gameplay mechanics, but rather add a new set of gameplay options and mechanics to suit the Classic Maps that ship with Halo CE Anniversary. BS Angel gives this example in the Bulletin:


“…an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage.” – BS Angel


This brings about some exciting possibilities. It looks to me like 343 is giving themselves the ability to re-create Halo CE’s gameplay within the Halo Reach multiplayer engine. If they can “turn off” gameplay mechanics such as fall-damage, we might also see them making adjustments to player speed, jump height, health and shield mechanics, weapon damage, etc. The best part? These changes could be included into specific playlists, without effecting the mainline Reach multiplayer. In other words, we might see playlists that contain nothing but “classic” maps with “classic” gameplay, while other playlists will continue to feature the standard Reach gameplay settings.




Why is this so cool? Because it pleases everyone. The Halo community is quite decidedly split into two camps: Those who love Halo Reach’s game mechanics, and those who prefer Halo CE’s mechanics. If 343 uses this Title Update the way I suspect, it will allow them to cater to both camps equally, without taking away from either one. I would personally be happy to play standard Reach multiplayer on the new classic maps, but there are others who don’t agree with me. From what we know so far, it looks like 343 is taking steps to make both options available. In theory, we could even see these “classic” gameplay changes added as a pre-set gametype, meaning they could be added into all of Reach’s matchmaking in an optional way.


Of course, most of this is conjecture on my part. For now, there are many questions left unanswered, such as “Will these gameplay options be added into Reach’s Custom Game menu?”, or “Will classic weapons be added into the classic maps to go with the classic gameplay?”. As usual, I’ll keep you all posted!


*UPDATE* – July 27th 2011


Some more evidence has emerged today supports my theory. This week’s Halo Bulletin includes the following passage written by 343 Industry’s Community Manager BS Angel, in refference to the coming Halo Reach Title Update:


Will there be any big changes in the multiplayer?? –hobbito


For some, yes. Others, no. Let me explain. Stuff that the Title Update enables will be presented via Matchmaking playlists. So for example, you could have a playlist with loads of changes called “ANNIVERSARY PLAYLIST” sitting alongside one called “NORMAL REACH STUFF” which plays with all the Reach rules intact. That means Reach players will be able to try some of the Title Update changes on certain maps and playlists, even if they don’t have Anniversary. Naturally Anniversary players will have more access because of the Multiplayer maps they get.



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I found this quite interesting and thought others may want to read this, the original link is at the bottom

Original Post *


This weeks’ Halo Bulletin, care of 343 Indutries’ Community Manager BS Angel, contained some interesting little tidbits about the future of Halo Reach.


In particular, it was revealed that a Title Update for Halo Reach is in the works. Very few details have been given at this point, although it is clear that the focus of the Title Update will be hooking in some form of integration between Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary. Now, this gets a little complicated, so here’s some background to get you up to speed:




Halo CE Anniversary is an HD remake of the original Halo CE. Developed by Saber Interactive and 343 Industries, Halo CEA runs on Bungie’s original 2001 game engine, with a secondary graphics engine running over top of it. This means that the core gameplay experience will be exactly the same as Halo CE, just with improved visuals. Well, that’s how the campaign will work. Halo CE Anniversary’s Multiplayer is a slightly different story.


Rather than take the original Halo CE multiplayer and add online functionality, CE Anniversary’s multiplayer will take the form of content added to the existing Halo Reach multiplayer. CEA will ship with 7 new multiplayer maps (6 competitive and 1 Firefight), developed by Certain Affinity, that will become part of the Halo Reach multiplayer experience.




Here’s where it gets a little complicated: Players who own Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary will get access to both game’s multiplayer components in 1 seamless experience. Boot up Halo Reach, and you’ll get to play all the standard maps, plus the 7 new ones. If you only have Halo CE Anniversary, you will get access to the 7 new maps included with the game, but not the full Reach online experience.


Here’s where the Title Update comes into play. Halo Reach currently has all the coding it needs to separate multiplayer content into different groups, thanks to its “Playlist” system. For example, the Noble and Defiant map packs have their own dedicated playlists, since not everyone who plays Reach owns the premium map packs. 343 has not yet detailed the exact manner in which Halo CE Anniversary’s maps will appear in Reach matchmaking, but a dedicated “CE Anniversary Playlist” is a logical guess. Based on the information in this week’s Bulletin, it looks like 343 is taking things a step farther.


“… will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now.” – BS Angel


Ok, time for some speculation on my part.


To me, this clearly indicates that the focus of this Title Update is not to make sweeping changes to Reach’s existing gameplay mechanics, but rather add a new set of gameplay options and mechanics to suit the Classic Maps that ship with Halo CE Anniversary. BS Angel gives this example in the Bulletin:


“…an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage.” – BS Angel


This brings about some exciting possibilities. It looks to me like 343 is giving themselves the ability to re-create Halo CE’s gameplay within the Halo Reach multiplayer engine. If they can “turn off” gameplay mechanics such as fall-damage, we might also see them making adjustments to player speed, jump height, health and shield mechanics, weapon damage, etc. The best part? These changes could be included into specific playlists, without effecting the mainline Reach multiplayer. In other words, we might see playlists that contain nothing but “classic” maps with “classic” gameplay, while other playlists will continue to feature the standard Reach gameplay settings.




Why is this so cool? Because it pleases everyone. The Halo community is quite decidedly split into two camps: Those who love Halo Reach’s game mechanics, and those who prefer Halo CE’s mechanics. If 343 uses this Title Update the way I suspect, it will allow them to cater to both camps equally, without taking away from either one. I would personally be happy to play standard Reach multiplayer on the new classic maps, but there are others who don’t agree with me. From what we know so far, it looks like 343 is taking steps to make both options available. In theory, we could even see these “classic” gameplay changes added as a pre-set gametype, meaning they could be added into all of Reach’s matchmaking in an optional way.


Of course, most of this is conjecture on my part. For now, there are many questions left unanswered, such as “Will these gameplay options be added into Reach’s Custom Game menu?”, or “Will classic weapons be added into the classic maps to go with the classic gameplay?”. As usual, I’ll keep you all posted!


*UPDATE* – July 27th 2011


Some more evidence has emerged today supports my theory. This week’s Halo Bulletin includes the following passage written by 343 Industry’s Community Manager BS Angel, in refference to the coming Halo Reach Title Update:


Will there be any big changes in the multiplayer?? –hobbito


For some, yes. Others, no. Let me explain. Stuff that the Title Update enables will be presented via Matchmaking playlists. So for example, you could have a playlist with loads of changes called “ANNIVERSARY PLAYLIST” sitting alongside one called “NORMAL REACH STUFF” which plays with all the Reach rules intact. That means Reach players will be able to try some of the Title Update changes on certain maps and playlists, even if they don’t have Anniversary. Naturally Anniversary players will have more access because of the Multiplayer maps they get.


Original Post *


This weeks’ Halo Bulletin, care of 343 Indutries’ Community Manager BS Angel, contained some interesting little tidbits about the future of Halo Reach.


In particular, it was revealed that a Title Update for Halo Reach is in the works. Very few details have been given at this point, although it is clear that the focus of the Title Update will be hooking in some form of integration between Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary. Now, this gets a little complicated, so here’s some background to get you up to speed:




Halo CE Anniversary is an HD remake of the original Halo CE. Developed by Saber Interactive and 343 Industries, Halo CEA runs on Bungie’s original 2001 game engine, with a secondary graphics engine running over top of it. This means that the core gameplay experience will be exactly the same as Halo CE, just with improved visuals. Well, that’s how the campaign will work. Halo CE Anniversary’s Multiplayer is a slightly different story.


Rather than take the original Halo CE multiplayer and add online functionality, CE Anniversary’s multiplayer will take the form of content added to the existing Halo Reach multiplayer. CEA will ship with 7 new multiplayer maps (6 competitive and 1 Firefight), developed by Certain Affinity, that will become part of the Halo Reach multiplayer experience.




Here’s where it gets a little complicated: Players who own Halo Reach and Halo CE Anniversary will get access to both game’s multiplayer components in 1 seamless experience. Boot up Halo Reach, and you’ll get to play all the standard maps, plus the 7 new ones. If you only have Halo CE Anniversary, you will get access to the 7 new maps included with the game, but not the full Reach online experience.


Here’s where the Title Update comes into play. Halo Reach currently has all the coding it needs to separate multiplayer content into different groups, thanks to its “Playlist” system. For example, the Noble and Defiant map packs have their own dedicated playlists, since not everyone who plays Reach owns the premium map packs. 343 has not yet detailed the exact manner in which Halo CE Anniversary’s maps will appear in Reach matchmaking, but a dedicated “CE Anniversary Playlist” is a logical guess. Based on the information in this week’s Bulletin, it looks like 343 is taking things a step farther.


“… will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now.” – BS Angel


Ok, time for some speculation on my part.


To me, this clearly indicates that the focus of this Title Update is not to make sweeping changes to Reach’s existing gameplay mechanics, but rather add a new set of gameplay options and mechanics to suit the Classic Maps that ship with Halo CE Anniversary. BS Angel gives this example in the Bulletin:


“…an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage.” – BS Angel


This brings about some exciting possibilities. It looks to me like 343 is giving themselves the ability to re-create Halo CE’s gameplay within the Halo Reach multiplayer engine. If they can “turn off” gameplay mechanics such as fall-damage, we might also see them making adjustments to player speed, jump height, health and shield mechanics, weapon damage, etc. The best part? These changes could be included into specific playlists, without effecting the mainline Reach multiplayer. In other words, we might see playlists that contain nothing but “classic” maps with “classic” gameplay, while other playlists will continue to feature the standard Reach gameplay settings.




Why is this so cool? Because it pleases everyone. The Halo community is quite decidedly split into two camps: Those who love Halo Reach’s game mechanics, and those who prefer Halo CE’s mechanics. If 343 uses this Title Update the way I suspect, it will allow them to cater to both camps equally, without taking away from either one. I would personally be happy to play standard Reach multiplayer on the new classic maps, but there are others who don’t agree with me. From what we know so far, it looks like 343 is taking steps to make both options available. In theory, we could even see these “classic” gameplay changes added as a pre-set gametype, meaning they could be added into all of Reach’s matchmaking in an optional way.


Of course, most of this is conjecture on my part. For now, there are many questions left unanswered, such as “Will these gameplay options be added into Reach’s Custom Game menu?”, or “Will classic weapons be added into the classic maps to go with the classic gameplay?”. As usual, I’ll keep you all posted!


*UPDATE* – July 27th 2011


Some more evidence has emerged today supports my theory. This week’s Halo Bulletin includes the following passage written by 343 Industry’s Community Manager BS Angel, in refference to the coming Halo Reach Title Update:


Will there be any big changes in the multiplayer?? –hobbito


For some, yes. Others, no. Let me explain. Stuff that the Title Update enables will be presented via Matchmaking playlists. So for example, you could have a playlist with loads of changes called “ANNIVERSARY PLAYLIST” sitting alongside one called “NORMAL REACH STUFF” which plays with all the Reach rules intact. That means Reach players will be able to try some of the Title Update changes on certain maps and playlists, even if they don’t have Anniversary. Naturally Anniversary players will have more access because of the Multiplayer maps they get.




I only skim through it, but I don't reclaim seeing paying for this with Microsoft points.

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