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Getting thrown into the middle of games


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I just wanted to express my dissatisfaction with getting thrown into games that are already taking place. In my experience with this, 9x out of 10 I get put onto a losing team. I typically back out of playlists to escape sucky teamates who are getting like -20 k/d spread a game, only to be thrown back in with another losing team just as bad or worse.


I would really like to start each game fresh and new. I do not like getting put into the middle of a game. I've been thrown into games to where there was less than 2 min. of game time left... I was like WTF?, then it says 'game over' and thats another 'lost game' on my record.


I understand they're trying to make matchmaking faster and help out teams who lose players, but I just really dislike getting thrown into the middle of on-going games, that's just me.


Vent here if you agree with me. If you disagree post why, thanks.

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