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What does the community want?

Field of Mangos

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Also they made the clips shallower, either by literally reducing the amount of rounds in a clip or by increasing the amount of shots to kill. WTF? Stupid nitpicky fiddling garbage like that really hurts a game when you add it up. Little details like that wear down your patience so that when something big messes up, you explode.


So I guess the answer to the OP question is: The community would probably like it if the developers QUIT FIXING what ISN'T BROKEN.


The problem with that answer is that people all have a different idea of what's broken or needs fixing. I can tell you one thing though, no one ever complained that there were too many bullets in their gun. So why the hell did it get reduced?



As I typed that next to last sentence I couldn't help joke to myself that people DID complain that there might be too many bullets in their faces, so maybe that's why there's fewer kills in each clip.


I understand you can't please everybody, but I don't understand why game developers (343 are far from alone in this mistake) insist on ******** everyone off instead of trying to please anyone. Nerfing doesn't work 99% of the time, but every game developer is absolutely in love with the idea.

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I like AAs, I think they were a good addition. Plus stuff like that doesn't go away once it's in.


I think sprint in a shooter with map sizes like Halo maps does two things: It empowers foot soldiers with unpredictable movement, and it lets the developers slow them down even MORE so that they're easy to shoot so long as they're not sprinting. It does the same thing in Call of Duty. In Borderlands and Battlefield 3 though the sprint is a necessary way for players to move across the truly massive maps. The difference is that Call of Duty and Halo are arena shooters where you are in a smaller map and the sprint is there to get you back to the fight faster, it speeds you up without making you any stronger or tougher.


I don't think sprint is going anywhere either, but it showed up in the first place because players were painfully slow in Reach. They can sprint, but when they're not sprinting they're easier to shoot because it takes them 6 years to move 6 inches. They can't strafe as well, so fights become more about getting the first shot and who will miss once.


I think the weapons have gotten worse and worse at killing people. 3 shots in Halo 1, 4 shots in Halo 2 & 3, and 5 shots in Reach and Halo 4. That creates a situation where you have to stay focused for just a tad bit longer, and you are more likely to make a mistake. On the flip side, it also makes mistakes you make slightly less consequential, because you've only lost 20% of the fight with a 5 shot weapon instead of 25%. The result: Averaging. The weapons average you out but taking longer to kill. If someone is a better player than me I'd have 4 shots to kill them in Halo 3, in Halo Reach and Halo 4 I have 5, which means I'm going to land more shots, probably die anyway, but they are going to be weaker for the next fight. Suddenly you can't just out-BR one person and then the next, because the first person took a greater toll on you.


Shields also seem to take forever to start recharging, it's something insane like 5 seconds, but I don't remember how that compares to previous games. I know that in Borderlands if you find a shield that has a 5 second recharge delay and it doesn't empower you when it's depleted, you throw it away immediately. That's against strictly NPC enemies that you throw away that 5 second recharge delay, not against actual human players who are tenacious and thousands of times more aggressive than any NPC. Once again you can't just *win* fights anymore because they all leave you in seriously crippled condition for the next fight.


So to sum this up: You have to spend longer fighting each person, and you can't emerge from those fights in good shape because you're slower and they just take longer. That means that even against complete newbs you can't keep fighting, you have to take breaks, and you won't get them because the game has instant respawns, everyone sprints, and all the maps give you 2-3 ways to approach every encounter. You can't hide because everyone can see through walls if they want to, and you can't run because everyone is just as fast as you and the routes through maps all loop back on themselves anyway.


Reach changed a lot of things, the power weapons were ridiculously powerful and every fight began and ended with grenade spam. The most important thing it changed though was the basic soldier. He was slower with a weaker gun. Halo 4 backed off the power weapons and nuclear grenades, and I'm happy about that, but I'm still a slower weaker soldier. I can go fast if I want, but I have to choose between fast movement and combat, because you can't combine them without a speed boost. They weakened the basics. That wouldn't be bad except that Halo always present a strong basic soldier. You had your shields and you had a weapon that when used properly would win you a fight before it became dangerous. That's why there were never loadouts, everyone started with the same strong template.


Now you're still supposedly strong but everything is slowed down so newer players can follow. The result is everyone is just a bit more average. People said the same thing about Reach when it came out, and it was true then too. They went further with the basic soldier in this one with instant respawns and everyone having sprint and loopy maps. I am seriously glad that the rocket launcher isn't an automatic 6 kills though, and that grenades aren't completley unavoidable anymore.


This, a thousand times this. My spartan hasn't felt right in terms of moving and jumping since halo 3. When it takes longer to kill people going on sprees like previous halos becomes impossible. Seriously. I haven't had a single, epic, oh my god I'm killing everyone multiple times over game once since I got halo 4, and it was the same in reach.


Yeah you can get in a scorpian tank or gauss hog and do that but I'm talking about being a badass soldier taking people out with the BR or pistol constantly, or coming out on top when fighting two or more people if you did everything correctly. In these newer games you could be dead on, no mistakes and you'll never take out 3 people on open ground that have a good idea of what thier doing. The reason is like you said, you're slow when fighting, and your weapons aren't as efficent, and then you have instant spawning to deal with. These factors equate to the yesterdays of owning people just with a BR and tactics is done.

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