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Petition to fix Halo 4 guns


Halo 4 weapons  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Fix the guns

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Hello everybody just made my account because of something I learned today, while watching a video on IGN I learned that it takes the same amount of shots from any of the guns in Halo 4 to take off your shield in multiplayer whether you shoot the players head or their body. I've been playing Halo since it first came out, I grew up on this game, my first xbox was the green halo edition. This is a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed it basically negates any type of skill it takes to play this game. 343 is trying too hard to make this game like Call of Duty and in the process they have ruined one of my favorite games all time. I've all ready seen Call of Duty grow worse and worse since CoD4 was released and I think that its necessary to bring this to the attention of 343 to fix it. Here's the link to the IGN article with the videos http://www.ign.com/a...video-breakdown, please help do something to fix a video game I love too much to let it get as bad as Call of Duty.

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Thats not what I meant, Call of duty takes no skill because they try to hard to "balance" the game. Now 343 is doing the same, it doesn't take any skill to body shot some one the same amount of times as headshots. It literally takes all skill involved in playing and throw it out the window. It doesnt take skill to body shot 4 times with a br and than get one headshot with the 5th shot compared to someone who hits all 5 shots with the br in the opposing players head.

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I don't like what they've done with the BR, they've made it the BR so you can easily spam the trigger to get a kill comparitive to Halo 3. All people do now is mash the down the trigger without even aiming.

(either that or I keep getting paired with these people and missing half of the community that doesn't do this.)

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A balanced game isn't bad...If you think COD is a balanced game in ANY way, see your doctor immediately.


343 is trying something new, If they kept everything the same, then COD players would call Halo repetitive. And that would be retarded.


If you're a good player, you'll outsmart the person. Eg- Going behind cover, more accurate shots, Armour Abilities.

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  On 11/14/2012 at 5:37 AM, concernedhalofan said:

Hello everybody just made my account because of something I learned today, while watching a video on IGN I learned that it takes the same amount of shots from any of the guns in Halo 4 to take off your shield in multiplayer whether you shoot the players head or their body. I've been playing Halo since it first came out, I grew up on this game, my first xbox was the green halo edition. This is a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed it basically negates any type of skill it takes to play this game. 343 is trying too hard to make this game like Call of Duty and in the process they have ruined one of my favorite games all time. I've all ready seen Call of Duty grow worse and worse since CoD4 was released and I think that its necessary to bring this to the attention of 343 to fix it. Here's the link to the IGN article with the videos http://www.ign.com/a...video-breakdown, please help do something to fix a video game I love too much to let it get as bad as Call of Duty.


Okay, let me start out by saying that I love Halo and I love COD (on NO! he likes Call of Duty). I will tell you why.


Background: Top page gamebattles COD MW2 team (Rank 5) and Cod MW1 Top page doubles (Rank 2)

Halo - Semi - pro H3 (several rank 50s), Halo Reach (Onyx ranked), and H2 (rank 46)


Call of Duty, is a fast paced game. The better shot will win. Plain and Simple. Run around shoot stuff, this is COD. Competitively Cod has fallen off the radar since MW1. That was an excellent, balanced Cod, anyone who disagrees is either biased or does not know what competitive play really is.


Halo, shields and the better shot wins. Slower based competitive play that takes a degree of map knowledge. Team play is huge in H4 comparably to most halos. The better team will win, plain and simple. There is no more lone wolfing like there was in Halo 2 and 3. I like this. This creates better competitive play.



Now, the issue with the weapons you mentioned. There are none. The weapons are balanced. the BR is good for mid to close range and the DMR is even mid and better at long range. The weapon loadouts offer a better sense of strategy. This creates a new feel for Halo and allows for different looks competitively. This is a good thing. Cod, as much of a good game BO1 was, was the same thing over and over and over again. This is boring for viewers and boring for competitive play (sometimes because Counterstrike is still pretty alive and it is practically the same thing).


Now I will use big boy words now, modernization is the big one. When a gaming company modernizes a game, they take fan-loving formulas but add a degree of new-style gameplay. In alot of cases this works and sometimes it does not. H4 was a product of a successful transition to the modern gaming world. We loved h3 and h2 but at some point we need to put that in past memories and move on with the newer games, much like how we put behind mw1 when BO1 came out. This is normal and it will never stop.


Right now the game could not be more balanced. There is very little degree of "luck" in this game, which separates it from Halo Reach, and adds the same competitive feel that h2 and h3 had in the matchmaking system.


When creating forums posts, please, try and put fruitful and thoughtful explanations behind your reasoning and why something may be "broken" or needs fixing. Screaming "THIS GAME IS IMBA FIX NAW" is not helpful and only turns the community away from the proposed fix and definitely turns me away.



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I agree with UnSeenz :P


Due to spreads and range limitations, you are crippling some of the weapons designed around close-mid range by forcing them to aim for the head to compete with the more precision-based headshot weapons if you were to design weapons to deal more damage at certain hit points. EDIT: also if you go the other way and weaken the longer ranged weapons on body shots you are crippling them at closer ranges; where is the fun in that?


I played COD in the past and I'm pretty sure that headshots kill faster than bodyshots, depending on the weapon of course. There isn't a huge difference though which allows you to compete even if you don't aim at the head, but maybe that is where you were going with that.



For someone who "loves Halo", I don't get how you think the weapons have changed so much. You kill the shields, then headshot; it's been like that from the beginning. Now there has been some adjustments over the years, like hit damage and shield adjustments. But the overall gameplay and weapon mechanics have stayed pretty much the same. Except now we see a lesser focus on grenade and melee combat as well as less vehicular manslaughter and more focus on player movement/strategy and weapon choice +aiming. The game is more balanced and tactical, and alot of that has to do with 343's decision to give use a reliable starting weapon (though it's our choice now) unlike the garbage we dealt with during the past few Halos and game modes/playlists. And I thank thee 343 for giving us that.

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  On 11/14/2012 at 5:37 AM, concernedhalofan said:

Hello everybody just made my account because of something I learned today, while watching a video on IGN I learned that it takes the same amount of shots from any of the guns in Halo 4 to take off your shield in multiplayer whether you shoot the players head or their body. I've been playing Halo since it first came out, I grew up on this game, my first xbox was the green halo edition. This is a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed it basically negates any type of skill it takes to play this game. 343 is trying too hard to make this game like Call of Duty and in the process they have ruined one of my favorite games all time. I've all ready seen Call of Duty grow worse and worse since CoD4 was released and I think that its necessary to bring this to the attention of 343 to fix it. Here's the link to the IGN article with the videos http://www.ign.com/a...video-breakdown, please help do something to fix a video game I love too much to let it get as bad as Call of Duty.


There has never ever been a Halo game ever where shooting a shielded enemy in the head dropped the shields quicker than a body shot. 99% of the community knows this and i am sick of the false propaganda by the 1% saying skill has been taken away by not getting rewarded for headshots. You get just as rewarded as any other Halo game that has ever been produced.


In H3 everyone knew it was body body body head. In H4 if anything you need more skill cos it is a 5 shot kill thus body body body body head.

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  On 11/14/2012 at 5:37 AM, concernedhalofan said:

Hello everybody just made my account because of something I learned today, while watching a video on IGN I learned that it takes the same amount of shots from any of the guns in Halo 4 to take off your shield in multiplayer whether you shoot the players head or their body. I've been playing Halo since it first came out, I grew up on this game, my first xbox was the green halo edition.

I am really confused with this post, perhaps i have misunderstood. Because every single halo MP has been this way. Shields are the same all over. Only once they are gone does the headshot become relevant. I am shocked that anybody couldnt notice.

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