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Halo 4 multiplayer does NOT work for me. At my wits end.

Mandi Lynne Sterling

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I dont know if this helps but I started to have a problem whit halo 4 couple of days ago. it would not simply connect to halo 4 servers alltough my network connection was fine. Ny I tried to do new trial account whit trial time i got whit halo 4 and amazingly it worked so could it be that some one else suffers same kind of problemand could this solve other problems too? :question: :hope:


PS. Itried my old account whit mass effect 3 but it worked perfectly.

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I think the moderators are reading all of this, but the problem seems to be profile specific. Not an area/connection problem.. It just happened to me the other day, and has been like this for 3 days. i'll just throw out my gamertag and location and hope one of them looks into my specific issue tahhh


new york

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have had this problem also except I can't play anything not campaign not multiplayer and the 2nd disk won't even install anything. I even tried installing it from Xbox live and that didn't do anything. I can get to the main menu but I can't read anything because it can't spell like sometimes it will say apture he lag rather then capture the flag. I have the original white Xbox so I was wondering if it was that put I have seen other people who have been able to play it with the old xbox

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This did not fix it. I was able to play 1 map HAVEN and then I turned off my xbox took a shower, came back and the same stupid **** happened again. Are there ANY admins that run this site? HELP? We paid a LOT of money for your game dammit, why is this not being addressed.


this isn't an official 343i site.. try waypoint forums. When you load the game and it asks you what device to save on do you choose xbox or flash drive? if xbox then the game wont work..simples..you loaded the maps to the flash drive so you need to highlight this when the game initially loads.

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I had the same issue that me and my roommate wanted to play together on halo 4 and tried everything that i could find that people suggested none of it worked. So i looked at what the only difference was i was playing on a new slim model xbox and he had an old one. He got a 4gig slim xbox for Christmas and now we can party up just fine. I guess its a hardware compatablity issue not really a network problem. Hope this helps.

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