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Double Team Issue


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So I am new here at 343 but not quite new to the Halo series we all enjoy.

But I have a gripe with the playlist Double Team.

I play doubles with a good friend and have had a blast in there. Ultimate team work and strategy are involved and to me that is fun.

What is not fun is the Energy Sword. That G-D Energy Sword.

It is so unbalanced in every Doubles Map that it is nearly ruining Doubles for me.

Let me tell you though, I have no problem with the sword itself. But when there is only two other people on the map and only going to 25, it is unbalanced as anything else.

This is because there is no way to limit the ammo of the sword like they did for rockets/shotgun/grenade launcher etc.

If one uses every swipe of the sword, this = 10 kills which is nearly half of the kills necessary to win.

If one happens to get a sword block but has the unfortunate part of having his shield and health drained entirely to the point of being one shot.

Also, besides 10 kills with actual swipes, the ability to make them one shot with a swipe makes it more powerful.

So, that is my opinion on the matter. The sword has ruined many a game that took skill to get ahead.

I say replace the sword with either grenade launcher or maybe evade AA or Camo pick up.


Please, Please, Please take out the sword on Double Team. Either take it out completely or replace it with something else.


Thanks, Eso

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You have Sword block, and a pistol. That is plenty enough to kill him.


the chance of getting a sword block is minimal - the chance of getting a sword block and then head shot is more minimal

the chance of getting a sword block, and getting a headshot before he switches and does so is even more minimal

it's still overpowered

it should be removed

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  • 1 month later...

Good teamwork handles the sword, I agree its a b*tch but it can be dealt with. Theres also the use of shotgun and the combination of plasma pistol and dmr/pistol.


Plasma Pistol/DMR is just down right annoying. Remember when it was called the noob combo? That's because it is - but this isn't about the people who ***** on the Plasma Pistol, its about the sword.


Teamwork is what has been required so far, but good teamwork also solves rockets, snipers, shotguns, and those were limited down to one full clip. Why?

Because in the right hands just has too many kills written on them. They become over powered and dominating. To a point where it ruins the skill of the game. And I see that being where the sword is headed very soon.

On Asylum, I used to rush opponents sniper while my partner rushed ours. But now its where I have to rush sword so it doesn't become the huge problem that it always is.

I end up trying to just hold onto the sword and not let the other team have it. But is just obnoxious.

In the end, its my opinion. But I feel I have given it enough logical statements that should end with the removal or replacement of the sword. If I was in the design meeting for double team, I would tell them the same stuff.


thanks for listening

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My advice to you is to adapt, improvise, and overcome. This is an old saying (which I first heard during my stint in the USMC) and is actually a good one. If one of the opposing teams has a sword, switch your secondary weapon (or you main one if you want) to a shotgun, or if your teammate is closer to it, have him/her do it. Another thing you can do is just pick it up, move to another part of the map, and switch it out for another weapon so that they have to search for it. Or you can use it. Also, the only games that should give you trouble with the sword are AR starts. A DMR is a 5 shot weapon, and between the two of you you should be able to take out sword guy fairly quickly. Remember, first 4 shots in the body, last one in the head. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=23085127&player=AAN2 this is a video of me taking out a guy with the sword and sprint using a DMR. The guys shields had JUST regenerated, and I still managed to survive. So, the sword isn't an almighty weapon, and if you actually strategize you should be able to kill someone holding it rather quickly.


And remember, if someone else beats you with it, and you can't beat them with it, it means you have to get better. And you don't get better by complaining about it.

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My advice to you is to adapt, improvise, and overcome. This is an old saying (which I first heard during my stint in the USMC) and is actually a good one. If one of the opposing teams has a sword, switch your secondary weapon (or you main one if you want) to a shotgun, or if your teammate is closer to it, have him/her do it. Another thing you can do is just pick it up, move to another part of the map, and switch it out for another weapon so that they have to search for it. Or you can use it. Also, the only games that should give you trouble with the sword are AR starts. A DMR is a 5 shot weapon, and between the two of you you should be able to take out sword guy fairly quickly. Remember, first 4 shots in the body, last one in the head. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=23085127&player=AAN2 this is a video of me taking out a guy with the sword and sprint using a DMR. The guys shields had JUST regenerated, and I still managed to survive. So, the sword isn't an almighty weapon, and if you actually strategize you should be able to kill someone holding it rather quickly.


And remember, if someone else beats you with it, and you can't beat them with it, it means you have to get better. And you don't get better by complaining about it.


I see your trying to help me get better and accept that.

BUT "And you don't get better by complaining about it." Whereas this is true, my initial problem wasn't with the sword. I enjoy the sword, I understand that it can be beat, and have personally beat people with it.

My problem is it's inability to make the sword's ammo clip smaller.

I don't care if the shotgun, concussion rifles, etc are in doubles because their use is limited.

But it is when the sword has the ability in a good players hands to get almost half the required kills for the gametype. That is the problem.


let me outline it one more time.


1. The sword, being on nearly every single map for double team.

2. Double team goes to 25 kills

3. The sword has an ammo of 100 - 10 for every strike possible

4. There is not a single other power weapon in Double Team that allows that kind of ammo/kill ratio. (rockets - 1 clip - 2 rockets -4 kills max)(Sniper-1 clip - 4 bullets - 8 Kills MAX getting 2for1's everytime)(Shotgun, 6 shells - 6 kills max)(Concussion Rifle - 6 rounds - 2 kills max) (sword - 100 energy - 10 kills max)

5. So my argument was that the sword - because of its "ammo" clip size, is too overpowered.

Notice how I say the shotgun isn't overpowered, the plasma pistol isn't overpower, or any other power weapon because of the clip size


If one of the opposing teams has a sword, switch your secondary weapon (or you main one if you want) to a shotgun, or if your teammate is closer to it, have him/her do it.

not every map that has a sword - also has a shotgun. And if it did - the shotgun has 6 shots - just over half what the sword can do. So take out sword 6 times, and then sword has 4 more.


I am not saying I cannot adapt, improvise, and overcome. I am saying gameplay wise the map becomes unbalanced when the sword is present. That is my argument.


Remember, first 4 shots in the body, last one in the head. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=23085127&player=AAN2 this is a video of me taking out a guy with the sword and sprint using a DMR. The guys shields had JUST regenerated, and I still managed to survive. So, the sword isn't an almighty weapon, and if you actually strategize you should be able to kill someone holding it rather quickly.

that guy was an idiot - when facing top 1% - %5 Onyx, this doesn't happen. They wait around corners until ur close enough and jump around like jumping beans until they kill you. Also that guy was hit by a nade before you started shooting him - barely but still helped.

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