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Map = Tattered Perplexes

Gametype = Mutation

Fileshare Holder = HeroAnarchy


You play the role as a survivor of a forgotten militia , mutants from the above world have burrowed into the stronghold you call home. With no help from the outside world you have to allow the shields of the stronghold to generate which will take 7 minutes exactly. Which it will kill of the mutant intruders. The mutants have became smart and began using the air vents as well as the crater they left upon the wall.


  • Gametype should be played with 6-10 players
  • To kill a survivor it takes two hits
  • There are no armor abilities on the map however the humans have infinite sprint.
  • Flood can go through one way shield door or through ventilation shaft.
  • The map was originally built for Aesthetics but can however support infection very well

  • VERY IMPORTANT: The pictures were taken by an Iphone due to the fileshare's for Halo 4 aren't working yet. So the pictures do not reflect the maps complete appearance.







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Guest Oakley HiDef

I'm not sure which version I played but we ran a test on this a couple days ago. We were all blown away by the aesthetics and I think you did a great job. The zombie spawn however should be changed a bit because it was not initially obvious that players could take the side path through the air shafts. Once used however those were pretty effective. I would just work on making them more obvious and also find a way to make the zombie spawns less predictable ie. add more around the map. We also found that the humans were able to jump over the pipes in front of the flood spawn and camp out there


The gametype we played with was also really over powered with humans one shoting everything in sight. I would say reduce human damage and increase zombie health. Play around with the gaemtype a bit more to have it balance out. Otherwise its looking great

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