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Weapons disappear?


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Thats just the way it is with H4. I guess its been made that way to copy the success of the COD games which work in a simular way.


Or maybe they just didn't have it tweaked right the first time around? Do think they had a conference debating the despawn time of weapons to match that of CoD's because they are trying to imitate a different game that has sold more?


Pretty imbecilic deduction.

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In infinity slayer I think they did this to decrease the amount of power weapons on the map. If everyone could get their weapon back then everybody would be running around with power weapons. 343i definetly made it this way for a reason though.


What's wrong with a map full of power? Since we get no ammo drops we have to have something. I mean, if I'm the only one using DMR and I run out of ammo, I'm SOL since no one else on the map is dropping ammor for it.


I'm hoping they fix it soon.

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What's wrong with a map full of power? Since we get no ammo drops we have to have something. I mean, if I'm the only one using DMR and I run out of ammo, I'm SOL since no one else on the map is dropping ammor for it.


I'm hoping they fix it soon.


I do think there should be ammo crates. But a map full of power weapons would not be fun. It would be like playing fiesta.

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