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What I feel about Halo 4's Matchmaking (only my opinion)


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Moderators, please don't lock my thread, every game has it's bad and good points, this is just my opinion and outlining of most of the bad points.


Actual Thread:

It just isn't fun, the first few hours were amazing. But there is so much wrong in Matchmaking that I've seen happen in other games, Halo Reach being one of them, the game is going to get progressively worse, it's going to get even more infuriating than it already is. Now, why is it infuriating? We all know, but just incase you don't, this is why.

  • This ''hit detection'' crap, I don't even have to aim anymore! It's even worse than aim-magnetism.
  • Very small maps, and lack thereof. The maps are very boring, playing any of the IS maps feels like a chore.
  • It's only two weeks into the game and there are people above SR 60, these Double XP codes just make the game's levelling process fast, and they aren't even available to every country, why release a feature to just a few countries, it's a horrible idea.
  • Lack of gamemodes, everyone plays the same in every single gamemode, in objective modes, you'll have one or two people trying to actually complete the objective, and the other three players hunting for kills. This has always been a common problem in Halo, but it's never gotten this bad before. I can safely say a good portion of the community want to see Assault, VIP, Juggernaut return as gamemodes.
  • Lack of playlists, now this is something that made me happy when I heard the news. ''343 will update Matchmaking every week''. That's great news to hear, but Halo is and was known for it's massive amount of playlists. In Halo 3, we were spoiled for choice, in Halo Reach, there wasn't as much choice as Halo 3, but still plenty of playlists, and this was all at launch. SWAT, Grifball, Free For All, Big Team Battle, Team Snipers should of all been present at launch, also no Action Sack? This was something that wasn't present as launch in H3 and HR but still, I kind of expected some news on playlists at this point, just feels like the whole community has been left in the dark.
  • Endless Host Migration, this was a problem in Reach aswell, and it still hasn't been fixed, the Host Migration will go on for about 5 minutes, then it'll say something about ''choosing the best host'' and then it'll stay like that for another 5 minutes, and so on, I would of rather the game to end so I could search for another game in that time.
  • Overpowered Weapons, this has always been a problem, and still it's not fixed, it's something I can tolerate most of the time, but there's the odd time when for some reason, shotguns kill me from about 25ft away, swords lunge about 20ft, Incinerator Cannon projectiles miss you completely but still kill you, the same goes for Rocket Launchers and Fuel Rod Guns, Railguns have this problem too but it's not as severe. I study Physics in school, and I know this is a video game, but it just feels off that the energy released from a heavy weapon can do that MUCH damage even though it's fired multiple feet away from me.
  • Lastly, and could be counted as a gamebreaker, is the countless glitches in Multiplayer, every game has a few glitches, but if we had an Open Beta this would of been avoided completely, the secret hole on Haven would be avoided, the spot in Complex would be avoided, and the biggest thing is weapon damage, hit detection, this could of all been avoided if there was a beta. Every great game had a beta, Halo 3, Halo Reach (before TU). I don't see why this game DIDN'T need one, it was never really explained.. we're the consumers, we should be given more information about the game we are buying, I'm still planning on buying the DLC packs in the future, but before you take my money, please at least consider improving your game so your future DLC will actually be fun?

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