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A house divided against itself cannot stand

Victory Element

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As a community, we need to contemplate on this great Lincoln quote....


lately, these forums have turned into a complete wreck. Arguments, trolling, and duplicate threads have overrun this website.


We have seen a flock of new members come here for halo 4. Many of these new members have shown themselves to be immature, selfish, and ignorant to others trying to enjoy themselves. not all of the new members are like this though, some have proven to be good additions to the community we have here.


Now that i have stated the obvious, its time to get down to business.


this community has been ruined at the present time. People are fighting, trolls are trolling, etc. Its about time that we unite together as a fan community. the lack of respect here is really bothering me, and i dont understand why people cant just get along. Yes, people do have varying opinions, but that doesnt mean you have to rub in other peoples' faces.


If you hate halo 4, good for you. If you really think your opinion needs to get out there, then say it respectfully. 343i spent a lot of time making the game, and they dont deserve to be rideculed after all of the hard work they've done. It is their first time making a halo game, so consider giving them a break. They have the next few years to improve and receive feedback from the halo community. If you really think that you have to criticize the game, at least make it into constructive criticism that they can improve off of. going off on angry rants will not solve any problems if you are not pleased with halo 4. So please, if you are going to critize, keep it respectful and please give some hard facts and details to back you up



If you love halo 4, good for you. I'm sure 343i would appreciate positive feedback, but others may not be pleased with it. so please, if someone starts hating on you for loving halo 4, just ignore them. Same for those who dislike halo 4, just ignore rude comments from the lovers. But honestly, making a thread about how much you love halo 4 will not benefit any much at all. I'm only being realistic, not trying to criticise. Saying you love halo 4 wont give much feedback to 343i to help them improve, though i'm sure they appreciate the support. And other members here probably wont have much to say about your opinion, all they can do is agree with it. Flaws are something that can be more easily discussed than simple compliments. These love threads will not do much for the benefit as a community as whole. but if you really want to express how much you love the game, make it into a topic that can be easily discussed and benefit the community.


And for all you "senior" members, this community needs your support. Newer members need leaders to help guide them through their early experiences here and make this website a better place. you guys can be looked to as examples when others are having trouble here. this website needs experienced leaders to help pull it back together.


for all you new new members, we want to make this a better place for everyone. We need you guys to cooperate with each other and follow the regulations that we have established on this site. We can be a very welcoming community if everyone can be respectful to one another. If you ever need help, you can awlays go to a community mod, or anyone with the title of dedicated member. They will probably be able to help you with any problems that you have. We need support from a large community to return these forums to a friendly environment.


Now, Can we please unite and bring this house back together. We are all here for pretty much the same reason, and there is no excuse for why we all cant get along! so please, lets make these forums into a great place.


Thank you if you were able to read all of this, it would be aprreciated if you all would comply and i think it would be for the better of the community.


*i tried to remain as nautral as possible. If you have any concerns about biases in this topic, please let me know in a respectul manner

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Completely agree. I left this forum about a month ago, and it was so quiet and enjoyable, that i don't recognized it no more now. I can see topics like "You're all so needy", which represents the fanbase Halo is growing. There are fanboys and haters. Members who joined just to make a single post and say "343 did a great job, Halo 4 is the best Halo ever made", on which we could discuss a little bit, or "H4 sucks, because Cortana died/we saw his eyes/ and bla bla bla".

Remember the good ol' discussions about Forerunners' history, or "Prometheans have Human faces"?

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Completely agree. I left this forum about a month ago, and it was so quiet and enjoyable, that i don't recognized it no more now. I can see topics like "You're all so needy", which represents the fanbase Halo is growing. There are fanboys and haters. Members who joined just to make a single post and say "343 did a great job, Halo 4 is the best Halo ever made", on which we could discuss a little bit, or "H4 sucks, because Cortana died/we saw his eyes/ and bla bla bla".

Remember the good ol' discussions about Forerunners' history, or "Prometheans have Human faces"?


those discussions were the best.....


I hope to have more before halo 5 comes out

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The doomed existence of a land in a gold rush is always the same. Many flock to and fro, but none can band together as brothers. This is as it has always been.


true, but i have to quote Vince Lomabrdi in response to that


"“Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.”


and thats all we can do now

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I agree. Although I think the community would be in much better shape if 343i introduced a Classic playlist. At least then, both the people who wanted the change and the people who wanted the classic gameplay would be happy, which would from my experience with the community would make the majority of fans happy.

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true, but i have to quote Vince Lomabrdi in response to that


"“Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.”


and thats all we can do now

My first response was my own quote. :3 I made that one myself.

But in response, Men are welcome to chase perfection. It is man's right to chase any goal he wishes, even if they can never reach that goal completely.


-me. :3 I love making fake quotes while you use real ones. XD

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My first response was my own quote. :3 I made that one myself.

But in response, Men are welcome to chase perfection. It is man's right to chase any goal he wishes, even if they can never reach that goal completely.


-me. :3 I love making fake quotes while you use real ones. XD


lol. I'll give you credit for that my friend

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Excellent post, I agree 117%. I keep telling people that trying to flame, be ignorant, or just plain rude when creating topics or replies does not help the community as a whole. Forcing people to either love or hate the game has never been a successful story.


Great post and insight keep it up. See you on the battlefield soldier! :)


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Excellent post, I agree 117%. I keep telling people that trying to flame, be ignorant, or just plain rude when creating topics or replies does not help the community as a whole. Forcing people to either love or hate the game has never been a successful story.


Great post and insight keep it up. See you on the battlefield soldier! :)



I love your 117 reference. Very clever. I'll send you a FR when I get the chance

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I think the reason for those kind of members making topics and posts like that is that once Halo 4 was released all the immature people came over from Bungie's forums to here. What I think is dumb is that the people complaining about what 343 did on Halo think they actually will read this stuff and do something about it. I think introducing a classic playlist of some sort would be a good addition and would somewhat quell the hate people have for Halo 4. The same thing was done for reach. I personally love everything 343 did with Halo and wouldn't play that playlist but, it would make a lot of people happier. But, no matter what 343 does to update the game or playlists, not everyone will be happy. Halo 5, 6 could be even better then 4 and yet some people will still find things to complain about and that 343 is ruining the franchise. I seen the "You're all so needy" thread and I agree.

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I'm new here and I hate Halo 4. I've been playing since CE and while I'm not afraid of change and think Halo has to evolve to keep going, 4 Just went too far to the other side and to far away from what made the original Halo's classics.


However I love Halo and what made Halo IMO was us: the Community.


Complain and let your voice be heard, but do so constructively. Bungie was amazing at listening and trying to implememt what we said into a game if at all possible, hopefully 343i follows suit. No point in bashing each other's opinions like I've been seeing in so many threads and posts.


And whining and complaining doesn't mean anything if you can't explain your reasoning. 343 has to have something to go on. Like I've said in numerous posts, random weapon spawns, weapons despawning when you die and are dropped, and join in progress ruin the feel and flow of the game. These are valid concerns that 343 can fix if they feel they should. However, saying 'herp derp Halo 4 iz that crapist game everz' doesn't give the developers a whole lot to go on or an idea on what needs attention.


Glad you started this thread, though I doubt it's going to change anything. Oh well.

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I don't agree, for a first game they should be imprisoned for theft and be forbidden to make a new game. They have taken thousands of peoples cash for a piece of ****. They should never have been allowed to release a first game with this quality. It is unplayable and people get kills by shooting the guy BEHIND them. The programming (game mechanics) are the worst that have ever been released for halo and any other wargame on the market. They are useless as game creators.

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I don't agree, for a first game they should be imprisoned for theft and be forbidden to make a new game. They have taken thousands of peoples cash for a piece of ****. They should never have been allowed to release a first game with this quality. It is unplayable and people get kills by shooting the guy BEHIND them. The programming (game mechanics) are the worst that have ever been released for halo and any other wargame on the market. They are useless as game creators.


You've just turned yourself into the perfect example of why the forums are being ruined. Posts like this are the problem that I have addressed.


also, If you paid attention to my topic, you would have noticed that I was not taking sides on wether halo 4 is good or bad. So i'm not sure why you are complaining here

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I don't agree, for a first game they should be imprisoned for theft and be forbidden to make a new game. They have taken thousands of peoples cash for a piece of ****. They should never have been allowed to release a first game with this quality. It is unplayable and people get kills by shooting the guy BEHIND them. The programming (game mechanics) are the worst that have ever been released for halo and any other wargame on the market. They are useless as game creators.


How many first time companies have created a new game and released it (without a BETA mind you) and made $220 million in it's first 24 hours of sales?


Either they made something that a buttload of people like or only a very few rich people do, and since I bought it and I'm not rich, I'm guessing it's a buttload of people.

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How many first time companies have created a new game and released it (without a BETA mind you) and made $220 million in it's first 24 hours of sales?


Either they made something that a buttload of people like or only a very few rich people do, and since I bought it and I'm not rich, I'm guessing it's a buttload of people.


That's not necessarily how it works. Without a beta, people can only make judgment from ads and gameplay clips, so you can't say that everyone loved the game going into release. They simply had high expectations, so they bought it

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That's not necessarily how it works. Without a beta, people can only make judgment from ads and gameplay clips, so you can't say that everyone loved the game going into release. They simply had high expectations, so they bought it


Yeah not having a public Beta was kind of a mistake on 343's part, but I will not hold that against them seeing as they did release a good, solid, and quality product. Yes, there are issues. What modern game does not have issues? Starcraft 2 had an obscene amount of issues its first 6 months (and it even had a beta lol), after that it was amazing (just an example of a very popular e-sports game).


For a non-Beta released game, Halo 4 is an exceptionally good game.

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Yeah not having a public Beta was kind of a mistake on 343's part, but I will not hold that against them seeing as they did release a good, solid, and quality product. Yes, there are issues. What modern game does not have issues? Starcraft 2 had an obscene amount of issues its first 6 months (and it even had a beta lol), after that it was amazing (just an example of a very popular e-sports game).


For a non-Beta released game, Halo 4 is an exceptionally good game.


I'm sure 343I will learn from their mistake and add a beta. They did have it playable at E3 and other conventions, but that's proven not to be enough feedback from what we have seen

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My suggestion as spam prevention?


Make it so new members can not make topics until 25 or 30 posts. This will discourage these "quick hate threads" from popping up whenever a new member who is on a rant joins.

Good idea. But let's put the cap at 200 posts, when you're "trusted". At that point, it's hardly probable that someone would start a topic like that.


The main problem is not the beta, the feedback and whatever. The real "problem" is that this is not Bungie's Halo. This is 343industries' Halo. It's another style. You don't like it? Maybe because there is a playlist/weapon that you think is useless? Then just discuss and send a peaceful feedback to them.

You hate it, because the campaign evolved a way you don't like? Deal with it. It's 343i now.

I personally like the campaign, but there are a few aspects that i hope they will improve. (i'll make a review in a few time)

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