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Slight Problem, has any one else noticed this?


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I don't use magnets in forge because I've always used coordinates since Reach. I have OCD and love for things to be perfect so i line everything up my self using coordinates. The problem is, when I make a map with coordinates, save the map, and restart the same map again in forge, everything on the map is altered a slight bit, its not enough to notice with your eyes but if you pick up the piece again and use coordinates, it will line it back up with the grid. I don't know why it does this and if anyone has a solution to this please share it with me, It would help a lot, Thanks!



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I used to have this problem in reach. That issue was resolved by making sure all objects desired to be in an immovable state be set to "phased". Additionally, start a new round before saving to allow all mixes of normal, fixed, and phased objects to reach a "reset" state, before the save occurs. A final option would be to use the left shortcut to lock the object.

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Wow. It would appear that we have exhausted all but this last option. I avoid this one when possible, but set objects to fixed instead of phased or normal. Be sure and lock it if that is your preference.



Last but not least, I have found it impossible to build with 100% symmetrical orientation. There is always something slightly off. Even in the ready made maps by 343 you will notice imperfections.


Just get it as smooth as you possibly can! (I'm referring to walking with a player and not experiencing bumps and hops)

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Just use blocks to builds, even when distancing an object from another, use a block to make the distance and line them up then delete the one block you used to line up the distance, most of my maps are symmetrical using that technique...Hard to explain, but it works.

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