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Need help with unfortunate situation


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Sometimes I play reach with my girlfriend who sucks at reach. She tends to go 0 and 15 on average. Well I've been credit banned for having an idle guest, but there was always someone playing. Video proof exists in all my games that i don't play with empty controllers and that she was running around being clueless the whole time.


It sucks enough that she anchors all of my games, but now I'm not able to get credits and I know its due to an assumption that i was breaking the rules but I simply was not. Please someone help me with getting this undeserved punishment lifted from my account and xbox. Gamertag: Pasick. I can provide a mac address if necessary.


Thanks for your time.

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Sometimes I play reach with my girlfriend who sucks at reach. She tends to go 0 and 15 on average. Well I've been credit banned for having an idle guest, but there was always someone playing. Video proof exists in all my games that i don't play with empty controllers and that she was running around being clueless the whole time.


It sucks enough that she anchors all of my games, but now I'm not able to get credits and I know its due to an assumption that i was breaking the rules but I simply was not. Please someone help me with getting this undeserved punishment lifted from my account and xbox. Gamertag: Pasick. I can provide a mac address if necessary.


Thanks for your time.


Sorry, but your wasting your time trying to lift a ban. And I'm pretty sure that credit bans are temporary, like 2 weeks or something so just wait.

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Sorry, but your wasting your time trying to lift a ban. And I'm pretty sure that credit bans are temporary, like 2 weeks or something so just wait.


He's right, you will just have to wait it out. If it's your first offense it will likely be 24-48 hours, not two weeks. That's usually on your second offense that you get two weeks. Maybe you should just make a second account to use while your girl is playing with you.

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To be honest I'd rather have her not playing at all, but she like wants to spend time with me and ****. screw custom games im exponentially better than my friends so its not even fun.


but yeah we rarely win when she's playing. it is dumbas**** that i get a credit ban (24 hours or otherwise) for bringing a person into my games who sucks.

if i want anything from all of this it's for AFC(afk) banhammer case followers (devs/admins) to actually look at the videos behind the scores to see what was happening.


im a mythic in game, add me "Pasick" if anyone wants to play in the future

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Pasick just a thought could you not use the other controller get a kill or 2 then give the controller back to GF? she wouldn't fall under the spotlight of the banhammer then.

Not a bad idea. I was going to suggest the same thing. I do that with my wife all the time. She is quite terrible. haha

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Not a bad idea. I was going to suggest the same thing. I do that with my wife all the time. She is quite terrible. haha


Lol if I did that with my wife, I bet id be sleeping on the settee for week, can see it now... Here love just let me play on your controller for 2 minutes so the banhammer doesn't think your not playing.....pause....longer pause.....whack!!!!

Then after my noses stopped bleeding I thought to myself I won't be asking for her controller again

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To be honest I'd rather have her not playing at all, but she like wants to spend time with me and ****. screw custom games im exponentially better than my friends so its not even fun.


but yeah we rarely win when she's playing. it is dumbas**** that i get a credit ban (24 hours or otherwise) for bringing a person into my games who sucks.

if i want anything from all of this it's for AFC(afk) banhammer case followers (devs/admins) to actually look at the videos behind the scores to see what was happening.


im a mythic in game, add me "Pasick" if anyone wants to play in the future

Link the vids.

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I don't quite remember much of this happening to someone else, but I heard on something like this before on the Bungie forums before I joined 343.


Bungie would conclude you were AFKing by the kills you had. If you didn't get any kills, they would conclude that you AFK. I do not know if Microsoft is doing this also. But by the amount of kills of your guest they thought you were using her as free kills [in Free-for-all if you play it with her.]


I do not know this is true, but I hope that I've been some help.

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  • 5 weeks later...

that is pretty stupid but if she cant even get one kill its terrible. also, my roommate and i found out that girls tend to like the invert controls rather than what the norm is for us. meaning that they sometimes like the right stick to be their head. when they pull the stick down, to them its like tilting your head towards the sky. and by pushing it forward its like they're tilting their head towards the ground. see if that helps

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