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Halo 4 Generosity

Jeff Hall

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Story time!


Ok so my youth group in town was holding a potluck dinner where everyone brings their own dish for a missionary family from Spain. They were staying in a town not far from here for a while and wanted to get to know everyone and so they came. We all sat down and had dinner together and they talked about games most of the time, which me being a gamer was a very nice touch. They knew everything from the old N64 console classics up to the new titles like Halo 4 and Black Ops 2. I brought up Halo and I noticed they were only talking about Reach, so I asked them if they played Halo 4 and they said they had not. I then decided that I should go home and get my copy plus the Halo Console limited edition controllers so they could check those out. After I got back and the whole family besides the mom (The Dad, the son and the daughter) had all had a chance to play the campaign (hard drive wasn't big enough for the multiplayer download) they thanked me and were so gracious to be able to play it. They had mentioned something then about not being able to play it until a little after February because they have a European Xbox and didn't want to pay for a game that they wouldn't be able to keep forever so I offered to give them mine. They were so happy about it but they didn't have an American Xbox and it wouldn't work. For about 3 hours we played the campaign and they were so happy and grateful that another gamer would be kind enough to give them the opportunity and show them the kindness.

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