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Map Complex Glitch -- Completely ruined Flood match


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I just want to bring to attention a glitch on the map "Complex". This probably has already been reported but I just witnessed it first hand today and decided it would be best to some how report it so it can be fixed in the first update. I was in a flood game and someone performed this glitch, making it impossible to kill him as we was the last survivor. Totally dragged :/

Basically, in one of the bases all you have to do is jump up into the wall and you just walk into it. You can also walk around inside the walls and if you are unlucky you can fall through the map. I have a video of it in my fileshare. I am not entirely sure if this is linked up to it or not as I just made an account but my gamertag is Ogitybogityboo. Look it up. Its STUPIDLY easy to do. Like, how this is a problem in the first place is beyond me. But go ahead and look at it and spread the word. Not to be total douches online but I to get it fixed and make Halo 4 a better game.

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File share? I didn't think that was working. o.o Anyways, a LOT of people know about this, and posting it on a forum, just alerts those that didn't know about it before... It'll be fixed eventually, but this is just a community forum, where people discuss stuff....and stuff. Can't do anything about it here.

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