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Multiplayer is very disappointing


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The match making is poor, constant lag and delays. Have you ever watched the kill cam at all? Does it make you rage that you arent even on screen sometimes in that kill cam or they are shootin the wall


Number 2, the guns lack variety from the load outs lack. Pistols are good the way they are but the primary weapons suck. Ok so i have a choice between 3 single shot riles and 3 assault rifles. Weapon drops are good, some nice stuff there and good original style stuff. Battle rifle, woah 3 round burst but crap compared to dmr really


3, such a low level of skill required for this game, you move like a snail, slower when shot, when the crosshairs are red its a guaranteed hit so weapons like dmr stomp at all ranges. Nerf the god damn radar for crying out loud, make it refresh every 3 seconds or somethig


4 to increase variety dual wield should be implemented, halo 2 was the best r for multiplayer and duels arent as mundane as oh i got the 1st shot on you so i will kill you or you both end up dead raging forgettig your mic is jot muted.


Remove promethian vision from multiplayer, just adds to that lack of skill.

All the other perks seem ok, camo jet pack etc

Except sentry turret thingo, terrible - increase its cool down and make it like a suppressor or something lasting 15 sec

Include shotguns in starting loads for purchase for variety, they suck past about 10 meters anyway.


Open to suggestions and opinions. Feel that this is a commonly spoke. About topic amongst friends


Commence flaming and trolling



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I don't think that the primaries necessarily suck, but I do agree that they could use some more variety in the weapons that are available to purchase.


And as far as the lag goes, I think that 343 will get that figured out in the recent future. It's not game-breaking, but it's also their first full release of a game, so I can almost guarantee that the servers will get better.


I do enjoy the dual wielding though.


And when it comes to radar (and that sort of thing), it is strong, but everyone has access to it at all times. I feel like the people who take advantage of it are the ones who often win. It feels like a Halo game to me, and I wouldn't want them to change it.



So no flaming or trolling ;) You do bring up some good points and I'm sure that things will get even better in the future!

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HALO 4 is still halo because of the weapons. High level competitve multiplayer will still be dictated by 5 shotting.


BR VS DMR: Me and one of my buddies tested the fire rate. DMR completes a 5 shot half a second faster than BR. This was tested many times, we switched weapons also, and DMR always finished a set of 5 shots faster than BR. HOWEVER, with the BR you can swipe shot better. And after their shields are down, even if one of the three bullets hits the head, it is a kill. Because the matchmaking system doesn't pit you against players your skill level, the DMR supriority isns't really seen. I often win 1v1 duals with DMR users. Only a few times did I get killed before pulling off the 5th shot, those times are ANNOYING since i LOVE BR, but they are not often. In PRO games, I will be using the DMR.


PRIMARY WEAPON: OP, obviously you are a low level player. The automatic primaries in this game are so good. I have to pefect 5 shot in order to get away, and if they get the jump on me or close range combat, its over; only good nades and twitch headshot afterwards would save you.


PROMETHEAN VISION: the same with your radar problem. You have to accept the fact that you cater yourself to the physics of the game and not the other way around. Promethen vision does make it easier, but good players can also abuse the **** out of it. Like promethen vision and following someone's outline with the SNIPER and getting EZ headshots. I have done that to ppl and ppl have done that to me. I have learned to always keep track of how many enemies are using PV and strafe/jump accordingly. PV counters CAMO, and CAMO is so good , almost overpowered if used by a intuitive and skilled player.


SHOTGUNS: easiest kill in the game, and you want it to be starting loadouts? Having SG as loadout would lower the SKILL CAP even more and will promote camping doorways and behind boxes.

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on thing i noticed about the multi-player is the red triangle indicator over the top of my head in any game mode. i play team swat all the time and i always have the red triangle over my head and i have no idea why. it defeats the purpose to play the game if your opponents know exactly where you are before you do. and i agree, the lag is pretty bad...and the DMR is way over powered on there 0_o

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I see what you are saying fishsticks01 and i use the assualt rifle and dmr, the pistol also gets a lot of use and tops the dmr for speed (of killing) if in the right hands. I have a rather high kdr compared to most i would say near 2 (maybe 1.7?).


I guess my main concern is i dont want this game to get boring, lol i dont tend to show up on radars because of the way i move, but other players do and i feel that it is over powered.


I am an australian and the lag is bad, quite often you will melee someone 3 times and they hit you once and thats it. Or its a 1 for 1. It would be nice to see a locational match maker?


Doorway camping with shotguns occur in most games, you die from a single shot in others. This game is definately missing something i say add shotguns to loadouts, intro weapon recoil for snipers and dmr for balance otherwise.


I didnt really open the thread because im losing, i am killing people so easily but there is just no variety. Even if u sacrifice your primary weapon to dual weild 2 secondaries that would be awesome ( plasma pistol and magnum would be op so you cant scope )

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