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Constructive Criticism


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Im going to start right now by saying this isnt me complaining about how the game sucks and im never going to play it again, its me giving the developer some feedback about how to make thier game better.


A. Add an actual Skill rank to the game, simple reasons being I dont really like smashing people who are clearly much worse than me and im not a fan of being smashed by alot more skilled players than myself. I loved the skill ranks of Halo 2, call me old fashioned but for me that worked really well, I enjoyed trying to push my skills further and further. With each iteration of Halo, there seems to be less and less ranked playlists. I for one would like a return to the old school ranked ways. My understanding is that a ranking system is being bought in through Waypoint (Which I hardly ever use) seems pointless if its not in the game, i dont want to be using a third party system.


B. Tone down the Bolt Shot? That gun seems way OP in my eyes, its like spawning with a shotgun everytime, it kills from miles away and just seems like everyone and their mother is using that gun, I honestly dont mind any other gun, even the Saw. It justs as though the Boltshot is OP and everyone knows it.


C. Enhance the playlists, I understand the game has only been out a few weeks and its still early days. Im just used to playing Reach with a various set of playlists. Doubles is a huge one for me, as since Halo 2, me and my mate have played doubles pratically every Sunday ever :D Just alittle dissapointed to get the game and not have that playlist.


D. Fix the file sharing system, now i really dont see how this is broken since two previous games had it, I was looking foward to playing on other peoples custom made maps, I really have no talent at creating maps and love playing on others, Had a pretty good Lockout remake map i downloaded from someone on Reach, this map was still my favourite map and Me and my mate loved the play the map.


Remember this is just some constructive criticism and nothing more.

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I agree with about everything you said. And I appreciate how you didn't rant about how horrible this game is for your own opinion. 343 is going to be adding a playlist every single Monday. Oh and in case you didn't know (judging by the giving the developers some feedback" part) This is just a fan site. The real 343 website is here http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/?

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