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When you're being shot at...


When being shot at..  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer the flinching, or scoping out completely?

    • Flinching (Halo 4)
    • Scoping out (past Halo)

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The ups and downs of scoping out or flinching:


Flinching lets you focus more on finishing someone off, as you don't have to scope out. This makes DMR vs Sniper battles a bit easier for the sniper, and other things obviously. If a persons teammate tries to save them by shooting you, you can still probably get that last shot off, which is a great relief. However, with flinching it is much easier to put yourself at risk. Sometimes while scoped in about to shoot someone, you'll totally forget about your surroundings. If you do, you can get shot at and not even realize it until your shields drop. Also, in the heat of the moment you can forget about your own well-being and focus more on finishing someone off, rather than turning and running if you're getting shot at.


Scoping out is nice, because you get to turn and run whenever you get shot at from the side/back etc.. It's much safer. Also, if there is a sniper camping in a corner somewhere and you can't get to a sniper yourself, it's nice to be able to just keep firing at them so they can't focus in on a shot at you. On the other hand, you can't always finish someone off like you can with flinching only. And we can't forget the ever popular occasion... when you're trying to scope out, you get shot, then you end up scoping back in, and repeat. I HATED that.


It's hard to pick a side really, but I seem to die a couple more times with flinching, and sick of snipers wrecking me while I have a DMR, so I think I'd have to side with scoping out on this one. Your thoughts?

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The flinching is something that annoyed me at the start of this game, prefered the old zoom out, still do.


Maybe its just because I am not used to it!! But personally I prefer scope it as it means sniping has to be done far better and a team can negate the enemy sniper (something I liked). Zoom out makes sniping more of an art form and helps you know when someone is hitting you from another angle.


That said they cannot really change it in H4 but mazybe they will for H5. Just my thoughts I am sure there are others who prefer the new system.

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