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50 reasons why halo reach failed.

The Snazzer

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So why did halo 3 have 2million players online the first full year and reach right now has only 102,988 players? what happened? why does it suck so much? how was it even able to suck so much? i still play the game simply becuase its halo and i have been playing halo games for 7 or 8 years. so here is why people, onlione buddies and me and the community have said REPEATIVLY about halo reach and why they dislike it.

***note*** somethings (3 or 4 things) i disagree on but i am still posting becuase i have heard many other halo fans stress it**********


1. There is no Master Chief. The stories for the reach characters are dumb, i get them perfectly but they just arn't good.

2. The armor parts for your character are not fluid and look like they have been pasted on with super glue.

3. The armor shoulders are sooo big that some parts are bigger than your helmet.

4. why is MLG on community but Living Dead is on competitive?

5. The credit system was designed to keep you playing for hours, your rank means you have played for many hours and several days. No matter how food you are you basically rank up just as fast as a person that "sucks" ( a random player)

6. There is no team work, there would be if there was a credit bonus for winning, lets say about 500cr. not a stupid performance bonus. A winning bonus will make people want to gather teams and actually try to win to increase the speed of their ranking.

7. We are tired of too many forge maps,asylum and atom are good, as in, you should have stopped there, but we are sick of seeing the same bluish walls everywhere no matter what map it is the enviroment just gets so boring to see! make your own maps related to the game and stop the forge maps you lazy good for nothing bungie, anyone can make a forge map but you guys have professional expertise in animation and gaming, please make use of it!

8. The nade throwing range increased so much! why? nades are not long distance, people will move when a nade is 20feet in the air! nades are mid-range weapons. everytime i wanna throw a nade to an incoming enemy it fly right by them. they dont destroy vehicles cus anyone can see a nade coming from 25 meters away and easily move and dodge it.

9. Why is there no ranking system? 1-50 or 1-10 or 1-100? or whatever! but halo 4 will need one, i get teamed with people way above my rank and it frustrates me, and some are above me and i bet i frustrate them.

10. with no ranking system there is nothing to loose,or win. or be glad to flaunt your rank,sure people boost but i still rather have one.

11. Why are nades so weak? i have to land one perfect them melee or shotgun them or 2 shot them perfectly to kill them.

12. No more armor abilities they ruined the game.

13. armor lock sucks, an opinion? yes, but it sucks becuase it just shouldn't be in halo reach, if you get stuck deal with it, if u dont hear or see a hog coming to run you over, how stupid are you? vehicles take minutes to respawn just so they can be destoryed in a second by armor lock? not fair.

14. Jet pack, it shouldn't be in reach at all, why? so we have a new way to explore the maps? we have seen forge world many times and the high places have death spots.

15. hologram, really? sure it fools me sometimes but it only takes a second to relize it isn't taking damage, yes it fools a person but do they really stay shooting at it forever? and it just isnt halo anyway.


17. the Assualt rifle is too strong and long range, halo 3 was too over powered, make it somewhere inbetween.

18. since 343 has had reach, like the first weeks of august, it has been really laggy, halo makes lots of money so get top notch servers.

19. Multi-kills are worth nothing, a skilled player can get high ones and therfore speeding up his ranking, since its already slow enough.

20. daily challenges are way too easy and too cheap, an average game as a brigadier will get you 1,000-1,5000 a mythic will get 1,500-2,000 per game, games take 6-8 minutes why are we going to go finish a challenge in firefight or campaign thats worth 1,100cr and it will take 10 minutes or more? the weeklys should be a bit harder and worth 20k to 50k cr, considering some high levels take 1million to 3 million to rank.

21. More slayer maps and less objective maps.

22. Assasinations are too slow and flashy, most of the time you will get killed or yoinked right after and they arn't worth anything. i rather get embarrassed by a defeat in a dmr fight then get assasinated.

23. Too many medals for so little effort, there are so many medals i dont know its ridiculous, many are awarded for doing something that is not impressive like killing someone while jetpacking or running, medals back in halo 2 and 3 meant you did an outstanding feature in battle.

24. too many firefight challenges, just because no one plays it dont make us play it by teasing us with daily challenges that are worth a laughable 1000cr.

25. the warhog is too weak, too powerful in halo 3 but reach makes it seems like there is a mounted AR on the hog.

26. a melee is too weak, it should take down all your shields.

27. the forge maps are not even centered and are off with other parts.

28. there isn't any dual wielding, seriously? c'mon bungie seriously? really.... like seriously? im being serious here bungie.

29. why is there like 95 ranks in reach? each with 4 grades? its just annoying.

30. why can't we search for people with our skill level? i dont really care for chatty people.

31. why the hell did you change the main menu song from halo 3, tha song was epic, seriously epic tho, as in unforgetable, not just epic like a 12 year old says it.

32. big team maps are a bit too big, why cant we play big team in countdown? or reflection?

33. Reach was made to show off bungies engineers, boardwalk has too much detail it ruied the entire map, well not entire map but atleast 95% of it. it looks like im playing inside a city in a roleplaying game.

34. bungie needs to understand that good detail and good story does beat a good online matchmaking experience, just see COD, horrible stories but good ,well decent matchmaking, they keep buying it somehow.

35. The spwaning for halo reach is retarded, many times we get spawned infront of my opponent.

36. each map has a spawning advantage weather its for blue or red team.

37. the ban for quiting is not very smart when bungie has lost 90% of their fans, i mean your kicking them off becuase they quit when a group of random people way below your rank got teamed up with you and you dont want to get slaughtered, it a good reason to quit but dont ban us, sheesh, you should atleast credit ban us for 5 games or so but let us play for fun atleast.

38. The Credit ban is not very smart either, many of my friends have gotten credit ban and i have been there to witness it when they have really done nothing against the game ethics.

39. the credit cap is also a great way to make your players leave bungie, or 343, many of my friends are high ranks and they credit cap at mid day and they miss out on the fun, please extend it to 200,000 for general and 400,000k for nova's and up.

40. the slot machine needs to have a purpose and a reason for its amount, if i win a game and get 200 on the slot i feel cheat when i loose and hit 800 on the slot, see something bad here brothers?

41. why do we start with magnums when we respawn when we play a non dmr map? is it becuase bungie has no brains/ or becuase they know an enemy might spawn next to us knowing the crappy spawning that they gave us a magnum to take em out cus its a good short range weapon.

42. The entire story line for reach is silly, probably too silly, actually its so silly its suspiciously too silly, why count emile use armor lock to save him self, why didn't the phantom destory everyone when kat died instead of just being sniped? why couldnt the guy (forgot name) that died in the pelican just jet pack to save himself?

43. There needs to be a ranked playlist and a social playlist like halo 3, simply you are a hardcore gamer or a recreational gamer.

44. halo reach is mostly about stats when u reach higher ranks, why must we know k/d? when many people go to multi-team or griffball to boost?

45. why do the needles on the needlers follow you like a fly on poop?

46. people dont say how good a story line is or how good the graphics are, well atleast they dont stress it but a good multiplayer matchingmaking system is the most important, if you cant come up with a story for halo 4 just make a very good online game and it will sell, most get it for the online and are INTERESTED with the story line and stuff.


48. 343 needs to clean up what bungie ruined in halo reach, it may take more than one game but please make the game like it use to be in halo 2 and 3, classic slaying, no bs armor lock, nojetpack, no bloom, no bullet spread.

49. Bungie made no money off reach cus no people wanted to buy their maps cus only an average of 100,00-150,000 players are online and they wouldn't make enough money even if everyplayer bought the new maps htye make, i dont even have them and the DLC plyaylist has no more than 1000 people. i remember when halo3 had maps out everyone wanted them, thats probably a total of 1m-2m players downloading and buying their maps.




btw want to know why reach sucks? becuase bungie let us know and so did 343. when halo 3 came out it had millions of online players after 3 years it still had about a milion, everyone was happy the companys were happy, we were buying map packs and bungie waqs making money, everyone was worry free for 3 or 4 years, but when reach was made it hasn't even been a year and you are already hearing about halo 4! wow, why? becuase they know reach was a huge misstep in the halo franchise. when halo 3 came out there waqsn't a word about any other halo game coming out or in the works, everyone was happy and satisfied.


Ok so i talked about halo 3, i thought it was a almost perfect game, sure it had flaws like a underpowered Assault rifle and rank boosting, most people complained about the rank, the ranking system was awesome, the boosters were not, the ranking system showed you that u needed skill to play halo, people that boost to 50 got put against real legit 50's and im sure they had no fun get pooped on every game so boosting didnt really matter and if it were to get patched up or remade in halo 4 or reach.. then it would be a great ranking system, but overall the game felt like a halo game.



I know some people may disagree with some stuff i said and even i disagree with some stuff i said but i am speaking out for other fans aswell not just me, altho most of these do come from my opinion. so do you guys , my fellow halo fans, agree with me? do u think that reach just isnt halo. its reach. I am open to any inputs you might have an you can oppose my views and oppions as much as you want i will be happy to hear from you my fellow fans unlike bungie, they dont listen to their fans when we are the ones buying the game.


Why didnt they put a survery in their website as to what we like and dislike, i mean its online common sense, i hope 343 has the brains to do that.

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I somewhat agree with you, but Reach isn't a fail game. It's still like one of the top 5 games on XBL, and I don't get how that's a fail (I know H3 was better but still).


Some things I don't agree with.

1. Reach was never supposed to have MC, so that was expected.

9. They put in Arena for players that wanted to play according to skill, but i still agree there should be a playlist for a H3 ranking system.

11. You said that nades have a long range, so making them more powerful would overpower them. A nade close to a person always takes their shields down or kills them if it's super close.

16. Sprint should be permanently put in the game. But I get why it is a AA. The spartan's armour weighs a ****load, so running in them is probably not possible, and MC never ran so yeah.

18. Idk if it's just me, but Halos always been laggy for me.

19. Multikills like double kill, are the same difficulty as they were in H3.

22. That's what make them so cool, something flashy with a risk.

26. Melee does take off all shields, just not in MLG.

29. Ranks are fine, it is supposed to be hard. If there were less ranks, peeps would complain about how it's so easy to get to last rank.

30. Arena.

32. Big team maps are supposed to be big. It's why its bigteam, 16 peeps on countdown would be chaos. Less spawns so more spawning in front of the enemy.

33. Too much detail? really?

37. Quiting just ruins the games for everyone, not quiting.

39. They get it midday? How much do they play?! I've only hit the cap once.

40. There is a reason why it is called the slot machine. It's all luck.

41. You always start with AR/Pistol on normal slayer. Pistol is a secondary weapon, and I can't really see spawning with any other wep.

42. Emile didn't have the AL AA and Carter had to crash into the scarab. And if they all survived it would go against canon.

44. Barely any ppl look at k/d, most play for fun. If your hardcore, play Arena?

45. Because that is what the needler has been doing since Halo CE.

46. Before you said that a good campaign is most important? Condradicting yourself.


At the end you say H3 had underpowered AR, but before you said it was overpowered? Contradicting yourself.

And don't forget about the Title Update.


P.S.- I was feeling a little rebellious and bored so yeah... ;)

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1.When i said that MC wasn't in reach i meant a halo without MC is just weird, not that MC should be in it.

2. i said the campagin wasn't good in reach, but it doesnt need to be the best, MM should be slightly better than the campagin.

3. i spend most of my time running to an opponet in BTB when vehicles are gone, by the time i get mid map a hog or wraith takes me, the maps should be big but a few squad maps wouldn't be so bad

4. the spawning doesnt detect if there is enemies neary by it just picks a random spawn.

5. by too many ranks i meant the "gold' ranks under field marshall, 2 or 4 could've been taken out, but not exactly easier to rank.

6. yes reach is the top 5 in XBL, but is it better than the last game? no, it should be improving not getting worse, if i recall halo 3 was #1 not just top 5 on XBL, its about going above and beyond your previous game. of course all games may have an end but going from halo 3 to reach was a bunch oif faults.

7. the game doesnt have too much detail, boardwalk does, as i stated, bungie took much of their time putting detail in the game,ostly everyone complains about how bad the MM is that they dont really care about good detail.

8. if we can pick our AA the story charcters can too, we arn't that special you know!

9. arena has intergrated a bad ranking system, and not very "hardcore' like, just bad. taking your best 5 games isn't the way to build your entire halo skill level.

10. nades have long rage, i meant how they are thrown, we throw them like baseballs in reach, if u read you would see that i said they always fly by the opponent, i always have to aim completely down and sacrifice the sight of my enemy, and i consider to be good with nades since halo 2, so dont say im throwing them wrong.

11.the mutikills are achieved with buy luck, a nade, or plain skill, not everyone can get a overkill on swat or slayer, thats why i said more credits should be earn from them, so it gives good players an a credit advantage. doublekill is worth 21cr, it should be worth 31-35cr. and its not alot considering i have 1.1 million to my next rank.

12. yes halo has been very laggy, its almost black screening as bad as halo 3, yet we still played more than we play reach.


As i said im glad to hear input from fans,discussing these type of things are what 343 should be listening to, the fans, even tho we may disagree on somethings we all understand that reach isnt a actually halo game like a halo 3.5 or anything but the people that play reach are overall halo fans and we dont like our classic games being changed, sure they need change becuase u cant make the same game with just new maps, but reach just changed so much and in the wrong ways, change isnt bad but you need to keep the fans in mind, 343 really needs to make polls and surveys as to what we want and dont want, put it on XBL dashboard or put it on halo waypoint even put it as an announcment when we go to the reach menu, some how get the fans opinion, bungie didnt do this for reach, they all sat in the offices thinking they are making the best game ever but never in an interview i heard that "this is fans have asked for" or "we took this part out cus fans didnt want it". and btw unholly killer these are world class soldiers, even in the real army soldiers are trained to run with all their equipment on, and in the campaign cut scencee, they run, its just running so dont be silly that jetpack and hologram makes the soldiers unable to run lol. just sprint would have been a good enough improvment from halo 3, with out the other AA's, i have used them all and they are fun, i dont have a problem with AA'S, but should they be in halo? no.

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So why did halo 3 have 2million players online the first full year and reach right now has only 102,988 players? what happened? why does it suck so much? how was it even able to suck so much? i still play the game simply becuase its halo and i have been playing halo games for 7 or 8 years. so here is why people, onlione buddies and me and the community have said REPEATIVLY about halo reach and why they dislike it.

***note*** somethings (3 or 4 things) i disagree on but i am still posting becuase i have heard many other halo fans stress it**********


1. There is no Master Chief. The stories for the reach characters are dumb, i get them perfectly but they just arn't good.

2. The armor parts for your character are not fluid and look like they have been pasted on with super glue.

3. The armor shoulders are sooo big that some parts are bigger than your helmet.

4. why is MLG on community but Living Dead is on competitive?

5. The credit system was designed to keep you playing for hours, your rank means you have played for many hours and several days. No matter how food you are you basically rank up just as fast as a person that "sucks" ( a random player)

6. There is no team work, there would be if there was a credit bonus for winning, lets say about 500cr. not a stupid performance bonus. A winning bonus will make people want to gather teams and actually try to win to increase the speed of their ranking.

7. We are tired of too many forge maps,asylum and atom are good, as in, you should have stopped there, but we are sick of seeing the same bluish walls everywhere no matter what map it is the enviroment just gets so boring to see! make your own maps related to the game and stop the forge maps you lazy good for nothing bungie, anyone can make a forge map but you guys have professional expertise in animation and gaming, please make use of it!

8. The nade throwing range increased so much! why? nades are not long distance, people will move when a nade is 20feet in the air! nades are mid-range weapons. everytime i wanna throw a nade to an incoming enemy it fly right by them. they dont destroy vehicles cus anyone can see a nade coming from 25 meters away and easily move and dodge it.

9. Why is there no ranking system? 1-50 or 1-10 or 1-100? or whatever! but halo 4 will need one, i get teamed with people way above my rank and it frustrates me, and some are above me and i bet i frustrate them.

10. with no ranking system there is nothing to loose,or win. or be glad to flaunt your rank,sure people boost but i still rather have one.

11. Why are nades so weak? i have to land one perfect them melee or shotgun them or 2 shot them perfectly to kill them.

12. No more armor abilities they ruined the game.

13. armor lock sucks, an opinion? yes, but it sucks becuase it just shouldn't be in halo reach, if you get stuck deal with it, if u dont hear or see a hog coming to run you over, how stupid are you? vehicles take minutes to respawn just so they can be destoryed in a second by armor lock? not fair.

14. Jet pack, it shouldn't be in reach at all, why? so we have a new way to explore the maps? we have seen forge world many times and the high places have death spots.

15. hologram, really? sure it fools me sometimes but it only takes a second to relize it isn't taking damage, yes it fools a person but do they really stay shooting at it forever? and it just isnt halo anyway.


17. the Assualt rifle is too strong and long range, halo 3 was too over powered, make it somewhere inbetween.

18. since 343 has had reach, like the first weeks of august, it has been really laggy, halo makes lots of money so get top notch servers.

19. Multi-kills are worth nothing, a skilled player can get high ones and therfore speeding up his ranking, since its already slow enough.

20. daily challenges are way too easy and too cheap, an average game as a brigadier will get you 1,000-1,5000 a mythic will get 1,500-2,000 per game, games take 6-8 minutes why are we going to go finish a challenge in firefight or campaign thats worth 1,100cr and it will take 10 minutes or more? the weeklys should be a bit harder and worth 20k to 50k cr, considering some high levels take 1million to 3 million to rank.

21. More slayer maps and less objective maps.

22. Assasinations are too slow and flashy, most of the time you will get killed or yoinked right after and they arn't worth anything. i rather get embarrassed by a defeat in a dmr fight then get assasinated.

23. Too many medals for so little effort, there are so many medals i dont know its ridiculous, many are awarded for doing something that is not impressive like killing someone while jetpacking or running, medals back in halo 2 and 3 meant you did an outstanding feature in battle.

24. too many firefight challenges, just because no one plays it dont make us play it by teasing us with daily challenges that are worth a laughable 1000cr.

25. the warhog is too weak, too powerful in halo 3 but reach makes it seems like there is a mounted AR on the hog.

26. a melee is too weak, it should take down all your shields.

27. the forge maps are not even centered and are off with other parts.

28. there isn't any dual wielding, seriously? c'mon bungie seriously? really.... like seriously? im being serious here bungie.

29. why is there like 95 ranks in reach? each with 4 grades? its just annoying.

30. why can't we search for people with our skill level? i dont really care for chatty people.

31. why the hell did you change the main menu song from halo 3, tha song was epic, seriously epic tho, as in unforgetable, not just epic like a 12 year old says it.

32. big team maps are a bit too big, why cant we play big team in countdown? or reflection?

33. Reach was made to show off bungies engineers, boardwalk has too much detail it ruied the entire map, well not entire map but atleast 95% of it. it looks like im playing inside a city in a roleplaying game.

34. bungie needs to understand that good detail and good story does beat a good online matchmaking experience, just see COD, horrible stories but good ,well decent matchmaking, they keep buying it somehow.

35. The spwaning for halo reach is retarded, many times we get spawned infront of my opponent.

36. each map has a spawning advantage weather its for blue or red team.

37. the ban for quiting is not very smart when bungie has lost 90% of their fans, i mean your kicking them off becuase they quit when a group of random people way below your rank got teamed up with you and you dont want to get slaughtered, it a good reason to quit but dont ban us, sheesh, you should atleast credit ban us for 5 games or so but let us play for fun atleast.

38. The Credit ban is not very smart either, many of my friends have gotten credit ban and i have been there to witness it when they have really done nothing against the game ethics.

39. the credit cap is also a great way to make your players leave bungie, or 343, many of my friends are high ranks and they credit cap at mid day and they miss out on the fun, please extend it to 200,000 for general and 400,000k for nova's and up.

40. the slot machine needs to have a purpose and a reason for its amount, if i win a game and get 200 on the slot i feel cheat when i loose and hit 800 on the slot, see something bad here brothers?

41. why do we start with magnums when we respawn when we play a non dmr map? is it becuase bungie has no brains/ or becuase they know an enemy might spawn next to us knowing the crappy spawning that they gave us a magnum to take em out cus its a good short range weapon.

42. The entire story line for reach is silly, probably too silly, actually its so silly its suspiciously too silly, why count emile use armor lock to save him self, why didn't the phantom destory everyone when kat died instead of just being sniped? why couldnt the guy (forgot name) that died in the pelican just jet pack to save himself?

43. There needs to be a ranked playlist and a social playlist like halo 3, simply you are a hardcore gamer or a recreational gamer.

44. halo reach is mostly about stats when u reach higher ranks, why must we know k/d? when many people go to multi-team or griffball to boost?

45. why do the needles on the needlers follow you like a fly on poop?

46. people dont say how good a story line is or how good the graphics are, well atleast they dont stress it but a good multiplayer matchingmaking system is the most important, if you cant come up with a story for halo 4 just make a very good online game and it will sell, most get it for the online and are INTERESTED with the story line and stuff.


48. 343 needs to clean up what bungie ruined in halo reach, it may take more than one game but please make the game like it use to be in halo 2 and 3, classic slaying, no bs armor lock, nojetpack, no bloom, no bullet spread.

49. Bungie made no money off reach cus no people wanted to buy their maps cus only an average of 100,00-150,000 players are online and they wouldn't make enough money even if everyplayer bought the new maps htye make, i dont even have them and the DLC plyaylist has no more than 1000 people. i remember when halo3 had maps out everyone wanted them, thats probably a total of 1m-2m players downloading and buying their maps.




btw want to know why reach sucks? becuase bungie let us know and so did 343. when halo 3 came out it had millions of online players after 3 years it still had about a milion, everyone was happy the companys were happy, we were buying map packs and bungie waqs making money, everyone was worry free for 3 or 4 years, but when reach was made it hasn't even been a year and you are already hearing about halo 4! wow, why? becuase they know reach was a huge misstep in the halo franchise. when halo 3 came out there waqsn't a word about any other halo game coming out or in the works, everyone was happy and satisfied.


Ok so i talked about halo 3, i thought it was a almost perfect game, sure it had flaws like a underpowered Assault rifle and rank boosting, most people complained about the rank, the ranking system was awesome, the boosters were not, the ranking system showed you that u needed skill to play halo, people that boost to 50 got put against real legit 50's and im sure they had no fun get pooped on every game so boosting didnt really matter and if it were to get patched up or remade in halo 4 or reach.. then it would be a great ranking system, but overall the game felt like a halo game.



I know some people may disagree with some stuff i said and even i disagree with some stuff i said but i am speaking out for other fans aswell not just me, altho most of these do come from my opinion. so do you guys , my fellow halo fans, agree with me? do u think that reach just isnt halo. its reach. I am open to any inputs you might have an you can oppose my views and oppions as much as you want i will be happy to hear from you my fellow fans unlike bungie, they dont listen to their fans when we are the ones buying the game.


Why didnt they put a survery in their website as to what we like and dislike, i mean its online common sense, i hope 343 has the brains to do that.

u know dont expect halo 4 2 bring u back 2 gameing nervana i mean if bungie sold 10 million copys of reach i dont see why they @ 343 indesries would want 2 chage it up dont get me wrong i agree with u but it iz what it is
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Yes halo reach is my favorite game at the moment, but it is not dilivering for being a halo game, can someone explain why it sold 10 million copies but there is 100,000 people online and halo 3 sold 6 million and had 2 million online?




did the reach buyers, all 9,900,000 throw reach away or whats up?

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Ok I see a lot of posts about how Halo 3 had more players... yadda yadda. Is everyone in the world just plain stupid, or is everyone just extrememly ignorant to the economic crisis that has been crippling the nations of the world? People were a little better off and could afford more luxuries back in 07 to 08. Live and games like Reach take a huge backseat to feeding your family and affording everyday needs. Noone ever takes that into account. They automatically jump on the "This game must suck" bandwagon. Get educated before assuming something sucks because sales and amount of players lack.


That being said, there is quite a bit of particular things I find wrong or just plain stupid with this initial post.


1. There is no Master Chief. The stories for the reach characters are dumb, i get them perfectly but they just arn't good.

Really? Wow. Let's just rename Halo to MC-117. Their background and stories were solid. They had a genuine emotional attachment to the planet and their fellow soldiers. Last time I checked, Masterchief never showed any emotion. To me that is boring and shows a sense of detachment to what he is fighting for. Hell, he shows more emotion for Cortana than he does the guy who got his head shot off while he was jerking around trying to find a weapon. His background is so clouded and inconsistent and quite obviously has been portrayed as a self preserving ****.


2. The armor parts for your character are not fluid and look like they have been pasted on with super glue.

You try rigging and animating a biped with over 100 different armor permutations setup, and a base of over 70,000 polygons. Oh wait, you don't know what that is because your ****** fanboy who has no idea what he is talking about. The animators and modelers did a fantastic job representing and animating the individual pieces of each permutation.

6. There is no team work, there would be if there was a credit bonus for winning, lets say about 500cr. not a stupid performance bonus. A winning bonus will make people want to gather teams and actually try to win to increase the speed of their ranking.

Contradiction number 1million and twenty-three. Performance bonuses are based on a number of attributes during your gameplay. From how well you assist your teamamtes, or how well you assist yourself. Watch a VidOC or 2 about the damn game!


8. The nade throwing range increased so much! why? nades are not long distance, people will move when a nade is 20feet in the air! nades are mid-range weapons. everytime i wanna throw a nade to an incoming enemy it fly right by them. they dont destroy vehicles cus anyone can see a nade coming from 25 meters away and easily move and dodge it.

This must be your first Halo game. If it isn't than you are a complete moron. every Halo title has a different throwing range when it comes to grenades. Do you even play Halo at all?


9. Why is there no ranking system? 1-50 or 1-10 or 1-100? or whatever! but halo 4 will need one, i get teamed with people way above my rank and it frustrates me, and some are above me and i bet i frustrate them.


As stated above, do you even play halo at all? There is a filter to which you can customize how and who you will be paired with. Simply just going into matchmaking provides a default set of parameters in which you will be paired with people quickly based on who is directly available to play. Use the filter to be paired based on your skill level.


18. since 343 has had reach, like the first weeks of august, it has been really laggy, halo makes lots of money so get top notch servers.


It's not their servers. It's called Host. The central servers that connect you to others players, decide on a host for each match. If that host has a poor connection, everyone suffers. Also please take into account the "upstream" bandwidth of your own connection. Many ISP providers cap off or limit your upstream bandwidth which causes latency between your Xbox and the Live service. Get a little informed before you start spouting bull**** about how 343 maintains their servers.


35. The spwaning for halo reach is retarded, many times we get spawned infront of my opponent.

You have no idea how spawning or the spawn zones work at all quite obviously. But it's ok, keep bitching like a little girl and maybe you'll feel better.


37. the ban for quitting is not very smart when bungie has lost 90% of their fans, i mean your kicking them off becuase they quit when a group of random people way below your rank got teamed up with you and you dont want to get slaughtered, it a good reason to quit but dont ban us, sheesh, you should atleast credit ban us for 5 games or so but let us play for fun atleast.


You quite obviously are focused too much on rank, rather than enjoying a great match. I am only a General grade 2, but I can beast over and over a Forerunner or Field Marshall. There is no extra bonus or penalty for winning/losing the match. The reason it was done like this is to stop people from wanting to quit. Play your match, and win or lose everyone gains some credits and commendations.


39. the credit cap is also a great way to make your players leave bungie, or 343, many of my friends are high ranks and they credit cap at mid day and they miss out on the fun, please extend it to 200,000 for general and 400,000k for nova's and up.


It's called credit farming. I can't count how many times I see a player with 75% armor completion yet a mere 30% commendation, and they are field marshals or above. If the player was truly just playing and not farming for credits to spend, their commendations would reflect the armor completion. It's simple maths.


40. the slot machine needs to have a purpose and a reason for its amount, if i win a game and get 200 on the slot i feel cheat when i loose and hit 800 on the slot, see something bad here brothers?


Never heard of gambling? The point of something being random, is that anything can happen. My god, ***** some more about pointless things.


42. The entire story line for reach is silly, probably too silly, actually its so silly its suspiciously too silly, why count emile use armor lock to save him self, why didn't the phantom destory everyone when kat died instead of just being sniped? why couldnt the guy (forgot name) that died in the pelican just jet pack to save himself?


This one is retarded and you have no brain. You cannot just state a story is silly, and point out only 3 things. Especially when those 3 things are idiotic and show you do not pay attention to things Bungie does not have to state in order for you to get. Here you go....


Kat was taken out because she was the easiest of targets. She was dead center of the group and easiest to line a shot up with. She is also the main intelligence and tech savvy of the group. An obvious good choice for any tactical assault, to be taken out first. The team returned fire before a steady shot could be taken at anyone else. Phantoms can't really lock onto ground troops as easily as bigger targets. Which would have made shooting at them much harder and risked return fire, causing damage to a primary defensive weapon of the Phantom.


Emile could have used armor lock when using the mag gun sure....but he wouldn't be able to move, and when it wore off, he would have been outnumbered anyway. A pointless action for any soldier to take.


Again, you show how little you pay attention to the story. Which part of a downing pelican are you referring? No Spartan fell from a pelican and died. You are referring to a marine. Marines cannot use Spartan equipment outside weapons. ODST's are the only specialized force that have the ability to use them. Chances are, the soldier didn't foresee him falling from one. Do you wear a parachute when you go into a 32 story building? You know, just incase you get the urge to go to the roof to enjoy the view?



The rest of the utter bull**** is just nerve racking and wrong. Why must everyone focus on skill with multiplayer? Multiplayer is designed to also be fun and recreational. If you want just skill, then go to a MLG playlist or participate in MLG since you are all probably basement dwelling momma boy homos. It had to be said....finally.


I have said it before and I will say it again, if everyone thinks they know how to make a great game and map, then by all means, shut up or put up. Post up a great constructed series of maps from 3dsMax or make a game engine and ship off a game. What really? You don't want to. It's a waste of your time. You have other priorities? BULL****! Stop complaining about things you have no ability to fix, or even any discernible talent to create. I cannot stand anyone who ******* about anything they cannot create or fix themselves without proof of said talents.

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So why did halo 3 have 2million players online the first full year and reach right now has only 102,988 players? what happened? why does it suck so much? how was it even able to suck so much? i still play the game simply becuase its halo and i have been playing halo games for 7 or 8 years. so here is why people, onlione buddies and me and the community have said REPEATIVLY about halo reach and why they dislike it.

***note*** somethings (3 or 4 things) i disagree on but i am still posting becuase i have heard many other halo fans stress it**********


1. There is no Master Chief. The stories for the reach characters are dumb, i get them perfectly but they just arn't good.

2. The armor parts for your character are not fluid and look like they have been pasted on with super glue.

5. The credit system was designed to keep you playing for hours, your rank means you have played for many hours and several days. No matter how food you are you basically rank up just as fast as a person that "sucks" ( a random player)

7. We are tired of too many forge maps,asylum and atom are good, as in, you should have stopped there, but we are sick of seeing the same bluish walls everywhere no matter what map it is the enviroment just gets so boring to see! make your own maps related to the game and stop the forge maps you lazy good for nothing bungie, anyone can make a forge map but you guys have professional expertise in animation and gaming, please make use of it!

9. Why is there no ranking system? 1-50 or 1-10 or 1-100? or whatever! but halo 4 will need one, i get teamed with people way above my rank and it frustrates me, and some are above me and i bet i frustrate them.

12. No more armor abilities they ruined the game.

13. armor lock sucks, an opinion? yes, but it sucks becuase it just shouldn't be in halo reach, if you get stuck deal with it, if u dont hear or see a hog coming to run you over, how stupid are you? vehicles take minutes to respawn just so they can be destoryed in a second by armor lock? not fair.

14. Jet pack, it shouldn't be in reach at all, why? so we have a new way to explore the maps? we have seen forge world many times and the high places have death spots.

15. hologram, really? sure it fools me sometimes but it only takes a second to relize it isn't taking damage, yes it fools a person but do they really stay shooting at it forever? and it just isnt halo anyway.


17. the Assualt rifle is too strong and long range, halo 3 was too over powered, make it somewhere inbetween.

18. since 343 has had reach, like the first weeks of august, it has been really laggy, halo makes lots of money so get top notch servers.

22. Assasinations are too slow and flashy, most of the time you will get killed or yoinked right after and they arn't worth anything. i rather get embarrassed by a defeat in a dmr fight then get assasinated.

28. there isn't any dual wielding, seriously? c'mon bungie seriously? really.... like seriously? im being serious here bungie.

29. why is there like 95 ranks in reach? each with 4 grades? its just annoying.

30. why can't we search for people with our skill level? i dont really care for chatty people.

33. Reach was made to show off bungies engineers, boardwalk has too much detail it ruied the entire map, well not entire map but atleast 95% of it. it looks like im playing inside a city in a roleplaying game.

34. bungie needs to understand that good detail and good story does beat a good online matchmaking experience, just see COD, horrible stories but good ,well decent matchmaking, they keep buying it somehow.

36. each map has a spawning advantage weather its for blue or red team.

40. the slot machine needs to have a purpose and a reason for its amount, if i win a game and get 200 on the slot i feel cheat when i loose and hit 800 on the slot, see something bad here brothers?

42. The entire story line for reach is silly, probably too silly, actually its so silly its suspiciously too silly, why count emile use armor lock to save him self, why didn't the phantom destory everyone when kat died instead of just being sniped? why couldnt the guy (forgot name) that died in the pelican just jet pack to save himself?

45. why do the needles on the needlers follow you like a fly on poop?


48. 343 needs to clean up what bungie ruined in halo reach, it may take more than one game but please make the game like it use to be in halo 2 and 3, classic slaying, no bs armor lock, nojetpack, no bloom, no bullet spread.

49. Bungie made no money off reach cus no people wanted to buy their maps cus only an average of 100,00-150,000 players are online and they wouldn't make enough money even if everyplayer bought the new maps htye make, i dont even have them and the DLC plyaylist has no more than 1000 people. i remember when halo3 had maps out everyone wanted them, thats probably a total of 1m-2m players downloading and buying their maps.




btw want to know why reach sucks? becuase bungie let us know and so did 343. when halo 3 came out it had millions of online players after 3 years it still had about a milion, everyone was happy the companys were happy, we were buying map packs and bungie waqs making money, everyone was worry free for 3 or 4 years, but when reach was made it hasn't even been a year and you are already hearing about halo 4! wow, why? becuase they know reach was a huge misstep in the halo franchise. when halo 3 came out there waqsn't a word about any other halo game coming out or in the works, everyone was happy and satisfied.


Ok so i talked about halo 3, i thought it was a almost perfect game, sure it had flaws like a underpowered Assault rifle and rank boosting, most people complained about the rank, the ranking system was awesome, the boosters were not, the ranking system showed you that u needed skill to play halo, people that boost to 50 got put against real legit 50's and im sure they had no fun get pooped on every game so boosting didnt really matter and if it were to get patched up or remade in halo 4 or reach.. then it would be a great ranking system, but overall the game felt like a halo game.



I know some people may disagree with some stuff i said and even i disagree with some stuff i said but i am speaking out for other fans aswell not just me, altho most of these do come from my opinion. so do you guys , my fellow halo fans, agree with me? do u think that reach just isnt halo. its reach. I am open to any inputs you might have an you can oppose my views and oppions as much as you want i will be happy to hear from you my fellow fans unlike bungie, they dont listen to their fans when we are the ones buying the game.


Why didnt they put a survery in their website as to what we like and dislike, i mean its online common sense, i hope 343 has the brains to do that.


1. Reach is about what happened when the covenant attacked not what master cheif was doing, he's in an easter egg deal with it.

2. The armor parts are not part of the actual armor, they are permutations made by the spartans to fit their own unique style.

5. If you rank up as fast as a person that you play one or two games with and you think they suck.. perhaps they are better than you but just having a bad day.

7. Not saying anything about the forge stuff but calling bungie lazy? I want to see you make a game, release it, keep working on it AND another brand new game.

9. Plain and simple, Rank doesnt determine skill, just says how long you've been playing.

12-16. Armor abilities were a nice addition, gives your character something that they hadn't been able to do before, if you're wondering why Master Chief never had them consider that his armor wasnt made to support them. And like xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR said if you were a spartan, constantly sprinting would put a MASSIVE strain on the armor and believe it or not your body inside the armor.

17. Saying the assault rifle is too strong, which takes if im correct about a whole clip to kill someone, is like saying that the rocket launcher should be fully automatic.

18. Like someone else said, its the hosts connection, find a game with bad host = bad connection, find a game with good host = better connection.

22. Assassinations shouldnt be pulled off where everyone can see them... If you get yoinked don't blame the assassination movements, blame bad team players, if you don't like doing assassinations then dont do em, if you dont like being assassinated, do everyone a favor and spin in circles.

28. Pay attention to this, Master Chief = Spartan 2, better augmentations, better armor, more time spent making them. Noble team (excluding jorge) = Spartan 3s a ripoff of (yes this is nerdy) Doctor Halsey's work, worse augmentation process, worse armor, most of them are 12-16 years of age. Therefore, no dual wielding!

29. What you think in the army you go from say general grade 1 (which if I'm not mistaken is an actual military rank) to say... President?

30. Use the special tools for special people that complain about who they get paired with... And turn off your microphone or better yet MUTE THEM!

33. If you can't play on maps because of the detail that the game makers put into it then don't play games, the detail makes the map... Would you rather have just grey walls, grey sky, grey floor? The boardwalk map is the map from the campaign at the start of one of the missions when the city is under attack.

34. Reach has good detail, more so then COD, good story that ties in with the events before halo 1, the matchmaking I personally like a lot more then COD. In COD you stand up get sniped, in Halo, you start moving you get shot at you have a chance to turn around and shoot the person shooting you.

40. Go use a slot machine in real life, lets see you get a jackpot every single time, slot machine is random, dont get upset.

42. Emile couldnt use armor lock because he was suprised when the elites jumped down from the phantom. When Kat was killed the phantom was if you think about it doing a hit and run on the smartest spartan the Covenant knew about right then and there. Carter couldn't use a jetpack to escape the pelican when he rammed it into the Scarab because even if he had, his injuries would have killed him in a short amount of time and the fact that the pelican probably would have nose dived and missed the scarab.

45. Since Halo 1, needlers have locked on... They lock on because they are heat seeking perhaps? because the weapon they are fired from has a special targetting system? Think before complaining.

47. I don't think that 343 industries would care if one person who loves to complain doesnt buy a game, if they make weapons customiseable then it's probably only going to be suppresors or coloration.

48. Bungie didnt RUIN anything in Reach, Reach had armor abilities because of the fact that they are Spartan 3s and they were more military made then made by a scientific team. Reach has bullet spread because unlike Master Chief and other spartan 2s the spartan 3s armor didnt have the same targetting capabilities.

49. They made no money... Yet aparently they sold 10 million or so copies... As someone else said times are not the same as 3-5 years ago, people need to support families that might not have had to 3-5 years ago, people are losing jobs all over the place, not as many families can afford stuff like video games. Maybe people don't like the game modes that you get stuck in on DLC maybe they just want regular slayer but all the get is CTF or Oddball or that one where you gotta place a bomb or something like that.

50. IF YOU MISS HALO 2 AND 3 GO PLAY THEM! Stop wasting your oh so precious time complaining about a perfectly good game in the halo series, you dont like Reach big deal go play COD.


As for the rest of your complaints, Bungie isnt making halo 4, Halo 4 was being made as Reach came out by 343 industries.. so dont get all high and mighty saying it sucks because Bungie released a game then 343 announced one. I don't think that anyone thinks that reach was a huge misstep in the franchise, I think that you just can't appreciate the work that bungie did in showing how the master chief ended up on halo, because it was when fleeing reach that the pillar of autumn came under attack and went into slipstream space that they ended up at the halo. Im pretty sure that soon after halo 3 came out, Halo Wars was announced, and that was (even though it was weird having a rts halo game) a very good game. In halo 3 there was rank boosting you say? And yet you complain when there's a credit limit in reach?

If you think about it Halo Reach isnt technically a Halo game, I can kind of agree with that because it doesnt have anything to do with what happens on the halo or the events after what happened on the halo, but it still is part of the franchise and I along with many others I think love the game.

And bungie always listens to what their fans say, they always have, maybe they just didnt have time to read the many many many many many fan thoughts on the game..? maybe you and the few people that you made up that list with were an extremely small number in comparison to the large number that said to bungie they liked the ideas?

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the game's been out now for almost a year, so it's kinda surprising to me to find this rediculous level of criticism being posted now.

as far as the number of players... who cares... as long as getting into a game doesn't involve sitting around waiting for the servers to find other people, it doesn't matter that Halo 3 had more folks in matchmaking. and keep in mind that when Halo 3 released, there were no call of duty's to contend with. it's been 4 years now since september of 07 and in that time the xbox live player base, while increased, has also splintered a bit between shooters as other games have released; COD's, Gears..etc.


and finally, I personally think Reach is without a doubt, the most comprehensive, feature rich game in the series. It offers more to do, see, and playthrough than any Halo title before it. and once again, Bungie figured out how to change the game and keep it different without losing the core experience or forgetting what makes Halo... Halo. I mean your complaining because there's no Master Chief? His story arc ended after three games and this title, different characters and all, perfectly sets up how that first game begins. why ***** about things that have changed from the previous game? Go back and play that if you're so disappointed with Reach. Seriously what do expect from Bungie, the exact same thing. then you'd probably be in here whining about spending 60 bucks on a game that's exactly the same. there's just no pleasing some people i guess.

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the only thing i have to complain about reach is the amount of quitters in any game type even arena. If anything i think they should permanently ban people for quitting out of arena, and they should put friendly fire on so people can't betray. I find it ridiculous that people either quit before the game starts or quit if the game starts 4 to 0. And then the worst part is that if everyone on your team quits and you stay you get r*ped by the other team and your rating is gonna be 600s or 700s, but if you quit you get banned for 10 minutes. This once happened to me 3 games in a row. That is the biggest reason why i hate reach. Halo 3 had its quitters but not nearly as bad. I think instead of being banned for 10 minutes you should get all of the credits you were supposed to get in that game taken away from you. Also if the game is a 4 v 1 the game should reset every time some one quits and the team that has 4 on it should have timed/alternating spawns that way it would be a 1v1 instead of 4v1 because it is honestly not fair when everyone on your team quits and you don't want to but have no choice.

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jesus christ people, when i started off by saying that there was no master chief in reach it was a joke, like i said before, i know he has nothing to do with reach. And don't think im saying its a joke now just becuase i dont want to seem like a ******* fan boy kid that thinks master chief had to be in reach, it meant a halo with out master chief is like a "huh" well then...okay", when im not, im 19 and i enjoy elder scrolls games more than halo anyway and i bet someone is going to say "well then just don't play halo" well guess what i still am like i have for years., i have the right to say what i dislike about the game no big deal and i know im not 100% right, like i said i worded other people's opinion too. This is where it starts, since master chief isnt in the picture they make a game about a new story that has been hiding somewhere in the halo universe of comics and stuff, then they will make a halo that happened between halo reach and halo 4, then a game that takes place after odst, then maybe one that is about what happened even before reach and how the spartans even started, instead of just a few, then a game about after halo 4, yadda yadda i am seing a trend of story making that they are trying to squeeze in halo games. and the armor parts look awesome i was just talking about the shoulders people!! they look like they are pasted on. the ******* game runs on 30 frames and its not that great when u can inspect it well, the game with such "good" engineers could have made it run on 60 frames. And dude the phantom was no further than 20-50 meters from where they killed kat and where the rest of the group was, they wouldn't have even needed to lock on them to kill them, they shot back? yes with a magnum, phatntom vs magnum? really? yes he could've used armor if the phantom shot but here is your contradiction, when it ran out, the phantom could've taken them out anyway. You seriously must not play halo very often you you think the spawning is good.





CREDIT SYSTEM---You are putting words in my mouth, the credit cap itself is good so people won't cheat their way to high ranks and credit farm, but the cap is too low for high ranked players, i have 3 buddies that are novas and they reach it every day, the cap is about 180kish and they get 6k per game and if you do the math as well as getting daily challenges its pretty low, the cap should be around 400k not 180k for higher ranks. He says he caps atleast 4-5 times a week and he has a job and is a college student he doesnt play 24/7.



RANKING--- Im not too focus on a ranking system,just focus, okay not TOO focused. Im not all about ranking or else i wouldnt play reach, i play living dead, griffball and stuff that would'nt involve ranking, but when there isn't an overall skill ranking system of the game, which there has been in previous halos, that just stunning.



Nades--- Try throwing a nade to an enemy that is about 5-10 meters away from you in reach and tell me where that nade lands, probably no where near him.


Winning bonus--- The ******* performance bonus pays us peanuts for winning you. do you ever pay attention to your ******* credits, wining or loosing the credit difference is what makes people not try and credit farm people afk becuase they still get good credits for not even playing and if you win you get a performance bonus that doesn't surpass 300 cr, now how the **** is that fair?


Skill level preference--- Doesn't work bro, it simply doesn't work, there is no difference with the players, yes maybe they start to be higher ranks but then they go -9 in the game, then i look at their K/D and its horrible I KNOW K/D DOESNT DETERMINE IF YOU'RE GOOD OR NOT, but can you say that someone with a negative k/d has ever given you a really good DMR battle or has beaten you badly? not really.... when a team is mostly negative you kinda know you got them ******.

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then they will make a halo that happened between halo reach and halo 4, then a game that takes place after odst, then maybe one that is about what happened even before reach and how the spartans even started, instead of just a few, then a game about after halo 4, yadda yadda i am seing a trend of story making that they are trying to squeeze in halo games. and the armor parts look awesome i was just talking about the shoulders people!! they look like they are pasted on. And dude the phantom was no further than 20-50 meters from where they killed kat and where the rest of the group was, they wouldn't have even needed to lock on them to kill them, they shot back? yes with a magnum, phatntom vs magnum? really? yes he could've used armor if the phantom shot but here is your contradiction, when it ran out, the phantom could've taken them out anyway. You seriously must not play halo very often you you think the spawning is good.





CREDIT SYSTEM---You are putting words in my mouth, the credit cap itself is good so people won't cheat their way to high ranks and credit farm, but the cap is too low for high ranked players, i have 3 buddies that are novas and they reach it every day, the cap is about 180kish and they get 6k per game and if you do the math as well as getting daily challenges its pretty low, the cap should be around 400k not 180k for higher ranks. He says he caps atleast 4-5 times a week and he has a job and is a college student he doesnt play 24/7.


Skill level preference--- Doesn't work bro, it simply doesn't work, there is no difference with the players, yes maybe they start to be higher ranks but then they go -9 in the game, then i look at their K/D and its horrible I KNOW K/D DOESNT DETERMINE IF YOU'RE GOOD OR NOT, but can you say that someone with a negative k/d has ever given you a really good DMR battle or has beaten you badly? not really.... when a team is mostly negative you kinda know you got them ******.


With the part where you say they will make a game between reach and halo 4, they already did, halos 1, 2 and 3.

ODST revealed what what happening inside of i think it was new mombasa or something like that before it got demolished

The armor permutations as i said before were basically pasted on lol..

The phantom could have had a specific mission to just eliminate kat

The spawning could use a bit of work what with the spawn killing i've experienced in multiple game modes.

The daily credit limit is 200000 yes it could use a raise for the higher ranks.

Get really tired of saying this, rank doesnt determine skill, people have bad days, i usually go 25/10 when I play (depending on game mode), but I do have bad games where I'm not doing as well as I usually would and come out with negative kdr for that match. As for the negative KDR that would imply that unless you mean they get fewer deaths then kills all the time that they get a fraction amount of kills that they do deaths.

When a team is mostly negative make sure that all the players are negative before you say they all suck.

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