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Hey all!

LoH Loki

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Hey everyone! Just signed up for this forum today, because while looking at people complain on the Waypoint forums was entertaining for all of half an hour, after that, it just got annoying. So... Here I am!


So far from what I've seen on this forum, people here are more relaxed than those on Waypoint. Hopefully this remains true, and I won't have to go searching for a new forum again.


I come from a clan called Legion of Honor. We're a group of like-minded, mature gamers who like to compete and have fun together. I'm no stranger to competition, as I participated in the Summer Battlefield 3 Squad Rush ladder with my clan, but I'm more of a person who likes to play the game for fun. Halo has always been that game for me.


I also like to dabble in graphic design. I make my own signatures and avatars for forum use, my current ones included. If you want a sig made by me, just send me a PM! I love the opportunity to improve my work!


If all goes well, I'll be here for a long time to come. So... It's goodbye Waypoint, and hello 343i!

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