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What did they do right?

LiQuid BioniX

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So there seems to be a lot of "I'm not satisfied with this part of the game" or "They need to change that about Halo 4" topics. I love this game, and I was wondering what you, the community, thought that 343 did well?


- I love the map design. There are a few larger maps, but for the most part, they try and keep the maps a little bit smaller than the other Halo games. This leads to a much faster game and keeps it interesting. I also feel like the games flow much more than previous Halo games. I've never run into a point where all gameplay has just come to a standstill.


- I also love the way that the weapons sound! I feel like in previous Halo games, while the sounds were fine for what they were, they were a little bit more cartoony and high-pitched. Many weapons (especially the UNSC ones) in Halo 4 sound very loud and powerful.


- The Mantis mech. 343 nailed this vehicle perfectly. It's extremely powerful, which is why it only comes around twice each game, but not too powerful that it can't be taken out by a couple of well placed plasma pistol rounds and grenades.


- I think (as previously mentioned) that the multiplayer gameplay is much quicker and more streamlined in Halo 4 than in Halo Reach or Halo 3. It keeps the games exciting and you can fit more of them into any given session.



Those are just a couple of things that I though of off the top of my head. Feel free to contribute to the list!

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There's a lot of things I think 343i did well.


1. Getting rid of fixed weapon spawns and adding in Ordnance Drops. This got rid of camping a certain area just for a power weapon and then wrecking the other team then moving to the next one and doing this over and over.


2. Allowing load outs. This was something I was very glad they added in. Allows me to spawn with the weapon I want rather then being forced to always spawn with the DMR, or AR. Now that the Carbine is back I've been using that every chance I get.


3. Adding in weapon specific commendations. In Reach the commendations where nice but, all weapons of a specific type went to one commendation but, now it's more diverse.


4. Giving everyone the sprint ability. They themselves gave a good reason for doing this. Sprint pretty much made every other AA in Reach obsolete so now people actually want to use the other AA.

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I especially agree with sprint. People assume that it's just trying to be more like Call of Duty, but in reality, a massive portion of players were using sprint in Halo Reach and not experiencing the other Armor Abilities. So why not just give it to everyone? Plus it speeds the game up a lot and, for me at least, makes it much more exciting.

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War Games, Maps are brilliant, beautiful, and well thought out, (when I got Halo 4, I had a walk round of all the maps, they really are amazing), maps keep the games flowing, and is it just me or is there less map control in Halo 4


Spartan Ops, firefight with a storyline, is great, interesting and a blast with friends


Campaign is diverse, long levels, great enviroments, and you can lose track of time playing it.


SR ranks, whilst a little Reach like, at least unlock stuff along the way, even with the specializations, you get armor, emblems, weapon skins. factor in they are also working on a 1-50 rank system for playlists, 343 have it just right.


Plus I LOVE the fact if you complete on Legendary you actually get something other than an achievement or avatar award. Mark VI armor for War Games, now theres a badge of honor.

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