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Games Should NEVER Start Uneven


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I agree but, I wouldn't want to have to sit there forever trying to make the teams even cause people quit out cause they don't get what they want. If the teams are uneven by one person then that's fine but, if it's by two or more people then yeah the count down should be stopped to find another person or drop the extra to make things even.

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Hm, so most games take 4 minutes for you? Maybe you should stop rage quitting at the beginning of every match... Often times =/= all times. Uneven starts are 0% acceptable.


When I said half the time in pre game lobby I meant total time played in one sitting....


Your points have already been countered by marcus.


And I have never rage quitted in my games because unlike you I am not bad. If you cant deal being one member down for the first 15 seconds you must be pretty bad. Try and contribute more to the team next time you are down a man.


The DIDO system fills in spots pretty quick, not always, but most the time its fine. Nothing is perfect.

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When I said half the time in pre game lobby I meant total time played in one sitting....


Your points have already been countered by marcus.


And I have never rage quitted in my games because unlike you I am not bad. If you cant deal being one member down for the first 15 seconds you must be pretty bad. Try and contribute more to the team next time you are down a man.


The DIDO system fills in spots pretty quick, not always, but most the time its fine. Nothing is perfect.


He never "countered" anything, maybe you should learn to read.


The system where only like 5% of gamers had leavers compared to the 100% now was more perfect than this...

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You do realize that some people are not always going to be able to play 2 or more matches, right?


Secondly, how do you know they even WANT to play a second match?


Thirdly, there is something called 'Join Session In Progress' that was implemented in this game, you realized that to, right?


Fourthly, there is always going to be games that start uneven and there is absolutely no way to circumvent that fact. If YOU had the patience to play the game for an extra minute and give someone a time to join, then maybe your problem will be solved.


Fifthly, calling people a bunch of '8-year olds' is very immature and is not helping anybody. Just because they quit a match (in-game or lobby) doesn't make them an 8-year old. Are YOU an 8-year old freak who don't know nothing about game mechanics. Didn't think so.


This person doesn't have the patience himself and doesn't know how joining matches work. Thanks.


These are not counter points? Maybe you should learn to read first. Marcus made good points compares to your "what?".

And the 5% and 100% are such exagerations....just stop.

Halo 3's "leavers" were more than 5%.

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These are not counter points? Maybe you should learn to read first. Marcus made good points compares to your "what?".

And the 5% and 100% are such exagerations....just stop.

Halo 3's "leavers" were more than 5%.


His so called "points" made no sense.


What does playing 2 or more matches have to do with anything? I never said anything about this...

I debunked 3,4,and 5, if you would have bothered to read.


In H4, there is definitely very close to 100% of games having at least one leaver in them, maybe 95%+. H3 couldn't have had more than 10% (if that high) because of the leaver prevention system.

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His so called "points" made no sense.


What does playing 2 or more matches have to do with anything? I never said anything about this...

I debunked 3,4,and 5, if you would have bothered to read.


In H4, there is definitely very close to 100% of games having at least one leaver in them, maybe 95%+. H3 couldn't have had more than 10% (if that high) because of the leaver prevention system.


Some people cant play 2 or more matches. Whats so hard to understand? They have other things to do and they want to play the most they can the quickest. He was giving you an example of the importance of finding a match quickly.


And as I have said before if you do start uneven teams will balance out within the first moments of the game. Sometimes even before the game starts. This especially helps out when people leave mid game for w/e reason, connection issues or ragequit.


And lets say that it is close to 100% that they do start uneven. Within the first 5 seconds 90% of those games have balanced teams. The DIDO system gives more flexibility in starting uneven because it puts players in quickly.


I will credit you on joining a game where the flag is halfway to the enemy team it sucks. But claiming that people are immature because they do not have the time to wait an extended amount of time in pre game lobby is not really debunking.

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Some people cant play 2 or more matches. Whats so hard to understand? They have other things to do and they want to play the most they can the quickest. He was giving you an example of the importance of finding a match quickly.


Who cares if they can't play 2 or more matches, I was and we still are talking about one match. And if you can't wait an extra MINUTE before playing a game, maybe you should wait until you have a little bit more freetime.


And as I have said before if you do start uneven teams will balance out within the first moments of the game. Sometimes even before the game starts. This especially helps out when people leave mid game for w/e reason, connection issues or ragequit.


Not moments, minutes. Big difference. And yes, sometimes they even out before the game starts but not always, and like I said in the OP, that is unacceptable.


And lets say that it is close to 100% that they do start uneven. Within the first 5 seconds 90% of those games have balanced teams. The DIDO system gives more flexibility in starting uneven because it puts players in quickly.

I never said this... I said that nearly 100% of gamers have a leaver. Not they 100% of them start uneven.



I will credit you on joining a game where the flag is halfway to the enemy team it sucks. But claiming that people are immature because they do not have the time to wait an extended amount of time in pre game lobby is not really debunking.


"extended amount of time"

If 1-2 minutes is an "extended amount of time" then you either need to wait until you have more free time to play, or look into getting medication.

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Who cares if they can't play 2 or more matches, I was and we still are talking about one match. And if you can't wait an extra MINUTE before playing a game, maybe you should wait until you have a little bit more freetime.




Not moments, minutes. Big difference. And yes, sometimes they even out before the game starts but not always, and like I said in the OP, that is unacceptable.



I never said this... I said that nearly 100% of gamers have a leaver. Not they 100% of them start uneven.





"extended amount of time"

If 1-2 minutes is an "extended amount of time" then you either need to wait until you have more free time to play, or look into getting medication.


I dont know what games you have been playing but it does not take me minutes for someone to fill a gap in my team. It takes less than a minute.


And starting uneven is acceptable when teams fill out by the time you spawn or within a few seconds. Whats not acceptable about that if it speeds up finding matches.


An extended amount of time ranges from a minute to 5 minutes in some extreme cases more. They start adding up after a while.


In your OP you dont mention leavers....unless you are talking about people who "couldn't wait more than 5 seconds before the next match started" ?


And what is your definition of leavers exactly? People who leave mid game and while the map is being voted? Because if ts the second one then your nearly 100% leavers statistic leads to the nearly 100% games that start uneven.

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I dont know what games you have been playing but it does not take me minutes for someone to fill a gap in my team. It takes less than a minute.


Not every time, but SOMETIMES it takes minutes.


And starting uneven is acceptable when teams fill out by the time you spawn or within a few seconds. Whats not acceptable about that if it speeds up finding matches.

This is not always the case...

An extended amount of time ranges from a minute to 5 minutes in some extreme cases more. They start adding up after a while.

Stop flip flopping, first you are talking about people who only play 1 game. Now you are talking about a lot. Besides, thats completely unreasonable to say that it would take FIVE extra minutes to start a game. Maybe a minute or two at MOST.

In your OP you dont mention leavers....unless you are talking about people who "couldn't wait more than 5 seconds before the next match started" ?

My two statements were two different posts talking about two different things.


And what is your definition of leavers exactly? People who leave mid game and while the map is being voted? Because if ts the second one then your nearly 100% leavers statistic leads to the nearly 100% games that start uneven.


Anyone who leaves a game. So obviously this means both kinds of people.

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Although on PC, need I remind everyone that Halo 1 is a JIP game at all times, unless the particular server you are in is full. Halo 1 is still a very popular game and widely played today. A good example of how and when JIP works.


A match can always have an unbalanced team at any time. JIP helps to remedy that situation and no it wouldntbalaways take between 30 seconds to one minute longer in the lobby. Chances are, that on average during a non peak Live day, you could quite possibly wait between 2 to 3 minutes. Most playerslike to boot up and play, not spend over half of their MM time waiting for a full party all the time.

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I have not been flip flopping at all...from the beginning I have talked about how in the long run the minutes add up of waiting for a perfect match.


You do not always find someone imeadiately, true, but its quick in most cases. Which is good, still requires tweeking though.


It still remains, starting uneven is not so bad when you have a Drop in system. If this occurred in Halo 3 of course it would be unacceptable...there was no joining in once the match locked up. The reason why more games are allowed to start uneven is because of the Drop in system.


It helps speed up matchmaking and fill in the spots when people leave. Sometimes not quickly but hey it fills the empty spot.

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I have not been flip flopping at all...from the beginning I have talked about how in the long run the minutes add up of waiting for a perfect match.


You do not always find someone imeadiately, true, but its quick in most cases. Which is good, still requires tweeking though.


It still remains, starting uneven is not so bad when you have a Drop in system. If this occurred in Halo 3 of course it would be unacceptable...there was no joining in once the match locked up. The reason why more games are allowed to start uneven is because of the Drop in system.


It helps speed up matchmaking and fill in the spots when people leave. Sometimes not quickly but hey it fills the empty spot.


None of this matters, though, when you can start a game of Dominion 5v6 and lose in the minute it takes for another person to join via the JIP system. Or when you start a game of CTF and the enemy is able to secure the middle laser, kill your Mantis and sniper, and grab your flag all before it becomes an even match.

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One guy is not going to save the mantis and kill the laser grabber. Ive seen matches where 3 skilled players took down a full opposite team. If you cant hold down your fort for one to two minutes before an even team is established in the case youbstated, then there is more to it then what your dewcribing. Sounds to me like effective teamwork is your weak point.

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You do realize that some people are not always going to be able to play 2 or more matches, right?


Secondly, how do you know they even WANT to play a second match?


Thirdly, there is something called 'Join Session In Progress' that was implemented in this game, you realized that to, right?


Fourthly, there is always going to be games that start uneven and there is absolutely no way to circumvent that fact. If YOU had the patience to play the game for an extra minute and give someone a time to join, then maybe your problem will be solved.


Fifthly, calling people a bunch of '8-year olds' is very immature and is not helping anybody. Just because they quit a match (in-game or lobby) doesn't make them an 8-year old. Are YOU an 8-year old freak who don't know nothing about game mechanics. Didn't think so.


This person doesn't have the patience himself and doesn't know how joining matches work. Thanks.

The funny thing is. I disagree with everything you said. Join in progress is stupid. Starting unequal teams is stupid. Literally, I think an 8 year old could do better on this game.

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One guy is not going to save the mantis and kill the laser grabber. Ive seen matches where 3 skilled players took down a full opposite team. If you cant hold down your fort for one to two minutes before an even team is established in the case youbstated, then there is more to it then what your dewcribing. Sounds to me like effective teamwork is your weak point.


If the teams are of equal skill then yes, the one person can make a complete difference. It only takes on person to pick up the laser.

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If the teams are of equal skill then yes, the one person can make a complete difference. It only takes on person to pick up the laser.


I'm sick of your false assumptions and your invalid arguments.


You seem to be the only one that can't seem to handle ONE single teammate quitting in the beginning of the match regardless of the JIP system that will replace him.


I'm through arguing with you now. Me and other people have tried to make some good points with you so you can understand why the teams are sometimes uneven, but no, you don't seem to realize the JIP system that can easily replace them. There is several people on this forum who don't seem to understand why the JIP system was made.


I understand that you do not like uneven teams because it's your opinion, but I am trying tell you that the teams will momentarily be rebalanced and even again if you wait a few seconds. The only thing I agree with is that the JIP system is broken, it just needs some tweeking.


I also admit that I went a little bit too excessive with the insults and flaming, but I need you to understand what I am trying to tell you. I'm sorry if we're offending you, but we just need you to understand what we're trying to say.

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I'm sick of your false assumptions and your invalid arguments.


You seem to be the only one that can't seem to handle ONE single teammate quitting in the beginning of the match regardless of the JIP system that will replace him.


I'm through arguing with you now. Me and other people have tried to make some good points with you so you can understand why the teams are sometimes uneven, but no, you don't seem to realize the JIP system that can easily replace them. There is several people on this forum who don't seem to understand why the JIP system was made.


I understand that you do not like uneven teams because it's your opinion, but I am trying tell you that the teams will momentarily be rebalanced and even again if you wait a few seconds. The only thing I agree with is that the JIP system is broken, it just needs some tweeking.


I also admit that I went a little bit too excessive with the insults and flaming, but I need you to understand what I am trying to tell you. I'm sorry if we're offending you, but we just need you to understand what we're trying to say.


You must not be reading my posts, because like I have been saying THE JIP DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK IN A MATTER OF SECONDS!!! Many times the game will go on for MINUTES before it fixes it. Minutes in which the future course of the game can be determined....

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You must not be reading my posts, because like I have been saying THE JIP DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK IN A MATTER OF SECONDS!!! Many times the game will go on for MINUTES before it fixes it. Minutes in which the future course of the game can be determined....


It doesn't always work because it hasn't found a player yet. Again, someone will join momentarily.

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The funny thing is. I disagree with everything you said. Join in progress is stupid. Starting unequal teams is stupid. Literally, I think an 8 year old could do better on this game.


The funny thing is an 8 year old could have made a post that contributes more than you.


And Cortar it also already been said the JIP may not always work in seconds but its better than having no JIP at all.


And as said before if you really need one player to do your entire teams work (Stopping mantis, kill laser guy, and kill the enemy team) you need to find a group to play with rather than randoms. (Based on your scenario)

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The funny thing is an 8 year old could have made a post that contributes more than you.


And Cortar it also already been said the JIP may not always work in seconds but its better than having no JIP at all.


And as said before if you really need one player to do your entire teams work (Stopping mantis, kill laser guy, and kill the enemy team) you need to find a group to play with rather than randoms. (Based on your scenario)


And again, Cortar continues to vent about how the JIP system is entirely broken. I've tried to tell him that the JIP is not always going to immediately find a player to join the match, yet he's still bluttering about how I don't 'bother to read his anything he says'.


And as for Perfectious, you also need to man up. The JIP system was made for a reason. It was made to rebalance teams due to quitters.


Let me tell yout this now (which you'll probably going to strike down): You can't expect a system to be 100% perfect as that's never possible. Some systems, popular or not, is not always going to work right for you. There's always going to be at least 1 problem that whether you and/or everyone else dislikes. 343 Industries is not going to remove the JIP system because some players didn't like it or think it's broken because it hooks you up with games that is close to being finish. The only thing 343 Industries can and should do, is tweek the system so that you won't join a game that is close to being done (whether it be time constraints or the number of points to win). If they do that, then I can guarantee you that the system will be better.


Cortar, Perfectious, and other people solely hating on the JIP system should realize the problems it causes without it. The JIP is the ONLY way to fix the issue with uneven teams. I used to think that there should be a feature that puts you in a 'Quick match' or lets you choose if you want to start the game fresh or in progress. But now, I see why 343 Industries is forcing players to JIP now. They're forcing you to JIP because without that mandatory mechanic, there will be a less chance of half or most of the games being unbalanced due to leavers. If you want a game that punishes you for quitting and does not have JIP system, go back to playing Halo: Reach.


So, Cortar and Perfectious, I hate to continue flaming you: But, you guys are complete monkey-acting dumbasses. Thank You

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