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I need detailed forge tips...


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Yes. I do have one very good tip for you.

But you might allready know it.

press the button B and go to MAGNETES than it will say faulse just press it once and it will say true than click (Magnate Strength) until it says Medium Strength. But it is all up to you

what strength you want the magnate. Than go back and there will be magnetes were it will auto maticly connect objects together.,

This will make your makeing of maps much easier with structures. Good luck and hope this helped. :D

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Hello everyone, I'm french and I had an idea of a new mod for Halo 4, unfortunately I'm not a really good forger,

the map itself isn't finished yet but what I care about right now is more the game mode.

So, I'm searching one or several nice forgers who could help me out, and tell me what you think about it.


Here are the rules of my Halo 4 Rugby mod :


- The mod is played on a rectangular flat field, quite large, closed with 12 or 16 players (6vs6 or 8vs8)


- All the players have a hammer and are invincible


- The only one who isn't invincible is the carrier (the skull carrier) but he can run slightly faster


- At each point scored, the "loser" team plays the new round first


- When the skull carrier is killed, he respawns instantly and go back to the fight


- The assassination is deactivated to prevent players from assassinating each other etc.


The goal :


- To score, you have to throw the ball into one of the four adverse cages located approximatively at 3,5 meters from the ground and each cage is next to another but not in the same direction. I mean, when you are going for the goal, in front of you, you have the 1 point cage, to the right and left you have the 2 points cages and above the middle cage you have another, where you can score 3 points. Each cage is around 1 meter wide.


How to play :


- One of the team go grab the ball and do handoffs to avoid getting killed (it's like "Rugby" : The only one who can be tackled is the ball carrier), so the carrier pushes to the enemy side and throws the skull into one of the cages to score X points depending on which cage.



One of my problems for the game type is the point scoring whenever a ball get into a cage according to which team the cage belongs to.


My other problem is to get the ball respawning at the enemy side when my team has scored.


if anyone is interested in my project, feel free to ask me anything or to help me, thanks for your help, and good forging.

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Hello everyone, I'm french and I had an idea of a new mod for Halo 4, unfortunately I'm not a really good forger,

the map itself isn't finished yet but what I care about right now is more the game mode.

So, I'm searching one or several nice forgers who could help me out, and tell me what you think about it.


Here are the rules of my Halo 4 Rugby mod :


- The mod is played on a rectangular flat field, quite large, closed with 12 or 16 players (6vs6 or 8vs8)


- All the players have a hammer and are invincible


- The only one who isn't invincible is the carrier (the skull carrier) but he can run slightly faster


- At each point scored, the "loser" team plays the new round first


- When the skull carrier is killed, he respawns instantly and go back to the fight


- The assassination is deactivated to prevent players from assassinating each other etc.


The goal :


- To score, you have to throw the ball into one of the four adverse cages located approximatively at 3,5 meters from the ground and each cage is next to another but not in the same direction. I mean, when you are going for the goal, in front of you, you have the 1 point cage, to the right and left you have the 2 points cages and above the middle cage you have another, where you can score 3 points. Each cage is around 1 meter wide.


How to play :


- One of the team go grab the ball and do handoffs to avoid getting killed (it's like "Rugby" : The only one who can be tackled is the ball carrier), so the carrier pushes to the enemy side and throws the skull into one of the cages to score X points depending on which cage.



One of my problems for the game type is the point scoring whenever a ball get into a cage according to which team the cage belongs to.


My other problem is to get the ball respawning at the enemy side when my team has scored.


if anyone is interested in my project, feel free to ask me anything or to help me, thanks for your help, and good forging.


Uh I am not asking for people to give me an entire map idea. Go make a thread for this if you want or just make it yourself. Although the idea from I read sounds pretty damn cool.

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lol, I may have some suggestions for you.


I cant really tell you in a post how to make a good slayer map. It is something you have to learn through experience.


Here are some tips for getting started.


Be prepared to fail! I had to make 20 or so bad maps before I started making OK maps. Then it took 20 OK maps before I made a really good one. This is part of the process, learn from each map you make, and apply the experience to the next.


Most important is balance. when you are forging a map for team games make sure each team spawn area has the same advantages, and disadvantages. Dont place a power weapon where red team can get to it much easier than blue team.


Pay attention to the way your favorite matchmaking maps play. Notice how the sight lines are, and where the cover is. How do they effect the game play and flow.


As you are forging think about gameplay. Imagine yourself playing the map, as you make it. Every piece you place on a map will probably effect the game play in some way.


If there is a place on a map where a shotgun would be amazing, dont put the shotgun there, same thing with a sniper. Place power weapons where they may not be as effective, and make a player fight his way to the good sniping spot, or the room with only two doors where a player with a shotgun can really rack up some kills. If a sniper rifle spawn in the perfect sniping spot, the first player to get there can enjoy a long game with constant ammo resupply as the sniper respawns. Every one else in the game will wind up quitting out, or even worse just hiding.


Find inspiration every where you go. I got the Idea for a slayer map I just began testing from the floor plan of a local mall. I was out picking up some new shoes when the placement of a walkway overlooking one corner of the mall caught my attention. I took a few pics with my phone, and developed it into a really fun multi level slayer map.



When placing spawn points, make sure players dont respawn out in the open, or facing a wall. Place a spawn point, then stand on it and imagine yourself spawning there during a game. Do you have any cover? Can you clearly see the way back to the fight? Will you take 2 steps then fall off the map to your death? Be sure to use team spawn zones to help keep your spawn areas safe, and balanced.


Test your maps with the right people. Some people will rage on any map they don't know their way around. They will blame it on the map every time they get killed. Be sure and take a minute to explain the layout of the map, and the locations of teleporters, lifts and power weapon spawns before you start the game. One of the staff members here on this site does weekly map testing custom game lobbys check the Events section of the site to get more info, or send a pm to SPADES N AZ. He can help you get involved once you think you have something that is ready to be tested.


Hope these tips helped. They wont turn you into an amazing forger over night, but they should keep you moving in the right direction.

Happy Forging!

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