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Exile vs Ragnarok

Admiral Ackbar

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i kind of like the more strategic style ragnorock and the dmr it forces you to play with thought behind your movements. i also like the run and gun fun of the smaller maps such as haven and solice but i have to be honest longbow gives you both aspects and this for me makes it the most rounded map on the game so far


What about Vortex? I never really play that map. But I had the opportunity to play it a couple of times. Still not a huge fan of it, probably because I don't know where the weapons and what not are, but it seemed to have a good balance of distance and in your face combat.

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I think its a case of entirely new types of maps for this entirely different game, Halo 3 maps were designed for and were perfect for the game, ragnarok for example was big (no sprint) and the game played out different as a result, now its basically boring long range target practice that requires more luck than skill!!! Sad to see my favourite halo lvl destroyed but Halo 4 is not suited to it.


Exile is ok but with the ability of starting with a plasma pistol they have made the scorpion a suicide mission unless your team help (they never do) its too confined for a vehicle lvl. that said preferring it to ragnarok these days.


Longbow is an excellent lvl if people would just vote for it, as it has a main holding point that both teams want which creates a nice battle zone.


The rest are ok at best, I suppose thats why nobody picks them!!

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I was meaning heavies i.e tanks, sorry i did not make that clear, also the gauss is the only one that really rules the map as the rest can be killed too easily by DMR fire alone..


Then again its prob not the lvl as lets face it having a plasma pistol as a starting weapon has killed off heavies.. whether it be tank or mantis, or even banshee or ghost you can just keep hitting then with plasma shots run up and beat them to death..

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