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Am I missing something? Or is the Carbine underpowered?


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No matter what I cant seem to ever kill with it, even if I get the first shot, or ambush them or anything, they either get away or return fire and outgun me.


What gives? It just doesn't seem to have any punch, I want to use the Covie guns but as stated, I cant compete with the many DMR and BR users when running around with a Carbine, the Storm Rifle doesn't fair any better in close range either, strips shields fine, then just tickles.


I hope this is just lag making some shots miss or something, I want to not have to use human guns to be able to do anything.

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Middle and short range rifle "semiautomatic" whatever it means for 343, no bloom no recoil... it is a great weapon but... with to many DMR fanboys running around it is useful to give free kills or maybe stole one or two kills rarely.. yeah that sounds better..

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The Carbine is severely underpowered. I was at about a 3.5:1 KTD when I used the DMR. Ever since, I have been strictly using the carbine and have seen my KTD plummet. It's not even fair. I get first shots on DMR users and they can just spam 5 shots anywhere near me and get the kill. The carbine seems like it doesn't hit long range like the DMR either...and it takes way too long to kill someone (probably why I get so many assists). It may take 2 body shots to kill with the DMR but the Carbine is at least 4. Getting a double kill with 1 clip is also nearly impossible. Once I get the Carbine Master commendation, I will never use this gun again. You will not win a shootout against a good kid with a DMR/BR and you are worthless long range.


And for those saying you need a fast trigger finger, there is a limit to how fast you can shoot the carbine. It's not as fast as you think.

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Indeed, its fast firing, but its offset by its laughably low power.


Makes me wonder why the Carbine costs 2SP, whereas the all powerful DMR costs 1SP.


The DMR needs to be nerfed, I hate having to resort to using it just to be able to kill something, simply because its better than everything else.

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Carbine takes 6 shots to take down a shield, compared to the DMR's 4. But, like others have said, you can fire it MUCH faster than the DMR. I have been owned once or twice by truly skilled carbine users, while I was using DMR. If you can fire it lightning fast and retain your accuracy, I think this weapon may be the DMR killer everyone seems to be looking for.

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Lol I feel like i'm the only one that is great with the carbine... Short range I outgun most people with DMRs, short range and medium range I outgun anyone with BRs. Long range DMR always wins, long range against a BR is half an half. I love the carbine.


You just have to shoot it as fast as it can shoot, and land almost every headshot and it'll outgun people. That's how i feel.

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In all the pre-release Halo 4 videos, the Carbine looked like the way to go for fast-fingered players...it seemed to tear up the competition.


Personally, I have an itchy trigger finger and love the Carbine, it's just harder to land more shots consecutively in order to kill someone with a BR or DMR faster. It's been proven that it has the fastest kill time between it's brothers, the DMR, BR, and LR.


The perfect distance to use the Carbine is short to short-medium distance. Anything further, and it makes it much easier to miss that critical shot.

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