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Team Snipers?


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ONE of the ONLY reasons i bought this game was for team snipers... and after a week 343 decides to take it down.. even though it was on of the most popular game types... and they dont even have file share up and running which should have been good to go on the release date... great job 343 !!! Sadly i will be trading this game into tomorrow because i do not wish to support 343 and their efforts... they ruined halo for me.. the only reason i pay halo was to distance myself from COD but within the first hour of playing it started to feel like COD more than it felt like halo...whens bungie coming back to replace 343?

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343i has decided to rotate the playlists every week or so. In my opinion Team Snipers is so popular that it should be a permanent playlist. In your case if you bought Halo 4 entirely for Team Snipers then you are out of luck and will just have to wait for either it's next rotation or 343i to change its mind and add it as a permanent playlist.

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I agree 100%. . .I myself am i sniper fan, its literally the ONLY playlist I've played since H3. . .Please keep the Players in mind when dropping playlists. . . My friends list is composed of the top 50 snipers in the world for Reach. . .I speak for ALL of us snipers when i ask You 343 to bring it back, Please!! I pay Microsoft a lot of money for 3 diff accounts( Kozza Koughs, k o m a lkindsl, a glob of wax) to keep active TO PLAY SNIPERS!! i will not support H4 anymore until Snipers is brought back. Big Mistake. Watch your Newly released game drop players like flies.

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