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Admiral Ackbar

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Vehicles don't really do much damage anymore. With the load outs people can have plasma pistols and stickies. I remember in previous Halos you could do really good with a Scorpion even with a Warthog you could wreak some havoc. Now though, not so much. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against load outs, I just wish that the Scorpion was stronger.

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its the true, but if you tink in thr ositive things:


1-in the other halos i hate the banshe and the scorpion is overpower because the person who has it can kill and kill and that is so bad. I respow and the banshe kill me and again and again and then again i respawn and the banshe kill me I THINK THAT HALO 4 ITS VERY GOOD AND IS FALSE ALL THE DEFECTS THAT YOU SEE ON IT.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have gotten a Rampage in it. But only with your entire team defending you. And once it's up, everyone switches to either a Plasma Pistol or Plasma Grenade. And once that happens, you don't stand a chance. It's not THAT bad, just a little slow. The majority of the vehicles are weaker in this game, so it makes sense for Scorpion to be the same way.

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Ive only been in the scorpion once. It didnt last long. The whole other team chucked plasmas at me. But I mostly play Dominian. So I get stuck with the wraith alot. Dont get me wrong. I have always perfered wraith over tank. I know im weird. But the wraith in H4 is isnt bad. I shoot the banshee down with it all the time on longbow so I think in H4 it really depeneds on your team. But I do agree the Scorpion is to slow. You can even out run a spartan in it anymore. its like chasing a stump. It dont really go anywhere. I think it would better if they just speed it up a lil bit. At least the Wraith has boost.

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I think they've got the Scorpion pretty much bang on. It requires team play to defend which is great because if it didn't it would be so much more powerful than anything else in the game. A remotely decent player with a couple of team mates in support can rack up dozens of kills.


Some people seem to forget that tanks don't operate in densely terrained environments without considerable infantry support in real life because they ARE vulnerable if OF get close. It's one of the reasons why conventional armies struggle to force insurgent forces from built up areas.


So far I have found every vehicle in H4 to be impressively well balanced. The Ghost in particular can run riot if not countered properly but is very vulnerable to players who play smart.

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