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Really can use a hand here...


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Hey guys, figured I would post on the forums rather than continuing to lurk on them for the past two weeks. I'll get right to the point here: I need some buddies to play with. I bought a 360 for H4 (Haven't played since H3 days), and have no buddy list anymore. Most friends went on to PC or PS3, or aren't playing H4. I am getting demolished in games now because of this. I am usually getting around 19 or 22 kills, but with random teammates who don't talk, we typically lose and I get team shotted quite a bit. So if anyone has a spot and is usually on during the day, please let me know! Figured it couldn't hurt to ask here, since there isn't a ridiculous amount of immaturity running around.


If you wonder what I play or anything like that just ask away, I'll update. Thanks guys, see ya online.


GT: iiHaNGMaNii

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I dream of getting 19 kills. 22 is simply beyond my imagination. Seriously, that ain't bad. Certainly above average.


Last night I was able to run around 25-9 most games. I am trying to help my team at the time, but watching them running straight to where they died, or one guy running into the entire other team repeatedly isn't going to help win games. I played a guy last night who went well over 25-30 kills per game on the other team for four maps, and never had more than 4 deaths. That blew my mind, until I realized he had a team to work with.

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