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Matchmaking doesn't have a competitive feel anymore...


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I like Halo 4 so please do not think that I'm bashing the game.

In my opinion and im sure most will agree... that the matchmaking in halo 4 does not have the competition that halo 2 provided with it's ranking system. Halo 2 was very replayable simply with its ranking system. I would always want to play to get a higher rank because it made me feel like I was improving and it made the game more fun. In halo 4 its just like call of duty; which is fine with its armor and loadout rewards, but many games are very one sided because even if you are terrible at the game you will still recieve points and move up in "rank." I consider myself a very decent player, not professional by any means, but i find myself in a lot of games with players displaying the same "rank" as me, that are just aweful at the game, whether they're on my team or the other. I dont want to get up to level 70 and still play against players that dont know what they are doing. Halo 2 provided an exceptional amount of competition. Although there was modding in halo 2, when you saw a level 45 pop up in your game, you knew it was going to be tough. I like playing agains players that are much better than me so I can improve, Halo 2 provided that. In halo 4 if i see a level 70 I'm not intimidated at all simply because i know there are so many bad players that sit on the game all day and suck up points.


I know I was probably very repetitive in this post but I simply just do not like the ranking system. I agree with the point system as far as unlocking armor, loadouts, etc. But 343 should think about an update to better the ranking system so people can play against someone else close to their skill level with a chance to rank up and play better gamers.


A lot of pros and cons to the matchmaking. Also another rant is the trash talking!! that was in my opinion one of the best parts of matchmaking in halo 2. There are options in the game for you to mute players or an entire team if you choose to not participate in the trash talking.


ONE more thing and then i'll be done haha. I agree with other posts I see here as far as there only being basically 3 maps that people play.... kind of repetitive halo 2 every map was very enjoyable.


ok now Im done lol... what are your opinions??!?!?


I guess i also left out that I know not everyone wants the competitive feature. So brining back (you guessed it) from halo 2 lol the community playlists for fun and no rank and then add in the ranked playlists

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I would urge you to learn proper grammar so you can be more easily understood and kind of lay off the cursing because it makes it hard and almost unbearable to read.


Now, as far as what I can understand, the only thing I can really say to you is learn to adapt or learn another game. I would LIKE to put out there that of all the generations of gamers I am in the one which SHOULD be most pissed about this game, being that I have played competitively since Halo: CE/ But, the thing is that my love for this game and playing with my friends, communicating through team work and objectives and just the intense close matches makes it so that I can not hate the way it turned out. I love this game. The multi-player is fine the way it is, they need to hurry with the maps but in 12 days they will be here. Halo is fine, and is not to be compared to Call of Duty. For a game I love to much to be compared to a game I nearly can't stand to even watch is kind of strange. You would think if they really were so much alike that ALL of us would see the resemblance...

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There's still a behind the scene's ranking system, so I think it's rather depreciating of yourself to site all the lame noobs you've been playing against nickle... in other words, since you're such a dummy, you're playing against noobs who spam grenades and camp cause you in turn suck. There's nothing complicated about it, you've failed to adapt, you can't shoot even with aim assist, and you need someone to help you find out where the other team is.

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Stick to customs, man. Matchmaking will not feel competitive until the release of visible ranks. That is all.


It would be nice if this EVER happened, but it won't. I just don't see them showing visible IN GAME ranks. The only confirmed rank is a WAYPOINT rank which is retarded.

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u retard i agreed with you. THE REASON WHY HALO IS GOING DOWN HILL IS BECAUSE THEY ARE MAKING IT LIKE COD. JESUS KID JUST ADMIT IT. i have played competitively and crapped on kids since CE to but the difference between CE and now is that SCRUBS are the majority of the population and therefore they camp, Nade spam, they all run away when weak, only come out when winning,only come out for power weapons,or have a 3v1 where they think there god because they merked someone in 3v1. Jesus. You want competitive play back take off the auto aim assist and take away certain armor abilities like the jet pack that you couldn't use to run away from being shot at and gain height advantage on someone and utterly destroy them because they didn't see the scrub flying around in the air. and most of it is coming from forums like this where little retard bad kids who can't kill anyone whine and complain on forums to make games easier. its American kids these days , they want to cut all the corners they can and do the easiest thing they can to win


Grow up.

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i wasn't complaining about the game its self... mainly the ranking system i want to see levels 1-50 again none of this oh ive played "x" amount of matches so im this rank. im sorry that some of you are so butt hurt by this topic it isnt intended to take a stab at anyone. the game IS in fact similar to COD as far as loadouts ...perks...ranking ...even a controller config is just like COD. I play halo to get away from COD but halo is COD with shields and jetpacks in a sense now.


i just like getting matched up in ranked matches seeing a lvl50 and being like crap im gonna get owned... not "oh its a SP70.... he sucks"


and why bash someone about grammar... who cares its just a forum not an essay to a professor or a formal letter. lol

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