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New Forge Map Pack

Spartan 0259

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I was thinking, forge world is great and all, but the items get boring after awhile, like the same old same old. How about a new map pack that has maps like Forge World, but instead of Forerunner objects, one map would have Human objects, and one map would have Covenant objects. And maybe new items like destroyed vehicles and possibly dead Spartan bodies kind of like whats seen in the mission Lonewolf. (possibly even Marines, ODSTs, Covenant bodies?) and possible remakes of Foundry and Sandbox.


This Map Pack could be called "Oracle Map Pack" and be a forgers map pack. It would include the possibilities of:

- Forge World like map with Human objects instead of Forerunner

- Forge World like map with Covenant objects instead of Forerunner

- Placeable destroyed vehicles

- Dead bodies

- Remakes of Foundry and Sandbox

- Target Locator as a weapon in the "Human Forge World"

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So many topics about this on Bungie forums. It literally impossible to do that without screwing up forge for the rest of the community. Everyone would have to download it in order for it to actually make sense, because It would cause confusion to many gamers that want to join another persons forge game but are unable because they don't have the coding for the new objects. This would either have to be free or in a title update and I can't see 343 or Bungie doing that.


Very good idea and I would personally love those objects but the coding for the game would just screw up in an epic purporsion.

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So many topics about this on Bungie forums. It literally impossible to do that without screwing up forge for the rest of the community. Everyone would have to download it in order for it to actually make sense, because It would cause confusion to many gamers that want to join another persons forge game but are unable because they don't have the coding for the new objects. This would either have to be free or in a title update and I can't see 343 or Bungie doing that.


Very good idea and I would personally love those objects but the coding for the game would just screw up in an epic purporsion.


So what your saying is that for people who didn't buy the DLC, if they try to join another players lobby and got kicked out because they didn't have the maps, would be so ridiculously crazy that 343 and Bungie will never, ever do it?


Actually, Bungie already did. 6 times. Every DLC pack has been forgeable since Halo 3, and whether you can make more or less objects doesn't matter, so please make SURE you know what you are talking about before you post a reply shooting down someones idea to try to come off smart.




On topic, Although I would like this, it is not going to happen for other reasons than the genious I quoted mentioned.


Marketing. 343i along with every other company try to make their DLC packs appeal to a large audience, and boost their game. Since not everybody forges on Halo, the map pack already appeals to a smaller scope of customers. Not only this, but if the maps were simple blank canvases to forge on, and provided no IMMEDIATE matchmaking boost, then game reviewers would slap horrible ratings on the map pack, and the sales would once again drop to an even smaller protion of the gamerworld, being the 'Halo fanboys who like forge who will buy a game no matter how bad it is just because its Halo.' (Yes, I understand people would make maps on them, but they still need default disk maps such as Paradiso, Hemorrage... ETC.)


Does that explain anything to you?


What would be a good idea for 343i is to make a map pack include 2 matchmaking maps and one heavy forgable map. On the forgable map have one default map already made and have a canvas ready to be downloaded if need be. It would be like what they did with the last map pack. They had 2 matchmaking maps and 1 firefight. Some people don't like firefight so the created a smaller scope, but the other 2 maps broaden the scope back out to the rest of the population. So this could work if it was done correctly.

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