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BR Headshots (swat)

currently it is one, which mean in modes such as SWAT you can kill 2 even 3 people in one burst... making it hugely advatagous to the DMR. Dont

even try to deny me... i have had it happen multiple times... i heard that 343 was going to balance it... and 1 hit wonders for a 3 shot gun vs a 1

shot doesnt seem balanced.

Personal Ordnance

currently only the player who calls it in can see it, that makes it so that someone can get a weapon and magiclly pull it out of no where without you

knowing making a fight you could of avoided an instant killjoy... ex: scattershot around a corner when you think they only have a BR.

Master lvl armor rewards

Master lvl skills take way too long to get just another skin. and the only good armors unlock by master lvls are one that will take hours and hours of

play time to achieve, yes it makes it more prestegious... but i dont want to have to TRY to get assassinations. Make it 3/5 or 4/5 and just put a

larger xp reward for master lvl.

Weapon flitch and recoil

We are spartans we dont flint when shot... master cheif didnt for the past 10 years so why start now. recoil should be for visuals only... i would like

to pump out a quick two sniper shots for that one bad shot that misses before they get in cover... not after my sights reset. Bloom is not terrible

this time around... but it does seem that the BR lands a more accurate shot at medium long range continuously than the DMR. You have to pace

the DMR but not the BR so medium range fights the DMR was excellant in Reach is now at a disadvantage.



Join in progress: just get rid of it... i wont complain when it's 4v3.... i will complain when i am trying to pump out as many wins as i can and i have to

join a match that is losing by 20 kills in the first 2 minutes and i cant leave or i get penalised. i would rather face 4 vs 2 than have random people

join the game and die 10 times then leave... contributing nothing... just remove the whole join in progress option completely... causes more

problems than it is worth... one of the main reasons i like halo over cod.... and now it is gone...

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The DMR should not be buffed and the BR should not be nerfed. They are perfectly balanced in my opinion. The DMR is way stronger in any fight in any game type except for SWAT. I do not believe one game type should decide whether a weapon needs to be changed. If you're unsure which to use go with the Light Rifle. It is like a BR when hip firing and DMR when aiming down sights. Its definetly a great crossover.


The recoil is kind of annoying but makes sense for actual game play. Games like COD, BF, and MOH rely on how quickly a gamer reacts as well as accuracy.... all the other halos not so much. Its obvious that Halo 4 is trying to bring some of the qualities of COD to its gameplay.


THREE things drive me crazyyyy about halo 4.

1. When ADS with a sniper being shot at does not force you out of ADS. Allowing snipers to still aim which makes snipers much more overpowered than ever before.

2. The boltshot should not one shot kill somebody. That ruins small maps like adrbift or abandon because everyone tries to hide behind corners. Why should you spawn with a shotgun with tons of ammo?

3. I HATE when I get behind a ghost and it splatters me when I never even touch it. According to lag though I am running into the back end and it auto kills you making it extremely difficult to board not to mention very irritating when you die from lag. Instead if a ghost or warthog hits you from its backside it should just take out your shield so that you're not SOL.


-Play Smarter Not Harder-

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Well i mould like to see:

-A classic map pack after the initial 3 with severl of the most frequently requested maps

(Plain Blood Gulch,Guardian,Avalanch,Rats nest,countdown,Narrows,the pit)

-Race and Invasion Gametypes off of reach due to there vast capabilitys.

If invasion was put into 4 it would be emance with the base fortifactions you see on dominion there could be many other objectives and with ordanance drops we could see amasing detailed objective missions just like in spartain ops just multipalyer and amasing.

And another cool adition to this would be the changing of the objective from a core to maybe a intelcore or a pile of prottype armor or you have to destroy the intel before the enimy can download it... real inotive and intresting maps could be created with this.

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Was a big Halo3 fan. Was an even bigger Halo Reach fan. Halo 4 is an ok game, but it's missing something that made previous Halo's great games. After 2 weeks of playing 4, I went back and bought a copy of Reach. Will probably keep playing both.


Love the Campaign. Definitely Halo worthy!


Love Spartan Ops.


Love the new weapons. But the Boltshot is pretty much a shotgun. I don't believe that a secondary weapon should have this much power.


Multiplayer is just not the same. Took a couple steps backwards in my opinion, but hasn't completely lost me. (although for a second I was going to make the switch to COD: BO2, but I didn't like it).


Probably should have not done the instant re-spawns (sorry 343... I became a "Victory Croucher") b/c it makes it hard to see who to get revenge on and which teammate may need help b/c they're engaged in the battle that you just got killed in.


Don't like the random weapon drops. On previous Halo games, one could gain a huge advantage by knowing when/where to get a "power" weapon. To abandon this is to go against one of the core concepts that has made Halo, Halo. This alone givesa Halo 4 more of a COD-feel.


Halo has previously been about Map control and Weapon control. Competively, I got "charged up" on the inside when I tried to stop the opposing team from gaining map control and weapon control. To some degree Halo 4 is still about gaining the high ground, but It's not about weapon control anymore.


There's not that many small competitive maps for multiplayer. It's disappointing to hear that the Crimson Map pack will have all large maps.


I do like the class system. I think this was a great addition to the Halo series.


I give it 7/10.


Ok game, but needs work 343... I'm just sayin.....

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  • 3 months later...

Agree with all of that ^ What they should do is take all the maps that got voted for the most in the previous halo's and make a map pack (as said above). In my opinion the bolt shot should just be banished forever to some third dimension. Haha I have never seen someone use it other than trying to get a cheap close range kill. Map control is a huge thing, but again as said above. weapon control is out of the question. You kill one guy who had the sniper, only to find out 3 of his buddies have one as well. Get rid of ordinances! Having unlimited sprint already makes it fast paced enough. We don't need to give everyone on the map a power weapon on to of it. Also bring back old ranking system in halo 3. When I played a general in halo 3, I knew I was going to get my butt kicked. With halo 4 it's hard to tell without looking at their KD spread.

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