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Killcam- What you don't know, can't hurt you


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Recently me and the group of guys I play with have started playing flag, previously we stayed in the slayers (SWAT, Infinity Slayer, Big Team). I never really watched the killcam too often during the slayers matches, since I wanted to get back into the game as soon as possible. However, now that I've been playing flag, which has a respawn timer, I have been watching a lot of killcams, and quite frankly, it has exposed the poor quality of Halo 4.


On around 50% of my deaths (this is a very conservative estimation), the killcam shows the person shooting wildly and hitting me usually only twice... at the most 3 times, meanwhile, I have seen his shield break and pumped 2-3 more shots into their head. But somehow, his 2 body shots kill me. In a particularly extreme case from tonight, I was sniped, and again forced to watch the killcam. Appaulingly, I watched the sniper shoot not once, but twice, about an inch and a half to the right of me. But, you guessed it, I somehow ended up the victim.


The killcam has ruined any integrity this video game can have for me. I do not know if 343i allows these things to happen intentionally, to allow lower quality players to compete with better ones, or as I like to call it, "Everyone's a Winner, Trophies For ALL," mentality that is expected by todays generations. Or whether they legitimately are just bad at their jobs. Either way, it is a very disappointing discovery for me, and will certainly be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to buy 343i products in the future.


Please give me feedback as to whether or not you have experienced this same issue. All comments are welcome, since this is a public forum I am sure I will get some less than helpful negative posts from people that have too much time on their hands, and I certainly welcome them (makes me laugh).

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The Killcams are broken. Like you said, the killcam shows the player missing horribly, yet they got the kill. That's not how it really went down, they really did hit you dead on and deserved the kill.


When I do take time to watch a killcam, or am forced to, I don't pay much attention to where the player was aiming because it is almost always wrong (and very laughable at times).


I hope the helps, have fun!

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The kill cam is most likely an attempt to make the game more valid when, in fact, it does the complete opposite. 343 needs to pull the game, make major adjustments, and try again. Halo 4 is a Game Cube video game, and is in no way worthy of entertaining even a mildly serious gamer. 343, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Thank you for all the replies. Makes me both happy and sad that the error is that 343I are just bad at their jobs, and not that they are rewarding everyone for doing nothing. I agree with what a lot of people said, especially that if it was broke than there is no point to have it in the game in the first place. Thanks again.

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Actually, the killcam is an excellent device. If the killcam looks like you should have died and not like a madman's dream, you have a good connection with this player. If it looks like it's on crack, you're not connecting with that player very well and are prolly dealing with a latency issue with them.

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Sorry to say but the CoD killcams are way more accurate than Halo 4's. Honestly if 343 couldnt do it right why put it in at all?




The CoD killcams give some indication of what happened.


In Halo the guy isn't even shooting in your direction, it's completely broken and should just be removed at this stage.

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