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First of i think the boltshots fine personally but everyone keeps complaining. I think a way to balance it out would keep everything the same but have the bullets spread out alot more with the charged shot. That way u have to be real close or ur bullets will just miss. Like melee range would make it perfect that way shotty is still king and the with the sword you would just need to time it better.

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i think your missing the point, people are complaining not because its overpowered or unfair. but because they are getting killed by it and lack either the skill or intellect to avoid such a simple short range weapon as the majority of the people playing halo 4 do. i dont think it should be changed at all to accomodate people like this.

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well although they added the boltshot which can one shot at close range they also added many tools to prevent such events from occuring. if the people complaining about the boltshot used promethian vision and a weapon made for the situation their walking into then their boltshot deaths would drop to near 0, im not saying thats the best for all situations but im saying it would help in many, you simply must change your loadout and playstyle based on whats being thrown at you in the match. but what i see happening far too often in matches over the 70 levels i have played through is people falling into the habit of charging into melee range, even with a long range weapon like the DMR simply because it worked well in past halo's. as the rules of the game are different people simply must adapt with it.

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this is really the only fix that is needed.


the range on it is just a bit much. I have been one hit by it at ranges that not even the shotgun would have gotten the job done.


thats not something that needs a fix either. lets say you miss a shot with the boltshot, your dead by default right? now if you miss with the shotgun you just shoot again. the shotgun is the better weapon when used correctly. people just dont seem to know how to fight the boltshot for some unknown reason

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