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Cortana May be a Playable character in Halo 4???


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Rumors of Cortana becoming a playable character has risen up, and there is a quote by Frank O' Connor backing up these rumors. Here's a link to the article :




I don't have an opinion on this yet, because I am undecided how I feel about this, and how 343 will come upon this...


What do you think???

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If anything, it will just be like a sort of voice that you hear a lot in Multiplayer, and she would be like co-lead with MC in campaign. The voice wouldn't be like in FF though, you would hear it more often, and she would probably have battle calls. Unless they take some kind of approach where you can be different Spartans, like Carter, Noble 6, Chief, and maybe some not even spartans, like Sgt. Johnson, Cortana, and Elites. Then they would have extremely large amounts of customization. Would be awesome to play as Cortana with Spartan Armor on :D But you would still be able to tell characters apart, like Cortana wouldn't wear full armor.

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How would this even be possible?


If he means hearing her more during the campaign, then fair enough, but I don't see how you would be able to play as her.

She's an AI, she has no physical form.


Unless your going to have to use her to like pick some kind of computerized lock, but that'd be really stupid

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