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Boycotting dlc


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Everyone make a pact that we will not spend a single cent on 343s map packs until each and every single issue with this game has been addressed. We are all mad as hell that they took away the halo we all loved and tried to give us a pig with lipstick on it instead.


Fix this game and give us halo back!

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Yeah I wish you were having a better experience :/


I get the nostalgia angle back to Halo 3. It was a fantastic game. I've had pretty good experiences with this game so far... maybe it's because I play with my friends... feel free to add me on Xbox Live if you ever get bored and want to game it up with someone who will actually talk **** with you instead of at you ;)

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Yeah I wish you were having a better experience :/


I get the nostalgia angle back to Halo 3. It was a fantastic game. I've had pretty good experiences with this game so far... maybe it's because I play with my friends... feel free to add me on Xbox Live if you ever get bored and want to game it up with someone who will actually talk **** with you instead of at you ;)


Its a trap!!

But no really it does suck that your experience isnt great, I definetly had a better time with Halo 3, but thats probably because back then everyone on my friends list played it. Now only like 5 of them have it :/

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Its a trap!!

But no really it does suck that your experience isnt great, I definetly had a better time with Halo 3, but thats probably because back then everyone on my friends list played it. Now only like 5 of them have it :/


Exactly. I'm always open to playing with members of the community, especially if I can make their experience that much better.

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Thing is no one likes this game! Lol. Day 1 all of my friends on live were playing 4. Day 3 50%. Now? 0! I would say that says something about this game and how it was botched. The people who do like it either play in teams which generally just camp maps and go for kills. Don't tell me otherwise because you'd be lying lol. Objective has turned to slayer and slayer has turned to a camp fest that bores me to tears or annoys me till I want to slit my own wrists lol.


It's nice of you to invite me to play but I doubt I'll be picking this up again any time soon. I'm sticking to reach myself.


Ps I don't mind people talking **** to me because I'll talk right bAck regardless of winning or not lol. I do mind that no one talks at All! There's no point of talking to the other team since half or more of it Are probably people who dropped in somewhere in the middle or end of it anyway. It's so stupid. There is no personality to this game at All!

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Halo 4s biggest issue is Host Migration. Also, its a hard game for 'noobs' to pick up because there is so much most of us have picked up from playing the previous games. I think Black Ops is successful because its easy to get kills just by camping and ambushing people. One of my friends works in Gamestop got it early and just described the multiplayer as 'hard'. Like if you're new to the game, you mightn't realise the AR is not gonna do you much good and even if you get the drop on someone in Halo, a good player can quickly turn the tables. What was the question again?


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Everyone make a pact that we will not spend a single cent on 343s map packs until each and every single issue with this game has been addressed. We are all mad as hell that they took away the halo we all loved and tried to give us a pig with lipstick on it instead.


Fix this game and give us halo back!


What!? I love this game and i hope they do t change a thing. Except the lag, fix that. Other than that Halo 4 is nothing but epic. I cant understand all the complaining threads in this forum.. I think everyone that complains are ungrateful. 343 did an amazing job after Bungie quit. I must admit i did not like the MP the first hours i played it. The Champaign i fell in love with at first sight but multiplayer took a while to get used to. Now after around 50 hours i love it. Why? Because im good at it. I have never been better in any shooter even tho i tried.

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