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Call of Halo - breaking down how 343 copied...


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All of the following are standard features that the COD series has been using, or not been using. Most of them have been in the games since Modern Warefare back in 2007.


Custom Loadouts

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Instant Respawn

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes



COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Individual Perks Copied

COD Slight of Hand - Halo 4 Dexterity

COD Extreme Conditioning - Halo 4 Mobility

COD Overkill - Halo 4 Firepower

COD ability to change care packages - Halo 4 Tracker


Theres probably more but I'm moving on...



Ranking System

COD - No


Halo CE - DNQ

Halo 2 - Yes

Halo 3 - Yes

Halo Reach - Yes (I'm counting Arena)

Halo 4 - No


Weapon unlocking system

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Join in progress

COD - Yes


Halo CE - DNQ

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Starting Games Uneven

COD - Yes


Halo CE - DNQ

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Kill Cam

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


No Friendly Fire

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Weapon Drops (Care Packages/Ordinance)

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


Default Sprinting

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - No

Halo 4 - Yes


XP Progression System

COD - Yes


Halo CE - No

Halo 2 - No

Halo 3 - No

Halo Reach - Yes

Halo 4 - Yes



Anyone got anything else to add? I came up with 16 direct things that Halo 4 has copied off COD. I'm sure there is more.


The more I play the game, the more I realized how bad it is. There is nothing to play for because there is no ranking sytem. There is no penalty for quiting so there are players constantly coming and going, games are constantly being started with uneven teams. This is not fun. I have like 15 Sparton Points and what am I suppossed to do with them? That was very poorly designed. Almost every game I am playing players that have played the game 2 times or even 3 times more than me. And since I did not get any special editions of the game, I can not get any of the other specializations that other players are using. So I am a level 47, and I constantly am playing against players who have special perks that I don't have any access too. That is not fair. Halo was built on being competitive and balanced with all players being equal. No one has any advatage over the other. It all comes down skill and teamwork. NOTHING ELSE. The core elements that made Halo so special are no longer present. This is Call of Halo.


Also if your going to add a killcam, at least make it worth properly. The killcam is a joke and just needs to be removed. Do they not test this stuff before they launced the game? I have not seen 1 killcam where the player who was shooting me actually shot me in the killcam. That doesn't happen in COD. The only thing that happens when I watch the kill came is get pissed off because of how awful it is. Just take it out for the love of god.


Only one thing to say to 343, and I am quoting Bill Madison.


343...I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your souls. This game did not evolve. I don't want to kee hearing that crap. This game copied of COD. Not only did they copy of COD does right, but they also coped of what COD does WRONG.

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I can think of more than 16 different way all FPS's are the same. OMG that must mean they all copied CoD!

My detective skills are superb eh? :clap:


CoD was not the first to implement all of its things so your "Halo copied CoD" does not really fit. A lot of things added as said in above post ^ were things people wanted.

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Call of Duty is a game like Halo, where you can't judge the game based off the entire series, you have to know that customizable loadouts wasn't until CoD 4, and Reach had updates for no friendly fire. Games today are evolving, not copying, the ideal of individual customization is a leading focus in modern FPS's, and CoD nor any other game has patent over a feature or ideal in their games, including Halo.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:20 PM, Saint Mudknot said:

You do realise that most of the things that were implemented into HALO from, actually other FPS, not just COD, had been requested by the larger fan base for a long time.


The ranking system is coming in the future, and has been announced by 343i. Changing an ordinance is a lot better than a care package considering your getting a selection of 3. 2 weapons and a buff to choose from. Sometimes the selection roll isnt very good.


People had been mad over leavers, asked for people to join during progress, so they did it.

People were tired of waiting long times to start a game, so they allow uneven starts, as requested.

You would be suprised at the amount of people that wanted a kill cam.


The loadout system works well. The more i play this game the more i realise at how good of a job they did.


Opinions are opinions but enough of this CoD cry baby stuff. games use good working systems from other games, as has it been since the start of time.


I didn't want any of that stuff. And neither does anyone else that I know that plays Halo.


Some people may have wanted some of that stuff in the game, but that is not why they put it in. COD is the biggest console game in the world. It dethroned Halo some time back as the king of FPS world in sales and over XBL, and it has been destoying Halo ever since. In order to compete with COD, Halo has copied. That is a fact. It's all about money, and how they think they can make the most amount of money with their game. All that stuff works for COD, it does not work for Halo. It's really about selling to the casual gamer. There are more casual gamers than hardcore gamers who want a very competitive game. By elimating a ranking system, and putting in a XP progression system with unlocks makes causal gamers happy. I'm not a casual gamer. I want a ranking system, and I want things to be on a fair playing field. So in conclusion, the reason why Halo 4 is what it is now, is because the success of COD, and because they think they can make more money by making a game that suits the casual gamer.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:38 PM, rush0024 said:

I didn't want any of that stuff. And neither does anyone else that I know that plays Halo.


Some people may have wanted some of that stuff in the game, but that is not why they put it in. COD is the biggest console game in the world. It dethroned Halo some time back as the king of FPS world in sales and over XBL, and it has been destoying Halo ever since. In order to compete with COD, Halo has copied. That is a fact. It's all about money, and how they think they can make the most amount of money with their game. All that stuff works for COD, it does not work for Halo. It's really about selling to the casual gamer. There are more casual gamers than hardcore gamers who want a very competitive game. By elimating a ranking system, and putting in a XP progression system with unlocks makes causal gamers happy. I'm not a casual gamer. I want a ranking system, and I want things to be on a fair playing field. So in conclusion, the reason why Halo 4 is what it is now, is because the success of COD, and because they think they can make more money by making a game that suits the casual gamer.

You speak blinded, for you adjust your opinions to flow with "bandwagon", when in reality you understand what you have to desecrate to yourself.
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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:41 PM, rush0024 said:

And yes I do know about the so called ranking system update. If it's not on the console then it doens't even count. I don't wamt to have to get on the PC or launch the Waypoint thing to look at ranks. So thats already a failure.

Like i said, games do not patent ideals. There is no rightful ownership for a feature or system, unless the system implies that the operation of it is ran by an engine, that of another company.
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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:41 PM, Death Rhino said:

You speak blinded, for you adjust your opinions to flow with "bandwagon", when in reality you understand what you have to desecrate to yourself.


Everything in this world is about money buddy. And how companies can make the most of it and be be the most relevant. You can keep defending this game all you want and say it's evolved and has not copied to stay competitive. What I'm saying is reality.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:41 PM, rush0024 said:

And yes I do know about the so called ranking system update. If it's not on the console then it doens't even count. I don't wamt to have to get on the PC or launch the Waypoint thing to look at ranks. So thats already a failure.


Hmmm after reading all your posts i just have something you should look into,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIX0ZDqDljA You cant always get what you want :)

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:41 PM, rush0024 said:

And yes I do know about the so called ranking system update. If it's not on the console then it doens't even count. I don't wamt to have to get on the PC or launch the Waypoint thing to look at ranks. So thats already a failure.


As much as I hate that its on waypoint it still serves its purpose and it has from day one.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:46 PM, rush0024 said:

Everything in this world is about money buddy. And how companies can make the most of it and be be the most relevant. You can keep defending this game all you want and say it's evolved and has not copied to stay competitive. What I'm saying is reality.

Reality? CoD has bad gameplay, and a realist such as myself would know this. The public body is too brainwashed by the bandwagon effect, in the way that it is not righteous.
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just because the game has alot of features as other games doesn't mean they copied them. seriously think about it if they haven't done any of that and made they're own game out of it that means they need to makeup a new way of gameplay and that would take way too long. i think the game is pretty good for the way it is its halo not cod just because it has all those same things cod does doesnt mean it stole them its a natural FPS game if they hadnt done that the game probably would of been just as bad as reach thank god they did the things they did because i don't really see big things wrong with this game i mean yeah it has its flaws but every game does they just need people like us playing it to find them inform them so they can fix it and make it even better.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:51 PM, Real Talk said:

As much as I hate that its on waypoint it still serves its purpose and it has from day one.


I'll tell you want it is. It's a lazy attempt to silence alllllllllllll the people who were complaining pre launch about no ranking system. Nothing more nothing less. It doens't fly for me.

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the spawning system in cod is terrible i own it yes its bad that game is bad all around unless your playing with your friends i can play halo by myself and have fun because im not constantly getting spawn killed like in CoD. To be honest im not sure why CoD got any good reviews cause they need to fix a lot of bull**** in that game before i continue playing it. they also lied about the nuketown 24/7 they took it down 6 days after it came out from what that looks like its false advertisement which is kinda illegal

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:53 PM, Death Rhino said:

Reality? CoD has bad gameplay, and a realist such as myself would know this. The public body is too brainwashed by the bandwagon effect, in the way that it is not righteous.


If it's bad then it would not be the best selling console game in the world. Theres no way you can justifiy saying that giving how popular and successful it is. And if it's bad then why is Halo copying off it it? Halo was it's own game. Was nothing like COD and did not need to copy of anything.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:58 PM, rush0024 said:

If it's bad then it would not be the best selling console game in the world. Theres no way you can justifiy saying that giving how popular and successful it is. And if it's bad then why is Halo copying off it it? Halo was it's own game. Was nothing like COD and did not need to copy of anything.

Um, did you not just hear me? People don't know it's bad, because they are to brainwashed by peer pressure and bandwagon to stand up for something different. This is the effect known as the Society Factor.
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  On 12/2/2012 at 11:54 PM, rush0024 said:

I'll tell you want it is. It's a lazy attempt to silence alllllllllllll the people who were complaining pre launch about no ranking system. Nothing more nothing less. It doens't fly for me.


I dont feel they withheld a ranking system for more than the fact that specializations were going to be unlocked and that the new style of multiplayer needed time to be learned before becoming competitive. I am a fan of ranks but i have no idea why its boiling your blood so badly, just play the game and have fun, do competitive playing where you can find it and enjoy a great HALO game. If you are having so many issues wit hthe game that your being childish about it, stop playing and find something else.

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  On 12/3/2012 at 12:00 AM, RedStarRocket91 said:

I did. Next argument?


Oh so you like having unbalanced gameplay and starting games uneven and having players quit and join constantly during games and having no rank to play for. Whatever.


  On 12/3/2012 at 12:00 AM, Death Rhino said:

Um, did you not just hear me? People don't know it's bad, because they are to brainwashed by peer pressure and bandwagon to stand up for something different. This is the effect known as the Society Factor.


Cool man, that s interesting theory. Now STFU.


  On 12/3/2012 at 12:04 AM, GenralChrist said:

you may of not wanted that stuff nor your friends but you and your friends are die hard CoD fans in other case your a bunch of fags halos been around forever halo got to be successful for halo


Actually your wrong. I have played COD from time to time. But I am huge fan of the previos Halo games. I used to be a die hard Halo fan. Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 are all three are among my favorite video games I've ever played. COD was not even close to being on the same level as Halo 2 and 3 was.

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  On 12/3/2012 at 12:17 AM, Saint Mudknot said:

Loadout weapons dont out balance one another, it actually just forms to your play style choice. If you dont like how the game works just make a custom game mod for you and your friends and play classic HALO style


Never clamied that they did. What does make the game unbalanced is the following...

1. Perks

2. Special abilities that are not available to all players (Spercializations)

3. The so called matchmaking system that makes players play against other players that have played the game 3 times as much that have a way higher XP level.

4. Starting games uneven, having games finish uneven because players quitting to due no penalty. I rarley have a party of four or more so this is the case alot epecially if we are losing later in the games.

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None of these arguments stand up. You do realize that Call of Duty wasn't the first to implement these things? Also, almost every game is now implementing these systems. Could you imagine if the Halo franchise just stayed on the same path? It would become obsolete so fast that it would make your head spin.


Starting game uneven is a part of the JIP system which is how every game should be. Bungie tried to eliminate the quitting mid game but it didn't work one bit.


As far as default sprinting, almost everyone used sprint in Reach and 343 saw this and decided that, hey, maybe we should just give it to everyone.


And there IS a skill ranking system in Halo 4.


Ultimately, Halo still plays like Halo, and that's the best part.

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  On 12/3/2012 at 12:24 AM, rush0024 said:

Never clamied that they did. What does make the game unbalanced is the following...

1. Perks

2. Special abilities that are not available to all players (Spercializations)

3. The so called matchmaking system that makes players play against other players that have played the game 3 times as much that have a way higher XP level.

4. Starting games uneven, having games finish uneven because players quitting to due no penalty. I rarley have a party of four or more so this is the case alot epecially if we are losing later in the games.


Not claiming that COD invented anything. But your argument on that point doesnt discredit that FACT that Halo has copied off COD. Weather they were all COD's ideas or not it doesn't change anything. I understand that games copy off one another. But Halo wasn't some no name unsucessful game that needed a bunch of changes to compete. Halo was it's own game and was extrmelely successful in it's own way. It needed to keep the core structure that made the earlier games so special. They did not do this. Not saying they should have just keep everything the same and not changed anything. There are plenty of ways to evolve the game and to add to features to keep the game fresh but to also keep the structure in place.


And where is this skill ranking system in Halo 4 your talking about? Halo 4 has a progression XP system. Which means you earn XP no matter what. You never lose XP. It's not a ranking system man.

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  On 12/3/2012 at 12:34 AM, rush0024 said:

Halo was it's own game and was extrmelely successful in it's own way.


It was, but Reach wasn't very well regarded (at least as far as Matchmaking is concerned) because the systems were getting slightly archaic and the game needed to adapt. Which it did. It's a testament to how well 343 did that they can implement these systems and still make Halo feel like Halo.

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