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Ranks or SR ?


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okay now would you rather it be Ranks like of Halo reach e.c.t like Commander which actually shows your rank or would you have SR so like SR42 , i dont know which one i like most because the ranks made people look good and show talent but i dont know what the SR shows about a person , can anybody help me make my mind up ?

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1 - 50 from Halo 2 (the only ranking system that made sense).

Or, playlist specific K/D ratios. Right now this is a rough gauge I use when i play online. A simple 3 digit number would tell alot about the player (0.00)

If you really want to get competitive how about win % again specific to gametype.


I have a sneaking, and very sad, feeling that the delay in implementing ANY system is as a result of the new ability to join mid-game. I cannot see an system working with such a handicap.

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I don't really care, both just show that you've played alot rather than how good you are.


That doesn't bother me, but I also don't care if people can see how much I've played or if I can see how much they've played.


I think most people have never understood any of the ranking systems, how they function, what they mean, and what they're supposed to mean. Even once people had Trueskill explained to them they still all thought they should be 50. It's exhausting.


I didn't even care when they made the switch from visible trueskill to invisible in Reach. I didn't like how Bungie redefined victory so the Trueskill system got corrupted, but I understood why they made it invisible.


So far I think the system works fine. The SR rank just shows what you've unlocked and how much you've played, and Trueskill gets to do its job behind the scenes so I don't have to listen to everyone say how they're "actually as good as [insert level between 45-50], but [unnecessary excuse]."


It's like one of those tests where you ask normal people questions that should have common-knowledge answers and you find out that most people are so depressingly clueless you don't even want to read all of their answers after the first few.


On another forum we were discussing hurricane Sandy before it hit the U.S., and one guy asked if California was at risk. Sometimes people don't deserve to know.

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I never played Halo 2 and barley played Halo 3. From what i understand the ranking in those games was based on skill not time played. What i don't understand is how the game knew how good you were? Was is based on statistic? I usually do ok in games. Win/loss maybe 50/50 and 1:1 KD. Could be better kd but some games i just want to fool around and team kill an such. What would my rank be in this skill based 0-50 system?

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  On 12/3/2012 at 10:21 PM, TRF BaDInTentZs said:

1-50 or nothing



  On 12/4/2012 at 12:11 PM, Cpt Picardo said:

I never played Halo 2 and barley played Halo 3. From what i understand the ranking in those games was based on skill not time played. What i don't understand is how the game knew how good you were? Was is based on statistic? I usually do ok in games. Win/loss maybe 50/50 and 1:1 KD. Could be better kd but some games i just want to fool around and team kill an such. What would my rank be in this skill based 0-50 system?


That al depends on how many games you keep winning.

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  On 12/4/2012 at 12:11 PM, Cpt Picardo said:

I never played Halo 2 and barley played Halo 3. From what i understand the ranking in those games was based on skill not time played. What i don't understand is how the game knew how good you were? Was is based on statistic? I usually do ok in games. Win/loss maybe 50/50 and 1:1 KD. Could be better kd but some games i just want to fool around and team kill an such. What would my rank be in this skill based 0-50 system?


I can't tell you how Halo 2's system worked, I never played it online enough to even know there were ranked playlists.


Halo 3 let you see your trueskill rating, which is based on two things: Winning and consistency. I don't know what your Trueskill rank is, I DO know that I hope your rank isn't anywhere near mine because I don't feel like getting betrayed just because you're bored. I'm pretty sure Trueskill is still active in all Xbox Live competitive multiplayer titles, just hidden from the player in most. I can't be sure about a game like BF3 where there are dedicated servers and they play a big part in deciding with whome you play.


With very few exceptions, Trueskill works as long as people aren't directly interfering with it. People don't like to admit it when Trueskill says they're far from the best, but generally you are as good as it says you are because the best players win consistently. Winning is the objective in Halo 3 and Halo 4, and consistency is the difference between a good player and an average player. Everyone has good games where things just seem to go their way, but not consistently.

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Nothing will top the ranking system that Halo 2 provided. Seeing a level 45 knowing it was going to be a great game or an ass whooping lol. The SR isn't so bad so long as it is used to unlock armor, weapons, etc. But there needs to be a ranked playlist at least!!! I'm tired of getting matched up with a SR 80 and I'm SR 40.. and I destroy them. I want to know that I'm playing against a player who has actually worked hard for the rank, not just had it given to them for how long you play video games. and how fat you can get from eating doritos and drinking mountain dew for double xp

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  On 12/4/2012 at 3:42 AM, LiQuid BioniX said:

I enjoy both the SR system AND the 1-50 system. I can see having them both pretty easily.

Yeah, the SR system is ok. Shows how much time you've put into the game. They just need to make certain that they have both social AND ranked play lists.

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1-50 or nothing. the SR/cR progression system is garbage and shows nothing. all it shows is that you played alot of games and quite possibly lost alot also, but you still get points awarded, which is stupid?? why would you get rewarded for losing? having a high rank in h2 or h3 typically meant something, as in you were usually very good at the game and WON games and earned your rank. sure sometimes in h3 you had a boosted or bought account but more often than not when you seen a high 40-50 ranked person, it's someone who was good at the game.

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  On 12/4/2012 at 10:54 PM, TonyY said:

1-50 or nothing. the SR/cR progression system is garbage and shows nothing. all it shows is that you played alot of games and quite possibly lost alot also, but you still get points awarded, which is stupid?? why would you get rewarded for losing? having a high rank in h2 or h3 typically meant something, as in you were usually very good at the game and WON games and earned your rank. sure sometimes in h3 you had a boosted or bought account but more often than not when you seen a high 40-50 ranked person, it's someone who was good at the game.

Quoted for Great Justice!
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SR rank is dumb, all it shows is how much the person has played nothing more or less. Ranks is whats made halo so interesting and competitive from the start of live and it gave the player something to play for instead of playing pointless match after another where most people don't care if they win or lose.

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  On 12/3/2012 at 10:11 PM, vStealthYx said:

i dont know which one i like most because the ranks made people look good and show talent but i dont know what the SR shows about a person , can anybody help me make my mind up ?


Halo Reach ranks NEVER showed how good someone looked or showed their talent, it merely showed how much they played. Unless you are talking about Arena ranks which were a godawful way of translating skill.

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i mean that i only liked the reach ranks because it actually resembled real life army / navy ranks like commander and captain and that added a good feeling when you ranked up seeing all the captains and your a Commander and it adds a good picture to look at rather than just seeing SR33 ect and personally i prefered the reach rank names but the HALO 4 ranking system if ya get my drift

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