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Seeking Competitive / Community Players - We are Sponsored.

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Hello, my name is Sean and i am the co-owner/founder of Lead with Valor a professional eSports organization we are seeking players for the halo 4 division and i am the leader of it. If you belive you have what it takes to become one of us with the following things that we are looking for below please respond and add me on xbox my gamertag is hi5 ipwn please send me a message saying something like i saw your post on the 343 site or something but we are sponsored once again we do give league fees to the teams we had but we are regrouping as we just got a new website u can also email me on the website at www.Valor-Gaming.org by going to contact is and finding Sean " SEANIMAL " P and sending me an app in. Once again if u have the following things we are looking for below to be apart please copy the following questions below and paste it and answer questions to reply to this topic.


1) Age (16+)

2) Are you mature

3) Mic (NO kinect mic unless your gonna buy one soon)

4) Have you played in any leagues/tournaments (if so please tell me what leauges and or tournaments)

5) Timezone (East,central,west)

6) How long can you play and what days do u play (Example like say weekends then be like anytime or give an range if your not on your not on u have a life)

7) Gamertag (Whats your gamertag if we accept your app)

8) Contact ( u can put email/gamertag or whatever u want if u want a phone we can text you just say phone)

9) What other games do u play or do u play mostly halo 4 ( please type just halo 4 or halo 4 and others)

10) Do u rage alot ( yes or no give a reason if yes - we all rage once in our life so just one)


Please copy and paste the following 10 questions and please answer them truthfully.


Sean "[sEANIMAL] / hi5 ipwn" P SEANIMAL is my pc gaming.

Lead with Valor : www.Valor-Gaming.org

CS | CSS | CS:GO | TF2 | LoL | Xbox | Etc |

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Hi man, I'm interested in joining this clan. Looking forward into playing with you guys.


1) I'm 19

2) Yes, I'm mature.

3) Yes, I have a well working mic.

4) I played in a tournament in my local game store.

5) I can play everyday, just hit me up if you guys want to play.

6) My gamertag is I PnOy JoShUa I

I play Halo 4, Battlefield, COD, Crysis, etc.

I don't usually rage. Probably once in a blue moon when my teammate does something stupid.

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