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Most overpowered AI in the campaign


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If anyone has played the mission Forerunner on Legendary you will know that when you come through the cave systems and have to destroy the 3 balls of energy (sorry for not knowing the technical term for what they are) there are a few AI that are in banshees. I am convinced they are the most overpowered AI in the entire campaign, for me beating them was the hardest part of the entire campaign. I am not complaining about it being "too difficult" or anything like that, its just a funny moment I hope others can relate too. Sure you can try to EMP them with the plasma pistol, but they just shoot you with the fuel rod cannon and spin away and by the time you run over to board/sticky the banshee they are already back in the sky. Anyone else remember this part? Haha it gave me so much trouble.

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Yeah this part sucked on ledgendary. I tryed a bunch of different strategies but if your refering to the part where the elite runs to the banshee, you can assasinate him pretty quickly and then boost straight up into the sky with the banshee, doing hit and runs on the the crap ton of stuff down there and other banshees. when your banshee gets messed up there is another one on a hill thank god. The main problem I had here was dealing with everything else like the ghosts trying to kill me while I was fixated on countering the other banshees. The other areas with banshees are not nearly as bad.

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Actually I found that part to be fairly easy. There is a huge chunk of cover straight out of the door that you can make it too on a ghost. Strafe the trash mobs out from the first "sphere" and then go melee it. Run back to your cover and take your ghost to the back side of the second one and wipe them out. Then there is cover between the second and third "spheres" on the far wall. Head to that and you can pick off the trash mobs at #3. Pop that one and then just go back to the cover you were just in and walk back to "sphere" #2 then from there head up. The only part the Banshees played in my legendary solo on this one was going up the central tower and even then I just rushed it. No sense in waiting around for them.


Wipe out the Elite in your way, jump up the stairs and sprint across the bridge.


But thats just me.

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Yeah that was single handedly the hardest thing in ledgendary.


There is a rock formation next to the farthest side turret that you can take cover in without getting hit by pulse grenades. If it wasn't for that spot I might not have been able to complete the level with the Mythic skull on.


You have to very carefully use the rail guns to maximum effectiveness in getting the Knights shields down, and you can even turret the first one if your fast. Killing all crawlers with extreme speed and accuracy is a must here too as they will rush you and generally screw with you while you're trying to kill the knights/watchers.

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I did that bit first time, going mobile with the turrets when it got tight. Although it was more fluke. There were several moments where I probably should have died.


I agree with the OP, I died loads in the banshee and used the ghost to take the other banshees and a few grunts out first. Then I got in and flew and flew and flew and flew and flew and flew and flew and flew

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