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do you think the needler is over powerd? (related to HALO 4)


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Hi i play custome games/match makeing alot and ive relized that the needler is way over powerd my brother can kill me with it in al least 0.8 seconds and other friends do the same and it also tracks on players. This would be fine if the needler was hard or if it had less ammo but it is easy to get and has tons of amo! So what do you guys think of the needler being over powerd??

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I think the Needler is very good and definitely new player friendly but I really don't think it is over-powered for a 'power' weapon. It kills quickly and aim isn't critical but in return it has a short range, does little damage if it doesn't kill and if your target is aware and/or smart killing them is much harder and the ammo is limited.


If I see a Needler I'll pick it up but I expect as rankings come in it will become less useful. The Needler will consistently get me a couple of kills, which is enough for my ability level but better players are going to have higher criteria.

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It's only overpowered when I'm not the one using it - for some reason, whenever I use the Needler it doesn't track properly. It's probably due to my weak connection, but still.


I think it's actually balanced okay, most of the time people are going to be using around one full magazine per kill, and even a really skilled players is unlikely to average two kills per reload: at best, you're likely to get perhaps five kills with it before ammunition runs out. Compare that with a Shotgun, which has the potential to kill fifteen opponents or more, or a Rocket Launcher, which can not only wipe out entire teams with a single well-aimed blast but can also wreck vehicles, or even a Railgun, which can wipe someone out with a single shot from halfway across the map.


Compared to that, the Needler is pretty tame!

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