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The Bolt Shot envokes the same feelings of frustation as Armor Lock.

Chris Hansen

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Update, after using the weapon for a couple of days. I still think that it's range is too good on the charge shot. Its fun to use but I don't think you should have a shotgun type weapon off the spawn.


Oh well, if you can't beat em join em.


Also I found that if I stop running into the range of it it's not as bad, but it's an instinct that's hard to counter as I have always been a very gung-** player in halo.

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Well I guess I'll put my two cents in here.


I don't use the boltshot very often, and have only gotten a few kills with it. I've only died from it a few times as well. So for me, it's just one of those weapons that people will use for a while until they realize that if they keep using it their k/d is going to become laughable. I already toss a random grenade around most corners because of shotgun campers in previous Halo games. I don't know why people don't do that instead of constantly get pwnd by the corner campers.


As for it being as annoying as Armor Lock, not even close. AL was the cheapest, crappiest, most annoying thing ever to be added to a game. EVER to be added to a game. Just for the lulz, let's do a bit of comparing here.


Annoying things about the boltshot:

1. Can be used as a mini-shotgun.

2. Has about the same range as a normal shotgun, if not a longer range.

3. Is OP with Promethean vision.


Annoying things about Armor Lock:

1. Slows down gameplay.

2. Makes splatter vehicles almost useless.

3. Can be used offensively (i.e. you can get kills with it. No really, you can.)

4. Sometimes glitches and gives a player about a second more invincibility than they should have had. (the frosting effect)

5. Repels stuck plasma grenades.

6. Cannot be shot through, even with the most powerful weapons in the game.

7. Repels rockets (as in actually changes the direction they go in).

8. Has an EMP, so if you (or your vehicle) are too close when it's released your shields are gone (and your vehicle is disabled).

9. There are a ton of players who use it to "delay the inevitable".

10. It's one of the most broken components ever added to a video game (seriously, portable invincibility that you can activate at any time? Come on.)


So yeah, even if you take out the numbers that are strictly in my own opinion, AL is still more annoying than the boltshot. Statistically, that is.

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Oh yeah, I am in no way saying that the bolt shot is as bad as armor lock. Im just saying that when I get killed by it, the only thing I can harkon to in another halo thats similar is getting screwed in an armor lock encounter.


Although in Halo Reach when I used armor lock I actually felt dirty using it. Like I was cheating, it doesn't feel like that when I use the bolt shot.

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  On 12/5/2012 at 9:22 PM, snqrls said:

Uhuh. yeah, well, it's a wrong way to look at it then. The only way it counters camping is by making camping all the more feasable, and even then, rare power weapons shouldn't be so powerless against even a primary. It defeats the point of having one.


There really is no excuse, when it's only ballanced for btb.


Really? >.> I guess you didn't read any of my post, or any other post I've ever had. That's not how I look at it, that's simply a way that it CAN be looked at. You know, like when they implemented the Boltshot into matchmaking. You don't have to basically say I'm stupid because I brought up a suggestion.

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