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Can you hum the halo 4 main theme?

Chris Hansen

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Can you even tell me what it is? Neither can I.


I loved the campaign, but this new music is seriously bad. It's not memorable. It doesn't sound like halo.


343i has access to the old music, you hear hints of it in halo 4, the ending credits, the intro scene, the part where chief is passing over one of the Installation Halos.


I can go listen to the sound track of halo 2, and I get lost, I cry nolstalgic tears. I can replay the ENTIRE campaign by listening to the music.


I don't even remember music in halo 4's campaign. Please, please!!! Bring back the music we know and love. Do what they did in halo 3 and remix/create new awesome versions of classic tracks.


I could start linking music from previous halos, but it's honestly too much to mention.



The music on the level high charity where you're running through the Convenant holy city, the gutteral and awesome bass line while dodging jackal snipers in New Mombassa (new mombassa suite). The flood attacking for the first time in halo 1 (Demons! Monsters!), getting the tank on delta halo in halo 2(heretic,hero). SUCH Memorable music backing up the gameplay. The highs and lows that would sync up when you killed a group of enemies, the flow of the music.



Halo 4 has none of this. And that was less then a fraction of the examples I have in my head. The previous halo music had momentum to it. You could rock out to it. It could inspire you to go great epic things in the face of Legdendary.


My rant is over, and it might be nolstalgia fueled, but even listening to the sound track of halo 4 and previous halos it's just no contest. Just no contest.

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I like the Halo 4 intro music, don't remember any more of it though. But it is an appropriate change as the original music doesn't seem to fit into Halo 4, it isn't as triumphant or joyful as the other three games.


All Halo themes are better than Halo 2's guitar one, that was pretty horrible.

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I dont think there IS a main theme actually.


But i believe the new musical direction is both brave and incredibly effective. I think this is the first halo game in a long time to really achieve depth of atmosphere which the first two games had a good deal of.


I think its much more modern and intelligent than a lot of the previous games music. Dont get me wrong i will always love those scores and the main theme is unbeatable. But continuing to recycle the original tunes would be a terrible idea. Halo 4s music is right for halo4 and right for 2012.


On the other hand i do agree it really needed that bombastic and inspiring clout the old themes have, in a few moments of the game. Perfect example, in the final encounters as you fight your way to the didact i was desperately hunting for a volume setting to turn up. Even when this soundtrack DID go for old fashioned orchestral epic, it was still understated.


Short version, its great and well suited but maybe a little more BOOM next time at the big moments

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Yes, O'Donnel is the best so far, but even this music is not that bad.


You know what the problem is? Volume. It's almost a whisper when the Didact's vessel goes into slip-space, when it should be the loudest track of the game. It's really sad when you hear a beautiful music playing, but you CAN'T hear it.

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Yes, O'Donnel is the best so far, but even this music is not that bad.


You know what the problem is? Volume. It's almost a whisper when the Didact's vessel goes into slip-space, when it should be the loudest track of the game. It's really sad when you hear a beautiful music playing, but you CAN'T hear it.


Yes! I spent half an hour trying to find the volume setting for music\fx\voice, and there is no such a thing. Why?


Generally, I don't like sound in Halo 4. Thats ugly. Some music tracks are nice, like Galaxy and 117 for example. But they are not Halo anymore. They said, that they try to keep the old style, but push it forwars, so, guys, you pushed WAY TOO FAR. You lost something important from that music. And not only music! The whole sound. It was much more attractive in Halo 1-3, it was 50% of the game. Just try to watch O'Donnell's making of videos. He is in the game creation process always, he leads all sound of Halo 1-3. But now? I feel like the new composer just... Got the final halo, and made a music for it... Like for any other franchise. Competely new, and... average?


Lets take Halo ODST and Halo Reach. Music is different, more mature, dark. Just what they wanted. But thats still Halo! Get O'Donnell back, guys... Or try to make more respect to Halo music.


So, about sound something more. O'Donnell directed dialogues, voices and sounds, as well as ingame sound mixing engine. That is completely lost. Volume mixing is horrible, i really cant hear any music there. Warthog sound is way too loud and sharp, I cant hear Cortana's voice. And so on.


As for the dialogs, just one example, which ruined the moment for me. One of the signature Cortana's words: "Dont make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it". They ruined the musical rhytm in this frase, by shortening it into the horrible "Don't make a girl a promise, if you can't keep it". Just try to say first, then second one a couple of times. Which one sounds more natural? More flawless? Which one's sound flow is more natural? The original one.


They just don't think about sound as much as Bungie and O'Donnell did. Thats bad. I hope they will make more attention to it in the next halo games.


As the original author of this thread said - the FLOW. Yes, the flow. Not only the music flow. The whole sound flow is ruined.


I hope they read this... God, please make 343i read this thread.


But, well, actually there are some memorable themes from new Halo. 117, Galaxy, Revival and Green and Blue. 117, I think, is the main theme. Taaaa daaaa tadadadadaaaa xD But the whole sound of halo 4 music is really average, just like in the other movies and games... No unique sounds, even... God, even some obvious rip-offs from Avatar (117 3:00-3:15), Diablo (Revival?), Medal of Honor (117 beginning), Crysis 2 (Immaterial) and Star Wars. Guys, hello, we DO remember those!


Halo music was unique. Now it is not. Just another OST from another game.

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Halo was the best in the business for it's soundtrack. The music was as integral a part to the Halo experience as any of the characters.


I believe Halo 4's music fits the game, and I agree with WonderWombat that the traditional Halo music wouldn't give the right impression, but it's still incredibly generic and essentially forgotten about. A shame, really.

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